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Test Coverage
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP

exports[`apiThunk() failed networkRequest responses dispatches the *__START and *__ERROR actions 1`] = `
Array [
  Array [
    Object {
      "meta": undefined,
      "type": "FETCH__foo__START",
  Array [
    Object {
      "errors": Object {
        "status": 500,
        "statusText": "Internal server error",
      "meta": undefined,
      "type": "FETCH__foo__FAILURE",

exports[`apiThunk() failed networkRequest responses dispatches the actions with meta attributes 1`] = `
Array [
  Array [
    Object {
      "meta": Object {
        "referenceId": "123",
      "type": "FETCH__foo__START",
  Array [
    Object {
      "errors": Object {
        "status": 500,
        "statusText": "Internal server error",
      "meta": Object {
        "referenceId": "123",
      "type": "FETCH__foo__FAILURE",

exports[`apiThunk() successful networkRequest responses dispatches the *__START and *__SUCCESS actions 1`] = `
Array [
  Array [
    Object {
      "meta": undefined,
      "type": "FETCH__foo__START",
  Array [
    Object {
      "meta": undefined,
      "payload": Object {
        "id": "123",
        "name": "foo",
      "type": "FETCH__foo__SUCCESS",

exports[`apiThunk() successful networkRequest responses dispatches the actions with meta attributes 1`] = `
Array [
  Array [
    Object {
      "meta": Object {
        "referenceId": "123",
      "type": "FETCH__foo__START",
  Array [
    Object {
      "meta": Object {
        "referenceId": "123",
      "payload": Object {
        "id": "123",
        "name": "foo",
      "type": "FETCH__foo__SUCCESS",