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Use `monorepo` style for management some `npm` package。

## Libs

Versions less than ` 1 ` are internal beta versions, please use with caution

### Elements

| Package                  | Description       | Version                                                                                                                              | Scale                                                                                                                                                                   |                                    |
| ------------------------ | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| `@aiao/elements`         | web component     | [![npm](](                 | [![bundlephobia](](                 | [Details](./libs/elements)         |
| `@aiao/elements-angular` | angular version   | [![npm](]( | [![bundlephobia](]( | [Details](./libs/elements-angular) |
| `@aiao/elements-react`   | react version     | [![npm](](     | [![bundlephobia](](     | [Details](./libs/elements-react)   |
| `@aiao/elements-cdk`     | component Dev Kit | [![npm](](         | [![bundlephobia](](         | [Detail](./libs/elements-cdk)      |

### Angular

| Package                 | Description                                   | Version                                                                                                                            | Scale                                                                                                                                                                 |                                   |
| ----------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| `@aiao/lazy-module`     | lazy load `angular module`                    | [![npm](](         | [![bundlephobia](](         | [Details](./libs/lazy-module)     |
| `@aiao/lazy-element`    | lazy load `angular element`                   | [![npm](](       | [![bundlephobia](](       | [Details](./libs/lazy-element)    |
| `@aiao/lazy-component`  | lazy load any `module`'s `component`          | [![npm](](   | [![bundlephobia](](   | [Details](./libs/lazy-component)  |
| `@aiao/stencil-toolkit` | `stencil` toolkit from angular , support `nx` | [![npm](]( | [![bundlephobia](]( | [Details](./libs/stencil-toolkit) |

### utils

| Package               | Description                            | Version                                                                                                                        | Scale                                                                                                                                                             |                                 |
| --------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| `@aiao/color`         | color tool                             | [![npm](](                 | [![bundlephobia](](                 | [Details](./libs/color)         |
| `@aiao/util`          | utils                                  | [![npm](](                   | [![bundlephobia](](                   | [Details](./libs/util)          |
| `@aiao/image-storage` | online image address generator         | [![npm](]( | [![bundlephobia](]( | [Details](./libs/image-storage) |
| `@aiao/typeorm-plus`  | make typeorm support sequelize queries | [![npm](](   | [![bundlephobia](](   | [Details](./libs/typeorm-plus)  |

## Project Structure

The structure mostly follows the [ Nx ]( rule

- `apps` application directory
- `libs` directory of libraries
- `tools` utils

## Install

- ` cypress ` download is slow, please download and configure environment variables manually before installation ` CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY = 0 ` skip download, [ more installation methods ](cypress-install-zh-cn)
- Please use ` yarn ` as the default installation method for this project. And force ` registry ` to be configured as the default. If you download too slowly, you can delete the `.yarnrc ` and `.npmrc ` files to speed up the installation.


## Build Project

### Build All Libs

yarn build:libs

### Build ` util ` library separately

ng build util

## Unit Tests

> Some libraries require database support, please start by yourself

### Test All Libs

yarn test

### Test `util` Lib

ng test util

## Contribute

Welcome all of you to contribute code, please check the [ Contribution Guide ](

## License MIT

[![FOSSA Status](](

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