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Test Coverage
  "$schema": "",
  "cli": "nx",
  "$id": "AiaoTsupLibary",
  "title": "Create a Library for Nx",
  "type": "object",
  "examples": [
      "command": "g lib mylib --directory=myapp",
      "description": "Generate libs/myapp/mylib"
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Library name",
      "$default": {
        "$source": "argv",
        "index": 0
      "x-prompt": "What name would you like to use for the library?"
    "directory": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "A directory where the lib is placed",
      "alias": "dir"
    "simpleModuleName": {
      "description": "Keep the module name simple (when using --directory)",
      "type": "boolean",
      "default": false
    "linter": {
      "description": "The tool to use for running lint checks.",
      "type": "string",
      "enum": ["eslint", "tslint"],
      "default": "eslint"
    "unitTestRunner": {
      "type": "string",
      "enum": ["jest", "none"],
      "description": "Test runner to use for unit tests",
      "default": "jest"
    "tags": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Add tags to the library (used for linting)",
      "alias": "t"
    "skipFormat": {
      "description": "Skip formatting files",
      "type": "boolean",
      "default": false
    "skipTsConfig": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "default": false,
      "description": "Do not update tsconfig.base.json for development experience."
    "publishable": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "description": "Create a publishable library."
    "buildable": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "default": false,
      "description": "Generate a buildable library."
    "importPath": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "The library name used to import it, like @myorg/my-awesome-lib. Must be a valid npm name."
    "rootDir": {
      "type": "string",
      "alias": "srcRootForCompilationRoot",
      "description": "Sets the rootDir for TypeScript compilation. When not defined, it uses the project's root property, or srcRootForCompilationRoot if it is defined."
    "testEnvironment": {
      "type": "string",
      "enum": ["jsdom", "node"],
      "description": "The test environment to use if unitTestRunner is set to jest",
      "default": "jsdom"
    "babelJest": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "description": "Use babel instead ts-jest",
      "default": false
    "pascalCaseFiles": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "description": "Use pascal case file names.",
      "alias": "P",
      "default": false
    "js": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "description": "Generate JavaScript files rather than TypeScript files.",
      "default": false
    "strict": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "description": "Whether to enable tsconfig strict mode or not.",
      "default": false
    "standaloneConfig": {
      "description": "Split the project configuration into <projectRoot>/project.json rather than including it inside workspace.json",
      "type": "boolean"
    "setParserOptionsProject": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "description": "Whether or not to configure the ESLint \"parserOptions.project\" option. We do not do this by default for lint performance reasons.",
      "default": false
  "required": ["name"]