* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import { t, validateMapboxStylesUrl } from '@superset-ui/core';
import {
} from '@superset-ui/chart-controls';
const columnsConfig = sharedControls.entity;
const colorChoices = [
['rgb(0, 139, 139)', t('Dark Cyan')],
['rgb(128, 0, 128)', t('Purple')],
['rgb(255, 215, 0)', t('Gold')],
['rgb(69, 69, 69)', t('Dim Gray')],
['rgb(220, 20, 60)', t('Crimson')],
['rgb(34, 139, 34)', t('Forest Green')],
const config: ControlPanelConfig = {
controlPanelSections: [
label: t('Query'),
expanded: true,
controlSetRows: [
name: 'all_columns_x',
config: {
label: t('Longitude'),
description: t('Column containing longitude data'),
name: 'all_columns_y',
config: {
label: t('Latitude'),
description: t('Column containing latitude data'),
name: 'clustering_radius',
config: {
type: 'SelectControl',
freeForm: true,
label: t('Clustering Radius'),
default: '60',
choices: formatSelectOptions([
description: t(
'The radius (in pixels) the algorithm uses to define a cluster. ' +
'Choose 0 to turn off clustering, but beware that a large ' +
'number of points (>1000) will cause lag.',
label: t('Points'),
controlSetRows: [
name: 'point_radius',
config: {
type: 'SelectControl',
label: t('Point Radius'),
default: 'Auto',
description: t(
'The radius of individual points (ones that are not in a cluster). ' +
'Either a numerical column or `Auto`, which scales the point based ' +
'on the largest cluster',
mapStateToProps: state => {
const datasourceChoices = columnChoices(state.datasource);
const choices: [string, string][] = [['Auto', t('Auto')]];
return {
choices: choices.concat(datasourceChoices),
name: 'point_radius_unit',
config: {
type: 'SelectControl',
label: t('Point Radius Unit'),
default: 'Pixels',
choices: [
['Pixels', t('Pixels')],
['Miles', t('Miles')],
['Kilometers', t('Kilometers')],
description: t(
'The unit of measure for the specified point radius',
label: t('Labelling'),
controlSetRows: [
name: 'mapbox_label',
config: {
type: 'SelectControl',
multi: true,
label: t('label'),
default: [],
description: t(
'`count` is COUNT(*) if a group by is used. ' +
'Numerical columns will be aggregated with the aggregator. ' +
'Non-numerical columns will be used to label points. ' +
'Leave empty to get a count of points in each cluster.',
mapStateToProps: state => ({
choices: columnChoices(state.datasource),
name: 'pandas_aggfunc',
config: {
type: 'SelectControl',
label: t('Cluster label aggregator'),
clearable: false,
choices: [
['sum', t('sum')],
['mean', t('mean')],
['min', t('min')],
['max', t('max')],
['std', t('std')],
['var', t('var')],
default: 'sum',
description: t(
'Aggregate function applied to the list of points ' +
'in each cluster to produce the cluster label.',
label: t('Visual Tweaks'),
controlSetRows: [
name: 'render_while_dragging',
config: {
type: 'CheckboxControl',
label: t('Live render'),
default: true,
description: t(
'Points and clusters will update as the viewport is being changed',
name: 'mapbox_style',
config: {
type: 'SelectControl',
label: t('Map Style'),
clearable: false,
renderTrigger: true,
freeForm: true,
validators: [validateMapboxStylesUrl],
choices: [
['mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9', t('Streets')],
['mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9', t('Dark')],
['mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9', t('Light')],
t('Satellite Streets'),
['mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-v9', t('Satellite')],
['mapbox://styles/mapbox/outdoors-v9', t('Outdoors')],
default: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9',
description: t(
'Base layer map style. See Mapbox documentation: %s',
name: 'global_opacity',
config: {
type: 'TextControl',
label: t('Opacity'),
default: 1,
isFloat: true,
description: t(
'Opacity of all clusters, points, and labels. Between 0 and 1.',
name: 'mapbox_color',
config: {
type: 'SelectControl',
freeForm: true,
label: t('RGB Color'),
default: colorChoices[0][0],
choices: colorChoices,
description: t('The color for points and clusters in RGB'),
label: t('Viewport'),
expanded: true,
controlSetRows: [
name: 'viewport_longitude',
config: {
type: 'TextControl',
label: t('Default longitude'),
renderTrigger: true,
default: -122.405293,
isFloat: true,
description: t('Longitude of default viewport'),
places: 8,
// Viewport longitude changes shouldn't prompt user to re-run query
dontRefreshOnChange: true,
name: 'viewport_latitude',
config: {
type: 'TextControl',
label: t('Default latitude'),
renderTrigger: true,
default: 37.772123,
isFloat: true,
description: t('Latitude of default viewport'),
places: 8,
// Viewport latitude changes shouldn't prompt user to re-run query
dontRefreshOnChange: true,
name: 'viewport_zoom',
config: {
type: 'TextControl',
label: t('Zoom'),
renderTrigger: true,
isFloat: true,
default: 11,
description: t('Zoom level of the map'),
places: 8,
// Viewport zoom shouldn't prompt user to re-run query
dontRefreshOnChange: true,
controlOverrides: {
groupby: {
description: t(
'One or many controls to group by. If grouping, latitude ' +
'and longitude columns must be present.',
formDataOverrides: formData => ({
groupby: getStandardizedControls().popAllColumns(),
export default config;