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Test Coverage
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# under the License.
"""Utility functions used across Superset"""

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
from __future__ import annotations

import _thread
import collections
import errno
import logging
import os
import platform
import re
import signal
import smtplib
import sqlite3
import ssl
import tempfile
import threading
import traceback
import uuid
import zlib
from import Iterable, Iterator, Sequence
from contextlib import closing, contextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import timedelta
from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication
from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.utils import formatdate
from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from io import BytesIO
from timeit import default_timer
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Callable, cast, NamedTuple, TYPE_CHECKING, TypedDict, TypeVar
from urllib.parse import unquote_plus
from zipfile import ZipFile

import markdown as md
import nh3
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy as sa
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.x509 import Certificate, load_pem_x509_certificate
from flask import current_app, g, request
from flask_appbuilder import SQLA
from import User
from flask_babel import gettext as __
from markupsafe import Markup
from pandas.api.types import infer_dtype
from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_numeric_dtype
from sqlalchemy import event, exc, inspect, select, Text
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import LONGTEXT, MEDIUMTEXT
from sqlalchemy.engine import Connection, Engine
from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector
from sqlalchemy.sql.type_api import Variant
from sqlalchemy.types import TypeEngine
from typing_extensions import TypeGuard

from superset.constants import (
from superset.errors import ErrorLevel, SupersetErrorType
from superset.exceptions import (
from superset.sql_parse import sanitize_clause
from superset.superset_typing import (
from superset.utils.backports import StrEnum
from superset.utils.database import get_example_database
from superset.utils.date_parser import parse_human_timedelta
from superset.utils.hashing import md5_sha_from_dict, md5_sha_from_str

    from superset.connectors.sqla.models import BaseDatasource, TableColumn
    from superset.models.sql_lab import Query

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DTTM_ALIAS = "__timestamp"


JS_MAX_INTEGER = 9007199254740991  # Largest int Java Script can handle 2^53-1

InputType = TypeVar("InputType")  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

ADHOC_FILTERS_REGEX = re.compile("^adhoc_filters")

class AdhocMetricExpressionType(StrEnum):
    SQL = "SQL"

class AnnotationType(StrEnum):

class GenericDataType(IntEnum):
    Generic database column type that fits both frontend and backend.

    NUMERIC = 0
    STRING = 1
    TEMPORAL = 2
    BOOLEAN = 3
    # ARRAY = 4     # Mapping all the complex data types to STRING for now
    # JSON = 5      # and leaving these as a reminder.
    # MAP = 6
    # ROW = 7

class DatasourceType(StrEnum):
    TABLE = "table"
    DATASET = "dataset"
    QUERY = "query"
    SAVEDQUERY = "saved_query"
    VIEW = "view"

class LoggerLevel(StrEnum):
    INFO = "info"
    WARNING = "warning"
    EXCEPTION = "exception"

class HeaderDataType(TypedDict):
    notification_format: str
    owners: list[int]
    notification_type: str
    notification_source: str | None
    chart_id: int | None
    dashboard_id: int | None

class DatasourceDict(TypedDict):
    type: str  # todo(hugh): update this to be DatasourceType
    id: int

class AdhocFilterClause(TypedDict, total=False):
    clause: str
    expressionType: str
    filterOptionName: str | None
    comparator: FilterValues | None
    operator: str
    subject: str
    isExtra: bool | None
    sqlExpression: str | None

class QueryObjectFilterClause(TypedDict, total=False):
    col: Column
    op: str  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    val: FilterValues | None
    grain: str | None
    isExtra: bool | None

class ExtraFiltersTimeColumnType(StrEnum):
    TIME_COL = "__time_col"
    TIME_GRAIN = "__time_grain"
    TIME_ORIGIN = "__time_origin"
    TIME_RANGE = "__time_range"

class ExtraFiltersReasonType(StrEnum):
    NO_TEMPORAL_COLUMN = "no_temporal_column"
    COL_NOT_IN_DATASOURCE = "not_in_datasource"

class FilterOperator(StrEnum):
    Operators used filter controls

    EQUALS = "=="
    NOT_EQUALS = "!="
    GREATER_THAN = ">"
    LESS_THAN = "<"
    LIKE = "LIKE"
    IN = "IN"
    NOT_IN = "NOT IN"

class FilterStringOperators(StrEnum):
    EQUALS = ("EQUALS",)
    IN = ("IN",)
    NOT_IN = ("NOT_IN",)
    ILIKE = ("ILIKE",)
    LIKE = ("LIKE",)
    IS_NULL = ("IS_NULL",)
    IS_TRUE = ("IS_TRUE",)
    IS_FALSE = ("IS_FALSE",)

class PostProcessingBoxplotWhiskerType(StrEnum):
    Calculate cell contribution to row/column total

    TUKEY = "tukey"
    MINMAX = "min/max"
    PERCENTILE = "percentile"

class PostProcessingContributionOrientation(StrEnum):
    Calculate cell contribution to row/column total

    ROW = "row"
    COLUMN = "column"

class QuerySource(Enum):
    The source of a SQL query.

    CHART = 0
    SQL_LAB = 2

class QueryStatus(StrEnum):
    """Enum-type class for query statuses"""

    STOPPED: str = "stopped"
    FAILED: str = "failed"
    PENDING: str = "pending"
    RUNNING: str = "running"
    SCHEDULED: str = "scheduled"
    SUCCESS: str = "success"
    FETCHING: str = "fetching"
    TIMED_OUT: str = "timed_out"

class DashboardStatus(StrEnum):
    """Dashboard status used for frontend filters"""

    PUBLISHED = "published"
    DRAFT = "draft"

class ReservedUrlParameters(StrEnum):
    Reserved URL parameters that are used internally by Superset. These will not be
    passed to chart queries, as they control the behavior of the UI.

    STANDALONE = "standalone"
    EDIT_MODE = "edit"

    def is_standalone_mode() -> bool | None:
        standalone_param = request.args.get(ReservedUrlParameters.STANDALONE.value)
        standalone: bool | None = bool(
            standalone_param and standalone_param != "false" and standalone_param != "0"
        return standalone

class RowLevelSecurityFilterType(StrEnum):
    REGULAR = "Regular"
    BASE = "Base"

class ColumnTypeSource(Enum):
    GET_TABLE = 1

class ColumnSpec(NamedTuple):
    sqla_type: TypeEngine | str
    generic_type: GenericDataType
    is_dttm: bool
    python_date_format: str | None = None

def parse_js_uri_path_item(
    item: str | None, unquote: bool = True, eval_undefined: bool = False
) -> str | None:
    """Parse an uri path item made with js.

    :param item: an uri path component
    :param unquote: Perform unquoting of string using urllib.parse.unquote_plus()
    :param eval_undefined: When set to True and item is either 'null' or 'undefined',
    assume item is undefined and return None.
    :return: Either None, the original item or unquoted item
    item = None if eval_undefined and item in ("null", "undefined") else item
    return unquote_plus(item) if unquote and item else item

def cast_to_num(value: float | int | str | None) -> float | int | None:
    """Casts a value to an int/float

    >>> cast_to_num('1 ')
    >>> cast_to_num(' 2')
    >>> cast_to_num('5')
    >>> cast_to_num('5.2')
    >>> cast_to_num(10)
    >>> cast_to_num(10.1)
    >>> cast_to_num(None) is None
    >>> cast_to_num('this is not a string') is None

    :param value: value to be converted to numeric representation
    :returns: value cast to `int` if value is all digits, `float` if `value` is
              decimal value and `None`` if it can't be converted
    if value is None:
        return None
    if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
        return value
    if value.isdigit():
        return int(value)
        return float(value)
    except ValueError:
        return None

def cast_to_boolean(value: Any) -> bool | None:
    """Casts a value to an int/float

    >>> cast_to_boolean(1)
    >>> cast_to_boolean(0)
    >>> cast_to_boolean(0.5)
    >>> cast_to_boolean('true')
    >>> cast_to_boolean('false')
    >>> cast_to_boolean('False')
    >>> cast_to_boolean(None)

    :param value: value to be converted to boolean representation
    :returns: value cast to `bool`. when value is 'true' or value that are not 0
              converted into True. Return `None` if value is `None`
    if value is None:
        return None
    if isinstance(value, bool):
        return value
    if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
        return value != 0
    if isinstance(value, str):
        return value.strip().lower() == "true"
    return False

def error_msg_from_exception(ex: Exception) -> str:
    """Translate exception into error message

    Database have different ways to handle exception. This function attempts
    to make sense of the exception object and construct a human readable

    TODO(bkyryliuk): parse the Presto error message from the connection
                     created via create_engine.
    engine = create_engine('presto://localhost:3506/silver') -
      gives an e.message as the str(dict)
    presto.connect('localhost', port=3506, catalog='silver') - as a dict.
    The latter version is parsed correctly by this function.
    msg = ""
    if hasattr(ex, "message"):
        if isinstance(ex.message, dict):
            msg = ex.message.get("message")  # type: ignore
        elif ex.message:
            msg = ex.message
    return msg or str(ex)

def markdown(raw: str, markup_wrap: bool | None = False) -> str:
    safe_markdown_tags = {
    safe_markdown_attrs = {
        "img": {"src", "alt", "title"},
        "a": {"href", "alt", "title"},
    safe = md.markdown(
        raw or "",
    # pylint: disable=no-member
    safe = nh3.clean(safe, tags=safe_markdown_tags, attributes=safe_markdown_attrs)
    if markup_wrap:
        safe = Markup(safe)
    return safe

def readfile(file_path: str) -> str | None:
    with open(file_path) as f:
        content =
    return content

def generic_find_constraint_name(
    table: str, columns: set[str], referenced: str, database: SQLA
) -> str | None:
    """Utility to find a constraint name in alembic migrations"""
    tbl = sa.Table(
        table, database.metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=database.engine

    for fk in tbl.foreign_key_constraints:
        if == referenced and set(fk.column_keys) == columns:

    return None

def generic_find_fk_constraint_name(
    table: str, columns: set[str], referenced: str, insp: Inspector
) -> str | None:
    """Utility to find a foreign-key constraint name in alembic migrations"""
    for fk in insp.get_foreign_keys(table):
        if (
            fk["referred_table"] == referenced
            and set(fk["referred_columns"]) == columns
            return fk["name"]

    return None

def generic_find_fk_constraint_names(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    table: str, columns: set[str], referenced: str, insp: Inspector
) -> set[str]:
    """Utility to find foreign-key constraint names in alembic migrations"""
    names = set()

    for fk in insp.get_foreign_keys(table):
        if (
            fk["referred_table"] == referenced
            and set(fk["referred_columns"]) == columns

    return names

def generic_find_uq_constraint_name(
    table: str, columns: set[str], insp: Inspector
) -> str | None:
    """Utility to find a unique constraint name in alembic migrations"""

    for uq in insp.get_unique_constraints(table):
        if columns == set(uq["column_names"]):
            return uq["name"]

    return None

def get_datasource_full_name(
    database_name: str,
    datasource_name: str,
    catalog: str | None = None,
    schema: str | None = None,
) -> str:
    parts = [database_name, catalog, schema, datasource_name]
    return ".".join([f"[{part}]" for part in parts if part])

class SigalrmTimeout:
    To be used in a ``with`` block and timeout its content.

    def __init__(self, seconds: int = 1, error_message: str = "Timeout") -> None:
        self.seconds = seconds
        self.error_message = error_message

    def handle_timeout(  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        self, signum: int, frame: Any
    ) -> None:
        logger.error("Process timed out", exc_info=True)
        raise SupersetTimeoutException(
            extra={"timeout": self.seconds},

    def __enter__(self) -> None:
            if threading.current_thread() == threading.main_thread():
                signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handle_timeout)
        except ValueError as ex:
            logger.warning("timeout can't be used in the current context")

    def __exit__(  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name,redefined-builtin
        self, type: Any, value: Any, traceback: TracebackType
    ) -> None:
        except ValueError as ex:
            logger.warning("timeout can't be used in the current context")

class TimerTimeout:
    def __init__(self, seconds: int = 1, error_message: str = "Timeout") -> None:
        self.seconds = seconds
        self.error_message = error_message
        self.timer = threading.Timer(seconds, _thread.interrupt_main)

    def __enter__(self) -> None:

    def __exit__(  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name,redefined-builtin
        self, type: Any, value: Any, traceback: TracebackType
    ) -> None:
        if type is KeyboardInterrupt:  # raised by _thread.interrupt_main
            raise SupersetTimeoutException(
                extra={"timeout": self.seconds},

# Windows has no support for SIGALRM, so we use the timer based timeout
timeout: type[TimerTimeout] | type[SigalrmTimeout] = (
    TimerTimeout if platform.system() == "Windows" else SigalrmTimeout

def pessimistic_connection_handling(some_engine: Engine) -> None:
    @event.listens_for(some_engine, "engine_connect")
    def ping_connection(connection: Connection, branch: bool) -> None:
        if branch:
            # 'branch' refers to a sub-connection of a connection,
            # we don't want to bother pinging on these.

        # turn off 'close with result'.  This flag is only used with
        # 'connectionless' execution, otherwise will be False in any case
        save_should_close_with_result = connection.should_close_with_result
        connection.should_close_with_result = False

            # run a SELECT 1.   use a core select() so that
            # the SELECT of a scalar value without a table is
            # appropriately formatted for the backend
        except exc.DBAPIError as err:
            # catch SQLAlchemy's DBAPIError, which is a wrapper
            # for the DBAPI's exception.  It includes a .connection_invalidated
            # attribute which specifies if this connection is a 'disconnect'
            # condition, which is based on inspection of the original exception
            # by the dialect in use.
            if err.connection_invalidated:
                # run the same SELECT again - the connection will re-validate
                # itself and establish a new connection.  The disconnect detection
                # here also causes the whole connection pool to be invalidated
                # so that all stale connections are discarded.
            # restore 'close with result'
            connection.should_close_with_result = save_should_close_with_result

    if == "sqlite":

        @event.listens_for(some_engine, "connect")
        def set_sqlite_pragma(  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
            connection: sqlite3.Connection,
            *args: Any,
        ) -> None:
            Enable foreign key support for SQLite.

            :param connection: The SQLite connection
            :param \*args: Additional positional arguments

            with closing(connection.cursor()) as cursor:
                cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON")

def send_email_smtp(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
    to: str,
    subject: str,
    html_content: str,
    config: dict[str, Any],
    files: list[str] | None = None,
    data: dict[str, str] | None = None,
    pdf: dict[str, bytes] | None = None,
    images: dict[str, bytes] | None = None,
    dryrun: bool = False,
    cc: str | None = None,
    bcc: str | None = None,
    mime_subtype: str = "mixed",
    header_data: HeaderDataType | None = None,
) -> None:
    Send an email with html content, eg:
        '', 'foo', '<b>Foo</b> bar',['/dev/null'], dryrun=True)
    smtp_mail_from = config["SMTP_MAIL_FROM"]
    smtp_mail_to = get_email_address_list(to)

    msg = MIMEMultipart(mime_subtype)
    msg["Subject"] = subject
    msg["From"] = smtp_mail_from
    msg["To"] = ", ".join(smtp_mail_to)

    msg.preamble = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format."

    recipients = smtp_mail_to
    if cc:
        smtp_mail_cc = get_email_address_list(cc)
        msg["CC"] = ", ".join(smtp_mail_cc)
        recipients = recipients + smtp_mail_cc

    smtp_mail_bcc = []
    if bcc:
        # don't add bcc in header
        smtp_mail_bcc = get_email_address_list(bcc)
        recipients = recipients + smtp_mail_bcc

    msg["Date"] = formatdate(localtime=True)
    mime_text = MIMEText(html_content, "html")

    # Attach files by reading them from disk
    for fname in files or []:
        basename = os.path.basename(fname)
        with open(fname, "rb") as f:
                    Content_Disposition=f"attachment; filename='{basename}'",

    # Attach any files passed directly
    for name, body in (data or {}).items():
                body, Content_Disposition=f"attachment; filename='{name}'", Name=name

    for name, body_pdf in (pdf or {}).items():
                Content_Disposition=f"attachment; filename='{name}'",

    # Attach any inline images, which may be required for display in
    # HTML content (inline)
    for msgid, imgdata in (images or {}).items():
        formatted_time = formatdate(localtime=True)
        file_name = f"{subject} {formatted_time}"
        image = MIMEImage(imgdata, name=file_name)
        image.add_header("Content-ID", f"<{msgid}>")
        image.add_header("Content-Disposition", "inline")
    msg_mutator = config["EMAIL_HEADER_MUTATOR"]
    # the base notification returns the message without any editing.
    new_msg = msg_mutator(msg, **(header_data or {}))
    new_to = new_msg["To"].split(", ") if "To" in new_msg else []
    new_cc = new_msg["Cc"].split(", ") if "Cc" in new_msg else []
    new_recipients = new_to + new_cc + smtp_mail_bcc
    if set(new_recipients) != set(recipients):
        recipients = new_recipients
    send_mime_email(smtp_mail_from, recipients, new_msg, config, dryrun=dryrun)

def send_mime_email(
    e_from: str,
    e_to: list[str],
    mime_msg: MIMEMultipart,
    config: dict[str, Any],
    dryrun: bool = False,
) -> None:
    smtp_host = config["SMTP_HOST"]
    smtp_port = config["SMTP_PORT"]
    smtp_user = config["SMTP_USER"]
    smtp_password = config["SMTP_PASSWORD"]
    smtp_starttls = config["SMTP_STARTTLS"]
    smtp_ssl = config["SMTP_SSL"]
    smtp_ssl_server_auth = config["SMTP_SSL_SERVER_AUTH"]

    if dryrun:"Dryrun enabled, email notification content is below:")

    # Default ssl context is SERVER_AUTH using the default system
    # root CA certificates
    ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() if smtp_ssl_server_auth else None
    smtp = (
        smtplib.SMTP_SSL(smtp_host, smtp_port, context=ssl_context)
        if smtp_ssl
        else smtplib.SMTP(smtp_host, smtp_port)
    if smtp_starttls:
    if smtp_user and smtp_password:
        smtp.login(smtp_user, smtp_password)
    logger.debug("Sent an email to %s", str(e_to))
    smtp.sendmail(e_from, e_to, mime_msg.as_string())

def get_email_address_list(address_string: str) -> list[str]:
    address_string_list: list[str] = []
    if isinstance(address_string, str):
        address_string_list = re.split(r",|\s|;", address_string)
    return [x.strip() for x in address_string_list if x.strip()]

def choicify(values: Iterable[Any]) -> list[tuple[Any, Any]]:
    """Takes an iterable and makes an iterable of tuples with it"""
    return [(v, v) for v in values]

def zlib_compress(data: bytes | str) -> bytes:
    Compress things in a py2/3 safe fashion
    >>> json_str = '{"test": 1}'
    >>> blob = zlib_compress(json_str)
    if isinstance(data, str):
        return zlib.compress(bytes(data, "utf-8"))
    return zlib.compress(data)

def zlib_decompress(blob: bytes, decode: bool | None = True) -> bytes | str:
    Decompress things to a string in a py2/3 safe fashion
    >>> json_str = '{"test": 1}'
    >>> blob = zlib_compress(json_str)
    >>> got_str = zlib_decompress(blob)
    >>> got_str == json_str
    if isinstance(blob, bytes):
        decompressed = zlib.decompress(blob)
        decompressed = zlib.decompress(bytes(blob, "utf-8"))
    return decompressed.decode("utf-8") if decode else decompressed

def simple_filter_to_adhoc(
    filter_clause: QueryObjectFilterClause,
    clause: str = "where",
) -> AdhocFilterClause:
    result: AdhocFilterClause = {
        "clause": clause.upper(),
        "expressionType": "SIMPLE",
        "comparator": filter_clause.get("val"),
        "operator": filter_clause["op"],
        "subject": cast(str, filter_clause["col"]),
    if filter_clause.get("isExtra"):
        result["isExtra"] = True
    result["filterOptionName"] = md5_sha_from_dict(cast(dict[Any, Any], result))

    return result

def form_data_to_adhoc(form_data: dict[str, Any], clause: str) -> AdhocFilterClause:
    if clause not in ("where", "having"):
        raise ValueError(__("Unsupported clause type: %(clause)s", clause=clause))
    result: AdhocFilterClause = {
        "clause": clause.upper(),
        "expressionType": "SQL",
        "sqlExpression": form_data.get(clause),
    result["filterOptionName"] = md5_sha_from_dict(cast(dict[Any, Any], result))

    return result

def merge_extra_form_data(form_data: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    Merge extra form data (appends and overrides) into the main payload
    and add applied time extras to the payload.
    filter_keys = ["filters", "adhoc_filters"]
    extra_form_data = form_data.pop("extra_form_data", {})
    append_filters: list[QueryObjectFilterClause] = extra_form_data.get("filters", None)

    # merge append extras
    for key in [key for key in EXTRA_FORM_DATA_APPEND_KEYS if key not in filter_keys]:
        extra_value = getattr(extra_form_data, key, {})
        form_value = getattr(form_data, key, {})
        if form_value:
            form_data["key"] = extra_value

    # map regular extras that apply to form data properties
    for src_key, target_key in EXTRA_FORM_DATA_OVERRIDE_REGULAR_MAPPINGS.items():
        value = extra_form_data.get(src_key)
        if value is not None:
            form_data[target_key] = value

    # map extras that apply to form data extra properties
    extras = form_data.get("extras", {})
        value = extra_form_data.get(key)
        if value is not None:
            extras[key] = value
    if extras:
        form_data["extras"] = extras

    adhoc_filters: list[AdhocFilterClause] = form_data.get("adhoc_filters", [])
    form_data["adhoc_filters"] = adhoc_filters
    append_adhoc_filters: list[AdhocFilterClause] = extra_form_data.get(
        "adhoc_filters", []
        {"isExtra": True, **adhoc_filter}  # type: ignore
        for adhoc_filter in append_adhoc_filters
    if append_filters:
        for key, value in form_data.items():
            if re.match("adhoc_filter.*", key):
                    simple_filter_to_adhoc({"isExtra": True, **fltr})  # type: ignore
                    for fltr in append_filters
                    if fltr
    if form_data.get("time_range") and not form_data.get("granularity_sqla"):
        for adhoc_filter in form_data.get("adhoc_filters", []):
            if adhoc_filter.get("operator") == "TEMPORAL_RANGE":
                adhoc_filter["comparator"] = form_data["time_range"]

def merge_extra_filters(form_data: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    # extra_filters are temporary/contextual filters (using the legacy constructs)
    # that are external to the slice definition. We use those for dynamic
    # interactive filters.
    # Note extra_filters only support simple filters.
    form_data.setdefault("applied_time_extras", {})
    adhoc_filters = form_data.get("adhoc_filters", [])
    form_data["adhoc_filters"] = adhoc_filters
    if "extra_filters" in form_data:
        # __form and __to are special extra_filters that target time
        # boundaries. The rest of extra_filters are simple
        # [column_name in list_of_values]. `__` prefix is there to avoid
        # potential conflicts with column that would be named `from` or `to`
        date_options = {
            "__time_range": "time_range",
            "__time_col": "granularity_sqla",
            "__time_grain": "time_grain_sqla",

        # Grab list of existing filters 'keyed' on the column and operator

        def get_filter_key(f: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
            if "expressionType" in f:
                return f"{f['subject']}__{f['operator']}"

            return f"{f['col']}__{f['op']}"

        existing_filters = {}
        for existing in adhoc_filters:
            if (
                existing["expressionType"] == "SIMPLE"
                and existing.get("comparator") is not None
                and existing.get("subject") is not None
                existing_filters[get_filter_key(existing)] = existing["comparator"]

        for filtr in form_data[  # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
            filtr["isExtra"] = True
            # Pull out time filters/options and merge into form data
            filter_column = filtr["col"]
            if time_extra := date_options.get(filter_column):
                time_extra_value = filtr.get("val")
                if time_extra_value and time_extra_value != NO_TIME_RANGE:
                    form_data[time_extra] = time_extra_value
                    form_data["applied_time_extras"][filter_column] = time_extra_value
            elif filtr["val"]:
                # Merge column filters
                if (filter_key := get_filter_key(filtr)) in existing_filters:
                    # Check if the filter already exists
                    if isinstance(filtr["val"], list):
                        if isinstance(existing_filters[filter_key], list):
                            # Add filters for unequal lists
                            # order doesn't matter
                            if set(existing_filters[filter_key]) != set(filtr["val"]):
                        # Do not add filter if same value already exists
                        if filtr["val"] != existing_filters[filter_key]:
                    # Filter not found, add it
        # Remove extra filters from the form data since no longer needed
        del form_data["extra_filters"]

def merge_request_params(form_data: dict[str, Any], params: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    Merge request parameters to the key `url_params` in form_data. Only updates
    or appends parameters to `form_data` that are defined in `params; preexisting
    parameters not defined in params are left unchanged.

    :param form_data: object to be updated
    :param params: request parameters received via query string
    url_params = form_data.get("url_params", {})
    for key, value in params.items():
        if key in ("form_data", "r"):
        url_params[key] = value
    form_data["url_params"] = url_params

def user_label(user: User) -> str | None:
    """Given a user ORM FAB object, returns a label"""
    if user:
        if user.first_name and user.last_name:
            return user.first_name + " " + user.last_name

        return user.username

    return None

def get_example_default_schema() -> str | None:
    Return the default schema of the examples database, if any.
    database = get_example_database()
    with database.get_sqla_engine() as engine:
        return inspect(engine).default_schema_name

def backend() -> str:
    return get_example_database().backend

def is_adhoc_metric(metric: Metric) -> TypeGuard[AdhocMetric]:
    return isinstance(metric, dict) and "expressionType" in metric

def is_adhoc_column(column: Column) -> TypeGuard[AdhocColumn]:
    return isinstance(column, dict) and ({"label", "sqlExpression"}).issubset(

def is_base_axis(column: Column) -> bool:
    return is_adhoc_column(column) and column.get("columnType") == "BASE_AXIS"

def get_base_axis_columns(columns: list[Column] | None) -> list[Column]:
    return [column for column in columns or [] if is_base_axis(column)]

def get_non_base_axis_columns(columns: list[Column] | None) -> list[Column]:
    return [column for column in columns or [] if not is_base_axis(column)]

def get_base_axis_labels(columns: list[Column] | None) -> tuple[str, ...]:
    return tuple(get_column_name(column) for column in get_base_axis_columns(columns))

def get_x_axis_label(columns: list[Column] | None) -> str | None:
    labels = get_base_axis_labels(columns)
    return labels[0] if labels else None

def get_column_name(column: Column, verbose_map: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> str:
    Extract label from column

    :param column: object to extract label from
    :param verbose_map: verbose_map from dataset for optional mapping from
                        raw name to verbose name
    :return: String representation of column
    :raises ValueError: if metric object is invalid
    if isinstance(column, dict):
        if label := column.get("label"):
            return label
        if expr := column.get("sqlExpression"):
            return expr

    if isinstance(column, str):
        verbose_map = verbose_map or {}
        return verbose_map.get(column, column)

    raise ValueError("Missing label")

def get_metric_name(metric: Metric, verbose_map: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> str:
    Extract label from metric

    :param metric: object to extract label from
    :param verbose_map: verbose_map from dataset for optional mapping from
                        raw name to verbose name
    :return: String representation of metric
    :raises ValueError: if metric object is invalid
    if is_adhoc_metric(metric):
        if label := metric.get("label"):
            return label
        if (expression_type := metric.get("expressionType")) == "SQL":
            if sql_expression := metric.get("sqlExpression"):
                return sql_expression
        if expression_type == "SIMPLE":
            column: AdhocMetricColumn = metric.get("column") or {}
            column_name = column.get("column_name")
            aggregate = metric.get("aggregate")
            if column and aggregate:
                return f"{aggregate}({column_name})"
            if column_name:
                return column_name

    if isinstance(metric, str):
        verbose_map = verbose_map or {}
        return verbose_map.get(metric, metric)

    raise ValueError(__("Invalid metric object: %(metric)s", metric=str(metric)))

def get_column_names(
    columns: Sequence[Column] | None,
    verbose_map: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> list[str]:
    return [
        for column in [get_column_name(column, verbose_map) for column in columns or []]
        if column

def get_metric_names(
    metrics: Sequence[Metric] | None,
    verbose_map: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> list[str]:
    return [
        for metric in [get_metric_name(metric, verbose_map) for metric in metrics or []]
        if metric

def get_first_metric_name(
    metrics: Sequence[Metric] | None,
    verbose_map: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> str | None:
    metric_labels = get_metric_names(metrics, verbose_map)
    return metric_labels[0] if metric_labels else None

def ensure_path_exists(path: str) -> None:
    except OSError as ex:
        if not (os.path.isdir(path) and ex.errno == errno.EEXIST):

def convert_legacy_filters_into_adhoc(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    form_data: FormData,
) -> None:
    if not form_data.get("adhoc_filters"):
        adhoc_filters: list[AdhocFilterClause] = []
        form_data["adhoc_filters"] = adhoc_filters

        for clause in ("having", "where"):
            if clause in form_data and form_data[clause] != "":
                adhoc_filters.append(form_data_to_adhoc(form_data, clause))

        if "filters" in form_data:
                simple_filter_to_adhoc(fltr, "where")
                for fltr in form_data["filters"]
                if fltr is not None

    for key in ("filters", "having", "where"):
        if key in form_data:
            del form_data[key]

def split_adhoc_filters_into_base_filters(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    form_data: FormData,
) -> None:
    Mutates form data to restructure the adhoc filters in the form of the three base
    filters, `where`, `having`, and `filters` which represent free form where sql,
    free form having sql, and structured where clauses.
    adhoc_filters = form_data.get("adhoc_filters")
    if isinstance(adhoc_filters, list):
        simple_where_filters = []
        sql_where_filters = []
        sql_having_filters = []
        for adhoc_filter in adhoc_filters:
            expression_type = adhoc_filter.get("expressionType")
            clause = adhoc_filter.get("clause")
            if expression_type == "SIMPLE":
                if clause == "WHERE":
                            "col": adhoc_filter.get("subject"),
                            "op": adhoc_filter.get("operator"),
                            "val": adhoc_filter.get("comparator"),
            elif expression_type == "SQL":
                sql_expression = adhoc_filter.get("sqlExpression")
                sql_expression = sanitize_clause(sql_expression)
                if clause == "WHERE":
                elif clause == "HAVING":
        form_data["where"] = " AND ".join([f"({sql})" for sql in sql_where_filters])
        form_data["having"] = " AND ".join([f"({sql})" for sql in sql_having_filters])
        form_data["filters"] = simple_where_filters

def get_user() -> User | None:
    Get the current user (if defined).

    :returns: The current user
    return g.user if hasattr(g, "user") else None

def get_username() -> str | None:
    Get username (if defined) associated with the current user.

    :returns: The username

        return g.user.username
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        return None

def get_user_id() -> int | None:
    Get the user identifier (if defined) associated with the current user.

    Though the Flask-AppBuilder `User` and Flask-Login  `AnonymousUserMixin` and
    `UserMixin` models provide a convenience `get_id` method, for generality, the
    identifier is encoded as a `str` whereas in Superset all identifiers are encoded as
    an `int`.

    returns: The user identifier

    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        return None

def get_user_email() -> str | None:
    Get the email (if defined) associated with the current user.

    :returns: The email

    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        return None

def override_user(user: User | None, force: bool = True) -> Iterator[Any]:
    Temporarily override the current user per `flask.g` with the specified user.

    Sometimes, often in the context of async Celery tasks, it is useful to switch the
    current user (which may be undefined) to different one, execute some SQLAlchemy
    tasks et al. and then revert back to the original one.

    :param user: The override user
    :param force: Whether to override the current user if set

    if hasattr(g, "user"):
        if force or g.user is None:
            current = g.user
            g.user = user
            g.user = current
        g.user = user
        delattr(g, "user")

def parse_ssl_cert(certificate: str) -> Certificate:
    Parses the contents of a certificate and returns a valid certificate object
    if valid.

    :param certificate: Contents of certificate file
    :return: Valid certificate instance
    :raises CertificateException: If certificate is not valid/unparseable
        return load_pem_x509_certificate(certificate.encode("utf-8"), default_backend())
    except ValueError as ex:
        raise CertificateException("Invalid certificate") from ex

def create_ssl_cert_file(certificate: str) -> str:
    This creates a certificate file that can be used to validate HTTPS
    sessions. A certificate is only written to disk once; on subsequent calls,
    only the path of the existing certificate is returned.

    :param certificate: The contents of the certificate
    :return: The path to the certificate file
    :raises CertificateException: If certificate is not valid/unparseable
    filename = f"{md5_sha_from_str(certificate)}.crt"
    cert_dir = current_app.config["SSL_CERT_PATH"]
    path = cert_dir if cert_dir else tempfile.gettempdir()
    path = os.path.join(path, filename)
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        # Validate certificate prior to persisting to temporary directory
        with open(path, "w") as cert_file:
    return path

def time_function(
    func: Callable[..., FlaskResponse], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
) -> tuple[float, Any]:
    Measures the amount of time a function takes to execute in ms

    :param func: The function execution time to measure
    :param args: args to be passed to the function
    :param kwargs: kwargs to be passed to the function
    :return: A tuple with the duration and response from the function
    start = default_timer()
    response = func(*args, **kwargs)
    stop = default_timer()
    return (stop - start) * 1000.0, response

def MediumText() -> Variant:  # pylint:disable=invalid-name
    return Text().with_variant(MEDIUMTEXT(), "mysql")

def LongText() -> Variant:  # pylint:disable=invalid-name
    return Text().with_variant(LONGTEXT(), "mysql")

def shortid() -> str:
    return f"{uuid.uuid4()}"[-12:]

class DatasourceName(NamedTuple):
    table: str
    schema: str
    catalog: str | None = None

def get_stacktrace() -> str | None:
    if current_app.config["SHOW_STACKTRACE"]:
        return traceback.format_exc()
    return None

def split(
    string: str, delimiter: str = " ", quote: str = '"', escaped_quote: str = r"\""
) -> Iterator[str]:
    A split function that is aware of quotes and parentheses.

    :param string: string to split
    :param delimiter: string defining where to split, usually a comma or space
    :param quote: string, either a single or a double quote
    :param escaped_quote: string representing an escaped quote
    :return: list of strings
    parens = 0
    quotes = False
    i = 0
    for j, character in enumerate(string):
        complete = parens == 0 and not quotes
        if complete and character == delimiter:
            yield string[i:j]
            i = j + len(delimiter)
        elif character == "(":
            parens += 1
        elif character == ")":
            parens -= 1
        elif character == quote:
            if quotes and string[j - len(escaped_quote) + 1 : j + 1] != escaped_quote:
                quotes = False
            elif not quotes:
                quotes = True
    yield string[i:]

T = TypeVar("T")

def as_list(x: T | list[T]) -> list[T]:
    Wrap an object in a list if it's not a list.

    :param x: The object
    :returns: A list wrapping the object if it's not already a list
    return x if isinstance(x, list) else [x]

def get_form_data_token(form_data: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
    Return the token contained within form data or generate a new one.

    :param form_data: chart form data
    :return: original token if predefined, otherwise new uuid4 based token
    return form_data.get("token") or "token_" + uuid.uuid4().hex[:8]

def get_column_name_from_column(column: Column) -> str | None:
    Extract the physical column that a column is referencing. If the column is
    an adhoc column, always returns `None`.

    :param column: Physical and ad-hoc column
    :return: column name if physical column, otherwise None
    if is_adhoc_column(column):
        return None
    return column  # type: ignore

def get_column_names_from_columns(columns: list[Column]) -> list[str]:
    Extract the physical columns that a list of columns are referencing. Ignore
    adhoc columns

    :param columns: Physical and adhoc columns
    :return: column names of all physical columns
    return [col for col in map(get_column_name_from_column, columns) if col]

def get_column_name_from_metric(metric: Metric) -> str | None:
    Extract the column that a metric is referencing. If the metric isn't
    a simple metric, always returns `None`.

    :param metric: Ad-hoc metric
    :return: column name if simple metric, otherwise None
    if is_adhoc_metric(metric):
        metric = cast(AdhocMetric, metric)
        if metric["expressionType"] == AdhocMetricExpressionType.SIMPLE:
            return cast(dict[str, Any], metric["column"])["column_name"]
    return None

def get_column_names_from_metrics(metrics: list[Metric]) -> list[str]:
    Extract the columns that a list of metrics are referencing. Excludes all
    SQL metrics.

    :param metrics: Ad-hoc metric
    :return: column name if simple metric, otherwise None
    return [col for col in map(get_column_name_from_metric, metrics) if col]

def extract_dataframe_dtypes(
    df: pd.DataFrame,
    datasource: BaseDatasource | Query | None = None,
) -> list[GenericDataType]:
    """Serialize pandas/numpy dtypes to generic types"""

    # omitting string types as those will be the default type
    inferred_type_map: dict[str, GenericDataType] = {
        "floating": GenericDataType.NUMERIC,
        "integer": GenericDataType.NUMERIC,
        "mixed-integer-float": GenericDataType.NUMERIC,
        "decimal": GenericDataType.NUMERIC,
        "boolean": GenericDataType.BOOLEAN,
        "datetime64": GenericDataType.TEMPORAL,
        "datetime": GenericDataType.TEMPORAL,
        "date": GenericDataType.TEMPORAL,

    columns_by_name: dict[str, Any] = {}
    if datasource:
        for column in datasource.columns:
            if isinstance(column, dict):
                columns_by_name[column.get("column_name")] = column
                columns_by_name[column.column_name] = column

    generic_types: list[GenericDataType] = []
    for column in df.columns:
        column_object = columns_by_name.get(column)
        series = df[column]
        inferred_type = infer_dtype(series)
        if isinstance(column_object, dict):
            generic_type = (
                if column_object and column_object.get("is_dttm")
                else inferred_type_map.get(inferred_type, GenericDataType.STRING)
            generic_type = (
                if column_object and column_object.is_dttm
                else inferred_type_map.get(inferred_type, GenericDataType.STRING)

    return generic_types

def extract_column_dtype(col: TableColumn) -> GenericDataType:
    if col.is_temporal:
        return GenericDataType.TEMPORAL
    if col.is_numeric:
        return GenericDataType.NUMERIC
    # TODO: add check for boolean data type when proper support is added
    return GenericDataType.STRING

def is_test() -> bool:
    return parse_boolean_string(os.environ.get("SUPERSET_TESTENV", "false"))

def get_time_filter_status(
    datasource: BaseDatasource,
    applied_time_extras: dict[str, str],
) -> tuple[list[dict[str, str]], list[dict[str, str]]]:
    temporal_columns: set[Any] = {
        col.column_name for col in datasource.columns if col.is_dttm
    applied: list[dict[str, str]] = []
    rejected: list[dict[str, str]] = []
    if time_column := applied_time_extras.get(ExtraFiltersTimeColumnType.TIME_COL):
        if time_column in temporal_columns:
            applied.append({"column": ExtraFiltersTimeColumnType.TIME_COL})
                    "reason": ExtraFiltersReasonType.COL_NOT_IN_DATASOURCE,
                    "column": ExtraFiltersTimeColumnType.TIME_COL,

    if ExtraFiltersTimeColumnType.TIME_GRAIN in applied_time_extras:
        # are there any temporal columns to assign the time grain to?
        if temporal_columns:
            applied.append({"column": ExtraFiltersTimeColumnType.TIME_GRAIN})
                    "reason": ExtraFiltersReasonType.NO_TEMPORAL_COLUMN,
                    "column": ExtraFiltersTimeColumnType.TIME_GRAIN,

    if applied_time_extras.get(ExtraFiltersTimeColumnType.TIME_RANGE):
        # are there any temporal columns to assign the time range to?
        if temporal_columns:
            applied.append({"column": ExtraFiltersTimeColumnType.TIME_RANGE})
                    "reason": ExtraFiltersReasonType.NO_TEMPORAL_COLUMN,
                    "column": ExtraFiltersTimeColumnType.TIME_RANGE,

    return applied, rejected

def format_list(items: Sequence[str], sep: str = ", ", quote: str = '"') -> str:
    quote_escaped = "\\" + quote
    return sep.join(f"{quote}{x.replace(quote, quote_escaped)}{quote}" for x in items)

def find_duplicates(items: Iterable[InputType]) -> list[InputType]:
    """Find duplicate items in an iterable."""
    return [item for item, count in collections.Counter(items).items() if count > 1]

def remove_duplicates(
    items: Iterable[InputType], key: Callable[[InputType], Any] | None = None
) -> list[InputType]:
    """Remove duplicate items in an iterable."""
    if not key:
        return list(dict.fromkeys(items).keys())
    seen = set()
    result = []
    for item in items:
        item_key = key(item)
        if item_key not in seen:
    return result

class DateColumn:
    col_label: str
    timestamp_format: str | None = None
    offset: int | None = None
    time_shift: str | None = None

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        return hash(self.col_label)

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        return isinstance(other, DateColumn) and hash(self) == hash(other)

    def get_legacy_time_column(
        timestamp_format: str | None,
        offset: int | None,
        time_shift: str | None,
    ) -> DateColumn:
        return cls(

def normalize_dttm_col(
    df: pd.DataFrame,
    dttm_cols: tuple[DateColumn, ...] = tuple(),
) -> None:
    for _col in dttm_cols:
        if _col.col_label not in df.columns:

        if _col.timestamp_format in ("epoch_s", "epoch_ms"):
            dttm_series = df[_col.col_label]
            if is_numeric_dtype(dttm_series):
                # Column is formatted as a numeric value
                unit = _col.timestamp_format.replace("epoch_", "")
                df[_col.col_label] = pd.to_datetime(
                # Column has already been formatted as a timestamp.
                df[_col.col_label] = dttm_series.apply(pd.Timestamp)
            df[_col.col_label] = pd.to_datetime(
        if _col.offset:
            df[_col.col_label] += timedelta(hours=_col.offset)
        if _col.time_shift is not None:
            df[_col.col_label] += parse_human_timedelta(_col.time_shift)

def parse_boolean_string(bool_str: str | None) -> bool:
    Convert a string representation of a true/false value into a boolean

    >>> parse_boolean_string(None)
    >>> parse_boolean_string('false')
    >>> parse_boolean_string('true')
    >>> parse_boolean_string('False')
    >>> parse_boolean_string('True')
    >>> parse_boolean_string('foo')
    >>> parse_boolean_string('0')
    >>> parse_boolean_string('1')

    :param bool_str: string representation of a value that is assumed to be boolean
    :return: parsed boolean value
    if bool_str is None:
        return False
    return bool_str.lower() in ("y", "Y", "yes", "True", "t", "true", "On", "on", "1")

def apply_max_row_limit(
    limit: int,
    max_limit: int | None = None,
) -> int:
    Override row limit if max global limit is defined

    :param limit: requested row limit
    :param max_limit: Maximum allowed row limit
    :return: Capped row limit

    >>> apply_max_row_limit(100000, 10)
    >>> apply_max_row_limit(10, 100000)
    >>> apply_max_row_limit(0, 10000)
    if max_limit is None:
        max_limit = current_app.config["SQL_MAX_ROW"]
    if limit != 0:
        return min(max_limit, limit)
    return max_limit

def create_zip(files: dict[str, Any]) -> BytesIO:
    buf = BytesIO()
    with ZipFile(buf, "w") as bundle:
        for filename, contents in files.items():
            with, "w") as fp:
    return buf

def check_is_safe_zip(zip_file: ZipFile) -> None:
    Checks whether a ZIP file is safe, raises SupersetException if not.

    :param zip_file:
    uncompress_size = 0
    compress_size = 0
    for zip_file_element in zip_file.infolist():
        if zip_file_element.file_size > current_app.config["ZIPPED_FILE_MAX_SIZE"]:
            raise SupersetException("Found file with size above allowed threshold")
        uncompress_size += zip_file_element.file_size
        compress_size += zip_file_element.compress_size
    compress_ratio = uncompress_size / compress_size
    if compress_ratio > current_app.config["ZIP_FILE_MAX_COMPRESS_RATIO"]:
        raise SupersetException("Zip compress ratio above allowed threshold")

def remove_extra_adhoc_filters(form_data: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    Remove filters from slice data that originate from a filter box or native filter
    adhoc_filters = {
        key: value for key, value in form_data.items() if ADHOC_FILTERS_REGEX.match(key)
    for key, value in adhoc_filters.items():
        form_data[key] = [
            filter_ for filter_ in value or [] if not filter_.get("isExtra")

def to_int(v: Any, value_if_invalid: int = 0) -> int:
        return int(v)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return value_if_invalid