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<br />

# bugcore

bugcore is a JavaScript library that provides a foundational architecture for
object oriented JS. It is designed to work both within node js as well as
directly in the browser.

bugcore provides a basic class model based on John Resig's [simple JavaScript
inheritance]( In addition
the library provides many basic data models and utility classes for common
object oriented patterns.

If the library is missing something you need, please let us know!

NOTE: This documentation is still being written. If you click on a link and it
doesn't go anywhere, it's likely because that portion of the docs hasn't been
written yet. If there are parts of the docs you'd like us to focus on, feel
free to ask!

## Build Status

[![npm version](](<br />
[![Code Climate](](<br />

## Quick Examples

Creation of a new class
var Class   = bugcore.Class;
var Obj     = bugcore.Obj;

var SomeClassConstructor = Class.extend(Obj, {});

Creation of a new class with an internal _constructor method
var SomeClassConstructor = Class.extend(Obj, {
    _constructor: function() {
        this._super(); // Call super constructor

Creation of a new class with overridden equals and hashCode methods
 * @class
 * @extends {Obj}
var SomeClassConstructor = Class.extend(Obj, {

     * @constructs
     * @param {number} a
     * @param {number} b
    _constructor: function(a, b) {

        this._super(); // Call super constructor

         * @private
         * @type {number}
        this.a = a;

         * @private
         * @type {string}
        this.b = b

     * @override
     * @param {*} value
     * @return {boolean}
    equals: function(value) {
        if (Class.doesExtend(value, SomeClass)) {
            return (Obj.equals(value.a, this.a) && Obj.equals(value.b, this.b));
        return false;

     * @override
     * @return {number}
    hashCode: function() {
        if (!this._hashCode) {
            this._hashCode = Obj.hashCode("[SomeClass]" +
                Obj.hashCode(this.a) + Obj.hashCode(this.b));
        return this._hashCode;

Use of a Map
var myMap = new bugcore.Map();
myMap.put("key1", "value1");
myMap.put("key2", "value2");
myMap.get("key1");      // "value1"
myMap.get("key2");      // "value2"

Use of a Map with instances as keys
var myMap       = new bugcore.Map();

// SomeClass is from the above example that uses overridden equals and hashCode methods
var instance1   = new SomeClass(123, "abc");
var instance2   = new SomeClass(123, "abc");
myMap.put(instance1, "value");
myMap.put(instance2, "value2");

//hash codes and equality checks are equal therefore the two instances are considered
//the same key even though they are separate instances in memory
myMap.getCount();       // 1
myMap.get(instance1)    // "value2"
myMap.get(instance2)    // "value2"

## Dependencies

bugcore is dependent upon the [bugpack]( framework

## Download Source

The source is available for download from [GitHub](

From the web, you can download the packaged scripts here

## Install

For node js, you can install using Node Package Manager [npm](

    npm install bugcore

For the web, simply include these scripts in your application

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

## Usage

In node js:

npm will install the bugpack dependency

var bugcore = require('bugcore');

var map     = new bugcore.Map();

In the browser:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

    var map = new bugcore.Map();


## Documentation

### Change Classes

* [`AddAtChange`](#AddAtChange)
* [`AddChange`](#AddChange)
* [`Change`](#Change)
* [`ClearChange`](#ClearChange)
* [`PutChange`](#PutChange)
* [`RemoveAtChange`](#RemoveAtChange)
* [`RemoveChange`](#RemoveChange)
* [`RemovePropertyChange`](#RemovePropertyChange)
* [`SetPropertyChange`](#SetPropertyChange)

### Command Classes

* [`Command`](#Command)
* [`CommandBatch`](#CommandBatch)
* [`CommandProcessor`](#CommandProcessor)

### Concurrent Classes

* [`Lock`](#Lock)
* [`LockMap`](#LockMap)
* [`LockStriped`](#LockStriped)
* [`Semaphore`](#Semaphore)

### Core Classes

* [`Class`](#Class)
* [`Constructor`](#Constructor)
* [`Func`](#Func)
* [`Implementable`](#Implementable)
* [`Interface`](#Interface)
* [`Obj`](#Obj)

### Core Interfaces

* [`IClone`](#IClone)
* [`IEquals`](#IEquals)
* [`IHashCode`](#IHashCode)

### Data Classes

* [`BidiMap`](#BidiMap)
* [`Collection`](#Collection)
* [`Collections`](#Collections)
* [`DependencyGraph`](#DependencyGraph)
* [`Document`](#Document)
* [`DualMap`](#DualMap)
* [`DualMultiMap`](#DualMultiMap)
* [`DualMultiSetMap`](#DualMultiSetMap)
* [`Graph`](#Graph)
* [`GraphEdge`](#GraphEdge)
* [`GraphNode`](#GraphNode)
* [`HashStore`](#HashStore)
* [`HashStoreNode`](#HashStoreNode)
* [`HashTable`](#HashTable)
* [`HashTableNode`](#HashTableNode)
* [`List`](#List)
* [`Map`](#Map)
* [`MultiListMap`](#MultiListMap)
* [`MultiMap`](#MultiMap)
* [`MultiSetMap`](#MultiSetMap)
* [`Pair`](#Pair)
* [`Queue`](#Queue)
* [`ReferenceGraph`](#ReferenceGraph)
* [`Set`](#Set)
* [`Stack`](#Stack)
* [`Striped`](#Striped)
* [`Tree`](#Tree)
* [`TreeNode`](#TreeNode)
* [`UnorderedPair`](#UnorderedPair)
* [`Url`](#Url)
* [`WeightedList`](#WeightedList)
* [`WeightedListNode`](#WeightedListNode)

### Data Interfaces

* [`IArrayable`](#IArrayable)
* [`ICollection`](#ICollection)
* [`IIterable`](#IIterable)
* [`IIterator`](#IIterator)
* [`IList`](#IList)
* [`IMap`](#IMap)
* [`IObjectable`](#IObjectable)
* [`ISet`](#ISet)

### Event Classes

* [`Event`](#Event)
* [`EventDispatcher`](#EventDispatcher)
* [`EventListener`](#EventListener)
* [`EventPropagator`](#EventPropagator)
* [`EventQuery`](#EventQuery)
* [`EventQueryBuilder`](#EventQueryBuilder)
* [`EventQueryListener`](#EventQueryListener)
* [`EventReceiver`](#EventReceiver)

### Event Interfaces

* [`IEventDispatcher`](#IEventDispatcher)
* [`IEventPropagator`](#IEventPropagator)
* [`IEventReceiver`](#IEventReceiver)

### Flow Classes

* [`Flow`](#Flow)
* [`Flows`](#Flows)
* [`ForEachParallel`](#ForEachParallel)
* [`ForEachSeries`](#ForEachSeries)
* [`ForInParallel`](#ForInParallel)
* [`ForInSeries`](#ForInSeries)
* [`If`](#If)
* [`IterableParallel`](#IterableParallel)
* [`IterableSeries`](#IterableSeries)
* [`Iteration`](#Iteration)
* [`IterableFlow`](#IterableFlow)
* [`Parallel`](#Parallel)
* [`Series`](#Series)
* [`Task`](#Task)
* [`WhileParallel`](#WhileParallel)
* [`WhileSeries`](#WhileSeries)

### Match Classes

* [`ObjectPathMatcher`](#ObjectPathMatcher)

### Observable Classes

* [`Observable`](#Observable)
* [`ObservableArray`](#ObservableArray)
* [`ObservableCollection`](#ObservableCollection)
* [`ObservableList`](#ObservableList)
* [`ObservableMap`](#ObservableMap)
* [`ObservableObject`](#ObservableObject)
* [`ObservableSet`](#ObservableSet)
* [`Observation`](#Observation)
* [`ObservationPropagator`](#ObservationPropagator)
* [`Observer`](#Observer)

### Observable Interfaces

* [`IObservable`](#IObservable)
* [`IObservationPropagator`](#IObservationPropagator)

### Promise Classes

* [`Deferred`](#Deferred)
* [`FinallyHandler`](#FinallyHandler)
* [`FulfilledHandler`](#FulfilledHandler)
* [`Handler`](#Handler)
* [`Promise`](#Promise)
* [`Promises`](#Promises)
* [`RejectedHandler`](#RejectedHandler)
* [`Resolver`](#Resolver)

### Promise Interfaces

* [`IPromise`](#IPromise)

### Proxy Classes

* [`Proxy`](#Proxy)
* [`ProxyMethod`](#ProxyMethod)
* [`ProxyObject`](#ProxyObject)
* [`ProxyProperty`](#ProxyProperty)

### Proxy Interfaces

* [`IProxy`](#IProxy)

### Publisher Classes

* [`Publisher`](#Publisher)
* [`PublisherMessage`](#PublisherMessage)
* [`PublisherSubscription`](#PublisherSubscription)

### Query Classes

* [`Query`](#Query)
* [`QueryBuilder`](#QueryBuilder)
* [`WhereCondition`](#WhereCondition)
* [`WhereConditionBuilder`](#WhereConditionBuilder)

### Query Interfaces

* [`ICondition`](#ICondition)
* [`IConditionBuilder`](#IConditionBuilder)

### State Classes

* [`StateEvent`](#StateEvent)
* [`StateMachine`](#StateMachine)

### Stream Classes

* [`ArraySupplier`](#ArraySupplier)
* [`CollectConsumer`](#CollectConsumer)
* [`Consumer`](#Consumer)
* [`EachOperation`](#EachOperation)
* [`FilterOperation`](#FilterOperation)
* [`IterableSupplier`](#IterableSupplier)
* [`MapOperation`](#MapOperation)
* [`ReduceConsumer`](#ReduceConsumer)
* [`Stream`](#Stream)
* [`Supplier`](#Supplier)
* [`Suppliers`](#Suppliers)

### Stream Interfaces

* [`IConsumer`](#IConsumer)
* [`IStreamable`](#IStreamable)
* [`IStreamOperation`](#IStreamOperation)
* [`ISupplier`](#ISupplier)

### Throwable Classes

* [`ArgumentBug`](#ArgumentBug)
* [`Bug`](#Bug)
* [`Exception`](#Exception)
* [`MappedParallelException`](#MappedParallelException)
* [`MappedThrowable`](#MappedThrowable)
* [`ParallelException`](#ParallelException)
* [`Throwable`](#Throwable)

### Trace Classes

* [`Trace`](#Trace)
* [`Tracer`](#Tracer)

### Util Classes

* [`ArgUtil`](#ArgUtil)
* [`ArrayUtil`](#ArrayUtil)
* [`Config`](#Config)
* [`DateUtil`](#DateUtil)
* [`HashUtil`](#HashUtil)
* [`HtmlUtil`](#HtmlUtil)
* [`IdGenerator`](#IdGenerator)
* [`LiteralUtil`](#LiteralUtil)
* [`MathUtil`](#MathUtil)
* [`ObjectUtil`](#ObjectUtil)
* [`Properties`](#Properties)
* [`PropertiesChain`](#PropertiesChain)
* [`StackTraceUtil`](#StackTraceUtil)
* [`StringUtil`](#StringUtil)
* [`TypeUtil`](#TypeUtil)
* [`UuidGenerator`](#UuidGenerator)
* [`WeightedRandomizer`](#WeightedRandomizer)

### Validator Classes

* [`ValidationMachine`](#ValidationMachine)
* [`Validator`](#Validator)
* [`ValidatorGroup`](#ValidatorGroup)
* [`ValidatorProcessor`](#ValidatorProcessor)

<br /><a name="AddAtChange" />
## AddAtChange


<br /><a name="AddChange" />
## AddChange


<br /><a name="Change" />
## Change


<br /><a name="ClearChange" />
## ClearChange


<br /><a name="PutChange" />
## PutChange


<br /><a name="RemoveAtChange" />
## RemoveAtChange


<br /><a name="RemoveChange" />
## RemoveChange


<br /><a name="RemovePropertyChange" />
## RemovePropertyChange


<br /><a name="SetPropertyChange" />
## SetPropertyChange


<br /><a name="Command" />
## Command


<br /><a name="CommandBatch" />
## CommandBatch


<br /><a name="CommandProcessor" />
## CommandProcessor


<br /><a name="Lock" />
## Lock


<br /><a name="LockMap" />
## LockMap


<br /><a name="LockStriped" />
## LockStriped


<br /><a name="Semaphore" />
## Semaphore


<br /><a name="Class"></a>
## Class

Core class used to build other classes.


 * @constructor
 * @param {function(new:Constructor)} constructor
 * @param {Array.<Interface>} interfaces
 * @param {string} name
 * @param {Class} superclass
var Class = function(constructor, interfaces, name, superclass) {
[View code](

__Constructor Summary__

Access | Signature
--- | ---
constructor | <code>[Class](#Class_constructor)({[Constructor](#Constructor)} constructor, {[Array](;[Interface](#Interface)&gt;} interfaces, {string} name, {[Class](#Class)} superclass)</code>

__Getters and Setters Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
public | <code>[getConstructor](#Class_getConstructor)()</code> | <code>{function(new:[Constructor](#Constructor))}</code>
public | <code>[getInterfaces](#Class_getInterfaces)()</code> | <code>{[Array](;[Interface](#Interface)&gt;}</code>
public | <code>[getName](#Class_getName)()</code> | <code>{string}</code>
public | <code>[getSuperclass](#Class_getSuperclass)()</code> | <code>{[Class](#Class)}</code>

__Method Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
public | <code>[alloc](#Class_alloc)({*...} args)</code> | <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code>
public | <code>[allocWithArray](#Class_allocWithArray)({[Array](;*&gt;} args)</code> | <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code>
public | <code>[newInstance](#Class_newInstance)({*...} args)</code> | <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code>
public | <code>[newInstanceWithArray](#Class_newInstanceWithArray)({[Array](;*&gt;} args)</code> | <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code>

__Static Method Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
static public | <code>[declare](#Class-declare)({[Object](;string, *&gt;} declaration)</code> | <code>{function(new:[Constructor](#Constructor))}</code>
static public | <code>[doesExtend](#Class-doesExtend)({*} value, {function(new:[Constructor](#Constructor))} constructor)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
static public | <code>[doesImplement](#Class-doesImplement)({*} value, {function(new:[Implementable](#Implementable))} implementable)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
static public | <code>[extend](#Class-extend)({function(new:[Constructor](#Constructor))} constructor, {[Object](;string, *&gt;} declaration)</code> | <code>{function(new:[Constructor](#Constructor))}</code>
static public | <code>[implement](#Class-implement)({function(new:[Constructor](#Constructor))} constructor, {function(new:[Implementable](#Implementable))} implementable)</code> | None

<br />
<br />

<a name="Class_constructor"></a>
### Class(constructor, interfaces, name, superclass)


 * @constructor
 * @param {function(new:Constructor)} constructor
 * @param {Array.<Interface>} interfaces
 * @param {string} name
 * @param {Class} superclass
var Class = function(constructor, interfaces, name, superclass) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`constructor` | <code>{function(new:[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code> | The Constructor of this class.
`interfaces` | <code>{[Array](;[Interface](#Interface)&gt;}</code> | Any Interfaces that this Class implements.
`name` | <code>{string}</code> | The name of this Class.
`superclass` | <code>{[Class](#Class)}</code> | The superclass of this Class.


var myClass = new Class(constructor, interfaces, name, superclass);

<br />
<br />

<a name="Class_getConstructor"></a>
### Class#getConstructor()

Get the Class's Constructor function


 * @return {function(new:Constructor)}
getConstructor: function() {


* None


* <code>{function(new:[Constructor](#Constructor))}</code> - The Class's Constructor function.


/** @type {function(new:MyClassConstructor)} */
var MyClassConstructor  = Class.extend(Obj, {});

/** @type {Class} */
var MyClass             = MyClassConstructor.getClass();

console.log(MyClassConstructor === MyClass.getConstructor());   // true

<br />
<br />

<a name="Class_getInterfaces"></a>
### Class#getInterfaces()

Get the Class's implemented Interfaces


 * @return {Array.<Interface>}
getInterfaces: function() {


* None


* <code>{[Array](;[Interface](#Interface)&gt;}</code> - The Class's implemented Interfaces.


var MyInterface         = Interface.declare({
    myMethod: function() {}
var MyClassConstructor  = Class.extend(Obj, {
    myMethod: function() {}

Class.implement(MyClassConstructor, MyInterface);

var MyClass = MyClassConstructor.getClass();
MyClass.getInterfaces();                            // [ MyInterface ]

<br />
<br />

<a name="Class_getName" />
### Class#getName()

Get the Class's name (if one was supplied)


 * @return {string}
getName: function() {


* None


* <code>{string}</code> - The Class's name.


var MyClassConstructor  = Class.extend(Obj, {
    _name: "MyClass"

var MyClass = MyClassConstructor.getClass();
MyClass.getName();                         // "MyClass"

<br />
<br />

<a name="Class_getSuperclass" />
### Class#getSuperclass()

Get the Class's superclass (if there is one)


 * @return {Class}
getSuperclass: function() {


* None


* <code>{[Class](#Class)}</code> - The Class's superclass.


Extended Class
var MyClassConstructor  = Class.extend(Obj, {});

var MyClass = MyClassConstructor.getClass();
console.log(MyClass.getSuperclass() === Obj.getClass());    // true

Declared Class
var MyBaseClassConstructor  = Class.declare({});

var MyBaseClass = MyBaseClassConstructor.getClass();
MyBaseClass.getSuperclass();                                // null

<br />
<br />

<a name="Class_alloc" />
### Class#alloc()

This method allocates and returns a new instance of this Class that has only been constructed. It passes all
arguments through to the constructor.


 * @param {...} args
 * @return {Constructor}
alloc: function(args) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`args` | <code>{...}</code> | Any number of arguments of any type.


* <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code> - The new instance


var BaseBall        = Class.extend(Ball, {});
var BaseBallClass   = BaseBall.getClass();
var myBaseBall      = BaseBallClass.alloc("arg1", "arg2");

<br />
<br />

<a name="Class_allocWithArray" />
### Class#allocWithArray()

This method allocates and returns a new instance of this Class that has only been constructed. It uses an array
as the arguments to apply to the constructor.


 * @param {Array.<*>=} args
 * @return {Constructor}
allocWithArray: function(args) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`args` | <code>{[Array](;*&gt;}</code> | An array of args to apply to the constructor.


* <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code> - The new instance


var BaseBall        = Class.extend(Ball, {});
var BaseBallClass   = BaseBall.getClass();
var myBaseBall      = BaseBallClass.allocWithArray(["arg1", "arg2"]);

<br />
<br />

<a name="Class_newInstance" />
### Class#newInstance()

This method returns a new instance of this Class that has been both constructed and initialized. It passes all
arguments through to both the constructor as well as the init methods.


 * @param {*...} args
 * @return {Constructor}
newInstance: function(args) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`args` | <code>{*...}</code> | Any number of arguments of any type.


* <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code> - The new instance


var BaseBall        = Class.extend(Ball, {});
var BaseBallClass   = BaseBall.getClass();
var myBaseBall      = BaseBallClass.newInstance("arg1", "arg2");

<br />
<br />

<a name="Class_newInstanceWithArray" />
### Class#newInstanceWithArray()

This method returns a new instance of this Class that has been both constructed and initialized. It uses an array
as the arguments to apply to both the constructor and the init methods.


 * @param {Array.<*>=} args
 * @return {Constructor}
newInstanceWithArray: function(args) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`args` | <code>{[Array](;*&gt;}</code> | An array of args to apply to the constructor and init methods.


* <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code> - The new instance


var BaseBall        = Class.extend(Ball, {});
var BaseBallClass   = BaseBall.getClass();
var myBaseBall      = BaseBallClass.newInstanceWithArray(["arg1", "arg2"]);

<br />
<br />

<a name="Class-declare" />
### Class.declare(declaration)

This method is used to declare a low level base class in the bugcore system. Most of the
time you should not use this method to declare new classes unless you are sure of what
you are doing. Instead use the [Class.extend](#Class-extend) method and extend Obj. By
using this method, it will exclude many of the base methods that the rest of the bugcore
system depends upon, including hashCode, equals, _internalId, and clone


 * @static
 * @param {Object.<string, *>} declaration
 * @return {function(new:Constructor)}
Class.declare = function(declaration) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`declaration` | <code>{[Object](;string, *&gt;}</cod> | An object that declares the methods of the new class.


* <code>{function(new:[Constructor](#Constructor))}</code> - The newly created class's constructor.


var LowestLevelObject = Class.declare({
    _constructor: function() {
        // No need to call this._super, this is the lowest level.

<br />
<br />

<a name="Class-doesExtend" />
### Class.doesExtend(value, constructor)

This method is used to determine if a value extends a particular Constructor's Class. Instances of Classes are
considered to extend their own Class.


 * @static
 * @param {*} value
 * @param {function(new:Constructor)} constructor
 * @return {boolean}
Class.doesExtend = function(value, constructor) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`value` | <code>{*}</code> | The value to determine if it extends the given Constructor's Class
`constructor` | <code>{function(new:[Constructor](#Constructor))}</code> | The Constructor used to check if the value extends it's Class


* <code>{boolean}</code> - Whether or not the value extends the given Constructor's Class


var BaseBall = Class.extend(Ball, {});
var myBaseBall = new BaseBall();

Class.doesExtend(myBaseBall, Ball);         //true
Class.doesExtend(myBaseBall, BaseBall);     //true

<br />
<br />

<a name="Class-doesImplement" />
### Class.doesImplement(value, implementable)

This method is used to determine if a value implements a particular Implementable's Interface.


 * @static
 * @param {*} value
 * @param {function(new:Implementable)} implementable
 * @return {boolean}
Class.doesImplement = function(value, implementable) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`value` | <code>{*}</code> | The value to determine if it implements the given Implementable's Interface
`constructor` | <code>{function(new:[Constructor](#Constructor))}</code> | The Constructor used to check if the value extends it's Class


* <code>{boolean}</code> - Whether or not the value implements the given Implementable's Interface


var IBall   = Interface.declare({});
var Ball    = Class.declare({});
Class.implement(Ball, IBall);

var myBall  = new Ball();

Class.doesImplement(myBall, IBall);         //true

<br />
<br />

<a name="Class-extend" />
### Class.extend(constructor, declaration)

This method is used to extend another Class. It accepts the Class's Constructor as a parameter
and the declaration for the new Class.


* The declaration can include methods and default properties for the new Class.
* If you're creating a low level Class, it is best practice to extend [Obj](#Obj)


 * @static
 * @param {function(new:Constructor)} constructor
 * @param {Object.<string, *>} declaration
 * @return {function(new:Constructor)}
Class.extend = function(constructor, declaration) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`constructor` | <code>{function(new:[Constructor](#Constructor))}</code> | The constructor of the class to extend.
`declaration` | <code>{[Object](;string, *&gt;}</code> | An object that declares the methods of the new class.


* <code>{function(new:[Constructor](#Constructor))}</code> - The newly created class's constructor.


var BaseBall = Class.extend(Ball, {

    _constructor: function(diameter) {
        this._super(); // Call super constructor
        this.diameter = diameter;

    throwBall: function() {


<br />
<br />

<a name="Class-implement" />
### Class.implement(constructor, implementable)

This method marks a Class as implementing an Interface. When calling this method it will add the
Implementable's Interface to the Class's list of Interfaces. It will also validate that the
given Class actually implements all of the methods of the Interface. If the Class does not
this method will throw an Error.


 * @static
 * @param {function(new:Constructor)} constructor
 * @param {function(new:Implementable)} implementable
Class.implement = function(constructor, implementable) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`constructor` | <code>{function(new:[Constructor](#Constructor))}</code> | The Constructor of the Class to implement the Interface.
`implementable` | <code>{function(new:[Implementable](#Implementable))}</code> | The Implementable of the Interface to implement.


* None


Implement an Interface
var IBall   = Interface.declare({
    throwBall: function() {}

var Ball    = Class.declare({
    throwBall: function() {
        // Implementation of method

Class.implement(Ball, IBall);

<br /><a name="Constructor" />
## Constructor

Represents the base instantiable constructor function of all classes declared in the
BugCore system using [Class.declare](#Class-declare)


 * @constructor
var Constructor = function() {

__Getters and Setters Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
public | <code>[getClass](#Constructor_getClass)()</code> | <code>{[Class](#Class)}</code>

__Static Getters and Setters Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
static public | <code>[getClass](#Constructor-getClass)()</code> | <code>{[Class](#Class)}</code>

__Static Methods Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
static public | <code>[alloc](#Constructor-alloc)({*...} args)</code> | <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code>
static public | <code>[allocWithArray](#Constructor-allocWithArray)({[Array](;*&gt;} args)</code> | <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code>
static public | <code>[newInstance](#Constructor-newInstance)({*...} args)</code> | <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code>
static public | <code>[newInstanceWithArray](#Constructor-newInstanceWithArray)({[Array](;*&gt;} args)</code> | <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code>

<br />
<br />

<a name="Constructor_getClass" />
### Constructor#getClass()

Get the [Class](#Class) for this instance.


 * @return {Class}
getClass: function() {


* None


* <code>{[Class](#Class)}</code> - The Class of this instance.


//TODO BRN: Provide example of Class usage

<br />
<br />

<a name="Constructor-getClass" />
### Constructor.getClass()

Get the [Class](#Class) for this Constructor.


 * @static
 * @return {Class}
Constructor.getClass = function() {


* None


* <code>{[Class](#Class)}</code> - The Class of this Constructor.


//TODO BRN: Provide example of Class usage

<br />
<br />

<a name="Constructor-alloc" />
### Constructor.alloc()

This method allocates and returns a new instance of the class represented by this Constructor. The new instance
has only been constructed and not initialized. The method passes all arguments through to the constructor.


 * @static
 * @param {*...}
 * @return {Constructor}
Constructor.alloc = function() {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`args` | <code>{...}</code> | Any number of arguments of any type.


* <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code> - The new instance


var BaseBall        = Class.extend(Ball, {});
var myBaseBall      = BaseBall.alloc("arg1", "arg2");

<br />
<br />

<a name="Constructor-allocWithArray" />
### Constructor.allocWithArray()

This method allocates and returns a new instance of the class represented by this Constructor. The new instance has only been
constructed and not initialized. This method uses an array as the arguments to apply to the constructor.


 * @static
 * @param {Array.<*>} args
 * @return {Constructor}
Constructor.allocWithArray = function(args) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`args` | <code>{[Array](;*&gt;}</code> | An array of args to apply to the constructor.


* <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code> - The new instance


var BaseBall        = Class.extend(Ball, {});
var myBaseBall      = BaseBall.allocWithArray(["arg1", "arg2"]);

<br />
<br />

<a name="Constructor-newInstance" />
### Constructor.newInstance()

This method allocates and returns a new instance of the class represented by this Constructor. The new instance
has been both constructed and initialized.  This method passes all arguments through to both the constructor as
well as the init methods.


 * @static
 * @param {*...}
 * @return {Constructor}
Constructor.newInstance = function() {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`args` | <code>{*...}</code> | Any number of arguments of any type.


* <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code> - The new instance


var BaseBall        = Class.extend(Ball, {});
var myBaseBall      = BaseBall.newInstance("arg1", "arg2");

<br />
<br />

<a name="Constructor-newInstanceWithArray" />
### Constructor.newInstanceWithArray()

This method allocates and returns a new instance of the class represented by this Constructor. The new instance
has been both constructed and initialized. This method uses an array as the arguments to apply to both the
constructor and the init methods.


 * @static
 * @param {Array.<*>} args
 * @return {Constructor}
Constructor.newInstanceWithArray = function(args) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`args` | <code>{[Array](;*&gt;}</code> | An array of args to apply to the constructor and init methods.


* <code>{[Constructor](#Constructor)}</code> - The new instance


var BaseBall        = Class.extend(Ball, {});
var myBaseBall      = BaseBall.newInstanceWithArray(["arg1", "arg2"]);

<br /><a name="Func" />
## Func

<br /><a name="Implementable" />
## Implementable

Represents the base function of all interfaces declared in the BugCore system
using [Interface.declare](#Interface-declare)


 * @constructor
var Implementable = function() {};

__Static Getters and Setters Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
static public | <code>[getInterface](#Implementable-getInterface)()</code> | <code>{[Interface](#Interface)}</code>

<br />
<br />

<a name="Implementable-getInterface"></a>
### Implementable.getInterface()

Get the [Interface](#Interface) for this Implementable.


 * @static
 * @return {Interface}
Implementable.getInterface = function() {


* None


* <code>{[Interface](#Interface)}</code> - The Interface of this Implementable.


var MyImplementable = Interface.declare({
    interfaceMethod: function() {

var MyInterface = MyImplementable.getInterface();

<br /><a name="Interface" />
## Interface

Core class used to build interfaces.


 * @constructor
 * @param {function(new:Implementable)} implementable
 * @param {string} name
 * @param {Interface} superinterface
var Interface = function(implementable, name, superinterface) {

__Constructor Summary__

Access | Signature
--- | --- | ---
constructor | <code>[Interface](#Interface_constructor)({function(new:[Implementable](#Implementable))} implementable, {string} name, {[Interface](#Interface)} superinterface)</code>

__Getters and Setters Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
public | <code>[getImplementable](#Interface_getImplementable)()</code> | <code>{function(new:[Implementable](#Implementable))}</code>
public | <code>[getName](#Interface_getName)()</code> | <code>{string}</code>
public | <code>[getSuperinterface](#Interface_getSuperinterface)()</code> | <code>{[Interface](#Interface)}</code>

__Static Method Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
static public | <code>[declare](#Interface-declare)({[Object](;string, *&gt;} declaration)</code> | <code>{function(new:[Implementable](#Implementable))}</code>
static public | <code>[extend](#Implementable-extend)({function(new:[Implementable](#Implementable))} implementable, {[Object](;string, *&gt;} declaration)</code> | <code>function(new:[Implementable](#Implementable))</code>

<br />
<br />

<a name="Interface_constructor" />
### Interface(implementable, name, superinterface)

Constructor for a new Interface. This should not be used directly. Instead, use the
[Interface.declare](#Interface-declare) method to create a new Interface.


 * @constructor
 * @param {function(new:Implementable)} implementable
 * @param {string} name
 * @param {Interface} superinterface
var Interface = function(implementable, name, superinterface) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`implementable` | <code>{function(new:[Implementable](#Implementable)}</code> | The Implementable of this Interface.
`name` | <code>{string}</code> | The name of this Interface.
`superinterface` | <code>{[Interface](#Interface)}</code> | The superinterface of this Interface (optional).


var myInterface = new Interface(implementable, name, superinterface);

<br />
<br />

<a name="Interface_getImplementable" />
### Interface#getImplementable()

Get the Interface's Implementable function.


 * @return {function(new:Implementable)}
getImplementable: function() {


* None


* <code>{function(new:[Implementable](#Implementable))}</code> - The Interface's Implementable function.


/** @type {function(new:MyInterfaceImplementable)} */
var MyInterfaceImplementable  = Interface.declare({});

/** @type {Interface} */
var MyInterface            = MyInterfaceImplementable.getInterface();

console.log(MyInterfaceImplementable === MyInterface.getImplementable());   // true

<br />
<br />

<a name="Interface_getName" />
### Interface#getName()

Get the Interface's name (if one was supplied)


 * @return {string}
getName: function() {


* None


* <code>{string}</code> - The Interface's name.


var MyInterfaceImplementable  = Interface.declare({
    _name: "MyInterface"

var MyInterface = MyInterfaceImplementable.getInterface();
MyInterface.getName();                         // "MyInterface"

<br />
<br />

<a name="Interface_getSuperinterface" />
### Interface#getSuperinterface()

Get the Interface's superinterface (if there is one)


 * @return {Interface}
getSuperinterface: function() {


* None


* <code>{[Interface](#Interface)}</code> - The Interface's superinterface.


Extended Interface
var MyInterfaceImplementable  = Interface.extend(SomeInterfaceImplementable, {});

var MyInterface = MyInterfaceImplementable.getInterface();
console.log(MyInterface.getSuperinterface() === SomeInterfaceImplementable.getInterface());    // true

Declared Interface
var MyBaseInterfaceImplementable  = Interface.declare({});

var MyBaseInterface = MyBaseInterfaceImplementable.getInterface();
MyBaseInterface.getSuperinterface();                                // null

<br />
<br />

<a name="Interface-declare" />
### Interface.declare(declaration)

This method is used to declare a low level base Interface in the bugcore system. Unlike Class.declare
this method should be freely used to declare basic interfaces that extend no other Interface.


 * @static
 * @param {Object.<string, function(...):*>} declaration
 * @return {function(new:Implementable)}
Interface.declare = function(declaration) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`declaration` | <code>{[Object](;string, function(...):*&gt;}</code> | An object that declares the methods of the new Interface.


* <code>{function(new:[Implementable](#Implementable))}</code> - The newly created Interface's Implementable.


var MyImplementable = Interface.declare({
    foo: function() {},
    bar: function() {}

<br />
<br />

<a name="Interface-extend" />
### Interface.extend(implementable, declaration)

This method is used to extend and existing interface.


 * @static
 * @param {function(new:Implementable)} implementable
 * @param {Object.<string, function(..):*>} declaration
 * @return {function(new:Implementable)}
Interface.extend = function(implementable, declaration) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`implementable` | <code>{function(new:[Implementable](#Implementable))}</code> | The Implementable of the Interface to extend.
`declaration` | <code>{[Object](;string, function(...):*&gt;}</code> | An object that declares the methods of the new Interface.


* <code>{function(new:[Implementable](#Implementable))}</code> - The newly created Interface's Implementable.


var IBall = Interface.declare({
    throwBall: function() {

var IBaseBall = Class.extend(IBall, {
    hitBall: function() {


<br /><a name="Obj" />
## Obj

The root class of all other classes in the bugcore library. Provides basic functionality such as hash code support,
equality checks and clone support.


 * @class
 * @extends {Constructor}
 * @implements {IClone}
 * @implements {IEquals}
 * @implements {IHashCode}
var Obj = Class.declare(/** @lends {Obj.prototype} */{


* [`Constructor`](#Constructor)


* [`IClone`](#IClone)
* [`IEquals`](#IEquals)
* [`IHashCode`](#IHashCode)

__Constructor Summary__

Access | Signature
--- | ---
constructor | <code>[_constructor](#Obj__constructor)()</code>

__Getters and Setters Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
public | <code>[getInternalId](#Obj_getInternalId)()<code> | <code>{number}</code>

__Method Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
public | <code>[clone](#Obj_clone)({boolean} deep)</code>  | <code>{\*}</code>
public | <code>[equals](#Obj_equals)({\*} value)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
public | <code>[hashCode](#Obj_hashCode)() | <code>{number}</code>

__Static Method Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
static public | <code>[clone](#Obj-clone)({A} value, {boolean} deep)</code> | <code>{A}</code>
static public | <code>[equals](#Obj-equals)({\*} value1, {\*} value2)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
static public | <code>[hashCode](#Obj-hashCode)({\*} value)</code> | <code>{number}</code>

<br />
<br />

<a name="Obj__constructor" />

### Obj#_constructor()


 * @constructs
_constructor: function() {


* None


var myObj = new Obj();

<br />
<br />

<a name="Obj_getInternalId" />

### Obj#getInternalId()


 * @return {number}
getInternalId: function() {


* None


* <code>{number}</code> - The unique internal id for this instance. Unique only to this JS runtime.


var myObj       = new Obj();
var internalId  = myObj.getInternalId();

<br />
<br />

<a name="Obj_clone" />
### Obj#clone(deep)

By default the clone method will use the instance's Class to instantiate a new instance.
It will also iterate through the instance's properties and attempt to clone all properties
that are not functions. If a deep clone is being performed, then the clone method will
attempt to create a deep copy of each property. If a shallow clone is being performed
then a reference to the property value will be set on the new instance.


* _internalId is not cloned for deep or shallow clones. Therefore the clone instance
is unique from that of the original.


 * @param {boolean=} deep
 * @return {*}
clone: function(deep) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`deep` | <code>{boolean=}</code> | Whether or not to perform a deep clone. Optional - default: false


* <code>{\*}</code> - A clone of the instance.


var myObj               = new Obj();
var shallowCloneObj     = myObj.clone();     //shallow clone
var deepCloneObj        = myObj.clone(true); //deep clone

<br />
<br />

<a name="Obj_equals" />
### Obj#equals(value)

By default, the equality check will compare this instances _internalId to the value parameter.


* If two instances are equal, they should return the same hash code.


 * @param {*} value
 * @return {boolean}
equals: function(value) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`value` | <code>{\*}</code> | The value to compare to for equality.


* <code>{boolean}</code> - Whether or not the instance is equal to the value parameter.


Two different instances are not equal
var obj1   = new Obj();
var obj2   = new Obj();
obj1.equals(obj2);      //false

An instance is equal to itself
var obj1   = new Obj();
obj1.equals(obj1);      //true

Clones are not equal unless the 'equals' method is overridden
var obj         = new Obj();
var objClone    = obj.clone();
obj.equals(objClone);      //false

var obj         = new Obj();
var objClone    = obj.clone(true);
obj.equals(objClone);      //false

<br />
<br />

<a name="Obj_hashCode" />
### Obj#hashCode()

Returns the objects hashCode. The generation of the hashCode is only run once and
then cached.


* If two instances are equal, they should return the same hash code.
* Equal hash codes is not a guarantee of equality.
* A hash code should not change for an instance over the lifespan of the instance.
* Generation of hash codes should be done only using immutable values.


 * @return {number}
hashCode: function() {


* None


* <code>{number}</code> - The hash code of this instance.


Get hash code of instance
var obj         = new Obj();
var hashCode    = obj.hashCode();

<br />
<br />

<a name="Obj-clone" />
### Obj.clone(value, deep)

Clones the value parameter.

If the value implements IClone the clone() method will be called to perform a clone of
the value. If the value is a basic value such as a number or string it will simply be
passed through.


 * @static
 * @param {A} value
 * @param {boolean=} deep
 * @return {A}
 * @template A
Obj.clone = function(value, deep) {


* If the value implements IClone, the clone() method will be used to clone the value.
* Cloning an object literal will create a new object literal and set references to all
iterable property values of the original object.
* Cloning a Date will create a new Date instance with the same time.
* Cloning an Array will create a new Array with the same values in the same order.


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`value` | <code>{A}</code> | The value to clone.
`deep` | <code>{boolean=}</code> | Whether or not to perform a deep clone. Optional - default: false


* <code>{A}</code> - A clone of the value.


var myObj               = new Obj();
var shallowCloneObj     = Obj.clone(myObj);         //shallow clone

var myObj               = new Obj();
var deepCloneObj        = Obj.clone(myObj, true);   //deep clone

var myString            = "abc123";
var cloneString         = Obj.clone(myString);      //"abc123"

<br />
<br />

<a name="Obj-equals" />
### Obj.equals(value1, value2)

Checks value1 and value2 for equality.

If value1 implements IEquals, the value1.equals() method will be used to perform
the equality check. Otherwise === is used to compare the two values.


* Two Date instances of the same time are considered equal


 * @static
 * @param {*} value1
 * @param {*} value2
 * @return {boolean}
Obj.equals = function(value1, value2) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`value1` | <code>{\*}</code> | The value to compare value2 to for equality.
`value2` | <code>{\*}</code> | The value to compare value1 to for equality.


* <code>{boolean}</code> - Whether or not the two values are equal.


Two different instances are not equal
var obj1   = new Obj();
var obj2   = new Obj();
Obj.equals(obj1, obj2);         //false

An instance is equal to itself
var obj1   = new Obj();
Obj.equals(obj1, obj1);         //true

Strings of the same value are equal
var string1 = "mystring";
var string2 = "mystring";
Obj.equals(string1, string2)    //true

Undefined and null are not equal
var undefinedValue  = undefined;
var nullValue       = null;
Obj.equals(undefinedValue, nullValue) //false

Two Dates of the same time are equal
var time    =;
var date1   = new Date(time);
var date2   = new Date(time);
Obj.equals(date1, date2)        //true

<br />
<br />

<a name="Obj-hashCode" />
### Obj.hashCode(value)

Returns the hashCode of the value. If the value implements IHashCode, then the
value.hashCode() method will be used to generate the hash code.


 * @static
 * @param {*} value
 * @return {number}
Obj.hashCode = function(value) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`value` | <code>{\*}</code> | The value to generate a hash code for..


* <code>{number}</code> - The hash code of the value.


Get hash code of an instance.
var myObj       = new Obj();
var hashCode    = Obj.hashCode(myObj);

Get hash code of a string.
var myString    = "abc123";
var hashCode    = Obj.hashCode(myString);

<br /><a name="IClone" />
## IClone

The base interface for cloning. If your Class can be cloned, you should implement this interface.


 * @interface
var IClone = Interface.declare({

__Method Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
public | <code>[clone](#IClone_clone)({boolean=} deep)</code>  | <code>{\*}</code>

<br />
<br />

<a name="IClone_clone" />
### IClone#clone(deep)

This method returns a clone of the instance that implements this interface.
Implementations should respect the deep clone flag.


* Implementations should respect the deep flag.
* Immutable values need not be cloned on a deep clone.


 * @param {boolean=} deep
 * @return {*}
clone: function(deep) {}


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`deep` | <code>{boolean=}</code> | Whether or not to perform a deep clone. Optional - default: false


* <code>{\*}</code> - A clone of the instance.

<br /><a name="IEquals" />
## IEquals

The base interface for equality checks. If your Class can be compared for equality against
another, you should implement this interface.

* This interfaces must be implemented along with the the IHashCode interface if you want your
Class to work properly with the bugcore data classes.
* If two instances are equal, they should return the same hash code.


 * @interface
var IEquals = Interface.declare({

__Method Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
public | <code>[equals](#IEquals_equals)({\*} value)</code>  | <code>{boolean}</code>

<br />
<br />

<a name="IEquals_equals" />
### IEquals#equals(value)

This method returns true if the instance that implements this interface is equal to the given value.
Returns false if the given value does not equal the instance.


* Implementations should handle any value passed in as a parameter.


 * @param {*} value
 * @return {boolean}
equals: function(value) {}


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`value` | <code>{\*}</code> | The value to compare the instance against for equality.


* <code>{boolean}</code> - Returns true if the instance is equal to the given value. False if not.

<br /><a name="IHashCode" />
## IHashCode

The base interface for generating a hash code for an instance. Used in tandem with the IEquals interface
for storing values in [HashStore](#HashStore) and [HashTable](#HashTable).

* This interfaces must be implemented along with the the IEquals interface if you want your
Class to work properly with the bugcore data classes.
* If two instances are equal, they should return the same hash code.
* If two instances are not they can still return the same hash code. However, this should be avoided
to a degree as it will hurt the performance of HashTable and HashStore
* Equal hash codes does not guarantee equality.


 * @interface
var IHashCode = Interface.declare({

__Method Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
public | <code>[hashCode](#IHashCode_hashCode)()</code>  | <code>{number}</code>

<br />
<br />

<a name="IHashCode_hashCode" />
### IHashCode#hashCode()

This method returns a hash code for the current instance.


* Implementations should try to generate a relatively unique hash code for the given instance.
* If two instances are equal, they should return the same hash code.


 * @return {number}
hashCode: function() {}


* None


* <code>{number}</code> - The hash code for the instance.

<br /><a name="Throwable" />
## Throwable

The root throwable class of the bugcore system. Has support for more complex stack
traces including cause chains.


 * @class
 * @extends {Obj}
 * @implements {IObjectable}
var Throwable = Class.extend(Obj, {


* [`Obj`](#Obj)


* [`IObjectable`](#IObjectable)

__Constructor Summary__

Access | Signature
--- | ---
public | <code>[_constructor](#Throwable__constructor)({string} type, {*=} data, {string=} message, {[Array](;([Throwable](#Throwable) &#124; [Error](;=} causes)</code>

__Getters and Setters Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
public | <code>[getCauses](#Throwable_getCauses)()</code> | <code>{[Array](;([Throwable](#Throwable) &#124; [Error](;}</code>
public | <code>[getData](#Throwable_getData)() | <code>{*}</code>
public | <code>[setData](#Throwable_setData)({*} data)</code> | None
public | <code>[getMessage](#Throwable_getMessage)()</code> | <code>{string}</code>
public | <code>[setMessage](#Throwable_setMessage)({string} message)</code> | None
public | <code>[getStack](#Throwable_getStack)()</code> | <code>{string}</code>
public | <code>[getType](#Throwable_getType)()</code> | <code>{string}</code>

__Method Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
public | <code>[addCause](#Throwable_addCause)({([Throwable](#Throwable) &#124; [Error](} cause)</code> | <code>{*}</code>
public | <code>[toObject](#Throwable_toObject)()</code> | <code>{causes: [Array](;([Throwable](#Throwable) &#124; [Error](;, data: *, message: string, type: string}</code>

<br />
<br />

<a name="Throwable__constructor" />

### Throwable#_constructor(type, data, message, causes)


 * @constructs
 * @param {string} type
 * @param {*=} data
 * @param {string=} message
 * @param {Array.<(Throwable | Error)>=} causes
_constructor: function(type, data, message, causes) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`type` | <code>{string}</code> | The type of throwable.
`data` | <code>{*=}</code> | Any extra data to pass along with this throwable.
`message` | <code>{string=}</code> | A message to add to this throwable. (optional - default: "")
`causes` | <code>{[Array](;([Throwable](#Throwable) &#124; [Error](;=}</code> | An array of other throwables or js errors that caused this throwable. (optional - default: [])


Simple throwable
var myThrowable = new Throwable("MyThrowable", {}, "Something bad happened");
throw myThrowable;

Throwable with cause
try {
} catch (error) {
    var myThrowable     = new Throwable("SomethingWentWrong", {}, "Something went wrong in the somethingWillGoWrong function", [error]);
    throw throwable;

<br />
<br />

<a name="Throwable_getCauses" />

### Throwable#getCauses()

Get the causes of the Throwable.


 * @return {Array.<(Throwable | Error)>}
getCauses: function() {


* None


* <code>{[Array](;([Throwable](#Throwable) &#124; [Error](;}</code> - An array of other Throwables or JS Errors that caused this Throwable.


try {
} catch (error) {
    var myThrowable     = new Throwable("SomethingWentWrong", {}, "Something went wrong in the somethingWillGoWrong function", [error]);
    var causes          = myThrowable.getCauses();  // [error]

<br />
<br />

<a name="Throwable_getData" />

### Throwable#getData()

Get the data of the Throwable.


 * @return {*}
getData: function() {


* None


* <code>{*}</code> - An array of other Throwables or JS Errors that caused this Throwable.


var data            = "some data";
var myThrowable     = new Throwable("ThrowableType", data, "some message");

myThrowable.getData() === data;     //true

<br />
<br />

<a name="Throwable_setData" />

### Throwable#setData(data)

Set the data of the Throwable.


 * @param {*} data
setData: function(data) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`data` | <code>{*}</code> | The data to set on the Throwable.


* None


var data            = "some data";
var myThrowable     = new Throwable("ThrowableType");

myThrowable.getData() === data;     //true

<br />
<br />

<a name="Throwable_getMessage" />

### Throwable#getMessage()

Get the message of the Throwable.


 * @return {string}
getMessage: function() {


* None


* <code>{string}</code> - The message included with the Throwable.


var message         = "some message";
var myThrowable     = new Throwable("ThrowableType", null, message);

myThrowable.getMessage() === message;     //true

<br />
<br />

<a name="Throwable_setMessage" />

### Throwable#setMessage(message)

Set the message of the Throwable.


 * @param {string} message
setMessage: function(message) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`message` | <code>{string}</code> | The message to set on the Throwable.


* None


var message         = "some message";
var myThrowable     = new Throwable("ThrowableType");

myThrowable.getMessage() === message;     //true

<br />
<br />

<a name="Throwable_getStack" />

### Throwable#getStack()

Get the stack trace of the Throwable.


 * @return {string}
getStack: function() {


* None


* <code>{string}</code> - The stack trace of the Throwable.



<br />
<br />

<a name="Throwable_getType" />

### Throwable#getType()

Get the type of the Throwable.


 * @return {string}
getType: function() {


* None


* <code>{string}</code> - The type of the Throwable.


var myThrowable     = new Throwable("ThrowableType");

myThrowable.getType() === "ThrowableType";     //true

<br />
<br />

<a name="Throwable_addCause" />
### Throwable#addCause(cause)

Add a cause to the Throwables list of causes.


* All causes will be included in the stack of the throwable.


 * @param {(Throwable | Error)} cause
addCause: function(cause) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`cause` | <code>{([Throwable](#Throwable) &#124; [Error](}</code> | The cause to add to the Throwable's array of causes.


* None


Add multiple causes to a single throwable
var myThrowable = new Throwable("MultipleCauses", {}, "Several things went wrong");

//We want this to complete the looping even if a throwable occurs.
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    try {
    } catch (error) {

<br /><a name="BidiMap" />
## BidiMap


<br /><a name="Collection" />
## Collection

The root class of several of the data objects. A collection represents a group of items.


* A Collection instance on its own allows for duplicate elements.
* Order is not maintained in a Collection. Therefore iteration my not be in the order
items were added to a collection.


 * @class
 * @extends {Obj}
 * @implements {IArrayable}
 * @implements {ICollection.<I>}
 * @implements {IIterable}
 * @template I
var Collection = Class.extend(Obj, /** @lends {Collection.prototype} */{

* [`Obj`](#Obj)


* [`IArrayable`](#IArrayable)
* [`ICollection`](#ICollection)
* [`IIterable`](#IIterable)

__Constructor Summary__

Access | Signature
--- | ---
public | <code>[_constructor](#Collection__constructor)({([ICollection](#ICollection).&lt;I&gt; &#124; [Array](;I&gt;)} items)</code>

__Getters and Setters Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
public | <code>[getHashStore](#Collection_getHashStore)()</code> | <code>{[HashStore](#HashStore)}</code>

__Method Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
public | <code>[add](#Collection_add)({I} item)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
public | <code>[addAll](#Collection_addAll)({([ICollection](#ICollection).&lt;I&gt; &#124; [Array](;I&gt;)} items)</code> | None
public | <code>[clear](#Collection_clear)()</code> | None
public | <code>[contains](#Collection_contains)({*} value)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
public | <code>[containsAll](#Collection_containsAll)({([ICollection](#ICollection).&lt;\*&gt; &#124; [Array](;\*&gt;)} values)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
public | <code>[containsEqual](#Collection_containsEqual)({([ICollection](#ICollection).&lt;\*&gt; &#124; [Array](;\*&gt;)} values)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
public | <code>[forEach](#Collection_forEach)({function(I)} func)</code> | None
public | <code>[getCount](#Collection_getCount)()</code> | <code>{number}</code>
public | <code>[toValueArray](#Collection_toValueArray()</code> | <code>{[Array](;I&gt;}</code>
public | <code>[countValue](#Collection_countValue)({*} value)</code> | <code>{number}</code>
public | <code>[isEmpty](#Collection_isEmpty)()</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
public | <code>[iterator](#Collection_iterator)()</code> | <code>{[IIterator](#IIterator)}</code>
public | <code>[map](#Collection_map)({function} fn, {[Object](} context)</code> | <code>{[ICollection](#ICollection)}</code>
public | <code>[remove](#Collection_remove)({*} value)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
public | <code>[removeAll](#Collection_removeAll)({([ICollection](#ICollection).&lt;\*&gt; &#124; [Array](;\*&gt;)} values)</code> | None
public | <code>[retainAll](#Collection_retainAll)({([ICollection](#ICollection).&lt;\*&gt; &#124; [Array](;\*&gt;)} values)</code> | None
public | <code>[toArray](#Collection_toArray)()</code> | <code>{[Array](;I&gt;}</code>

<br />
<br />

<a name="Collection__constructor" />
### Collection#_constructor(items)


 * @constructs
 * @param {(ICollection.<I> | Array.<I>)=} items
_constructor: function(items) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ----
`items` | <code>{([ICollection](#ICollection).&lt;I&gt; &#124; [Array](;I&gt;)=}</code> | Starting items to add to the Collection (Optional)


* None


No parameters
var myCollection = new Collection();

Array parameter
var items          = [
var myCollection    = new Collection(values);

Other Collection parameter
var itemsCollection     = new Collection([
var myCollection        = new Collection(itemsCollection);

<br />
<br />

<a name="Collection_getHashStore" />
### Collection#getHashStore()


 * @return {HashStore}
getHashStore: function() {


* None


* <code>{[HashStore](HashStore)}</code> - The underlying HashStore that supports this Collection


var myCollection    = new Collection();
var hashStore       = myCollection.getHashStore();

<br />
<br />

<a name="Collection_add" />
### Collection#add(item)

Adds an item to the collection


 * @param {I} item
 * @return {boolean}
add: function(item) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ----
`item` | <code>{I}</code> | The item to add to the collection


* <code>{boolean}</code> - Whether or not the item was added to the collection.


var myCollection        = new Collection();
var myItem              = "myItem";
var result              = myCollection.add(myItem); // true

<br />
<br />

<a name="Collection_addAll" />
### Collection#addAll(items)

Adds an Array or Collection of items to the Collection


 * @param {(ICollection.<I> | Array.<I>)} items
addAll: function(items) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ----
`items` | <code>{([ICollection](#ICollection).&lt;I&gt; &#124; [Array](;I&gt;)}</code> | The items to add to the collection. Can either be an Array or another Collection.


* None


Add an array of items.
var myCollection    = new Collection();
var myItems         = [

Add a Collection of items.
var myCollection    = new Collection();
var itemsCollection = new Collection([

<br />
<br />

<a name="Collection_clear" />
### Collection#clear()

Removes all of the items from this collection.


clear: function() {


* None


* None


Empty the Collection
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.getCount();    // 2

myCollection.getCount();    // 0

<br />
<br />

<a name="Collection_contains" />
### Collection#contains(value)

Checks the Collection to see if it contains a value.


 * @param {*} value
 * @return {boolean}
contains: function(value) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ----
`value` | <code>{*}</code> | The value that we're checking if the collection contains.


* <code>{boolean}</code> - True if the value is contained by the Collection. False if not.


Value not contained
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.contains("item3");    // false

Value contained
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.contains("item2");    // true

<br />
<br />

<a name="Collection_containsAll" />
### Collection#containsAll(values):boolean

Checks the Collection to see if it contains all of the values in the given argument.
If ALL of the values are contained by the collection, this method will return true.
Otherwise, false.


* Multiple elements are ignored in this function.
e.g. Collection[0,1] containsAll Collection[0,1,1,1] is true
If you want to check for exact equality, use the equals function.
* Empty collections are always contained by another collection
e.g. Collection[0,1] containsAll Collection[] is true


 * @param {(ICollection.<*> | Array.<*>)} values
 * @return {boolean}
containsAll: function(values) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ----
`values` | <code>{([ICollection](#ICollection).&lt;\*&gt; &#124; [Array](;\*&gt;)}</code> | The values that we're checking to see if the collection contains all of them.


* <code>{boolean}</code> - True if the Collection contains all the given values. False if not.


Values not contained
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.containsAll(["item3"]);                        // false

Partial values contained are not a match.
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.containsAll(["item2", "item3"]);               // false

Values contained
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.containsAll(["item2", "item3"]);               // true

Exact match is true
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.containsAll(["item1", "item2"]);               // true

Multiple elements are ignored. Match is true.
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.containsAll(["item1", "item2", "item2"]);      // true

Empty collections are contained by any collection
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.containsAll([]);                               // true

<br />
<br />

<a name="Collection_containsEqual" />
### Collection#containsEqual(values):boolean

Checks the Collection to see if it contains exactly the values in the given argument.
If the collection contains the exact same values as the collection given in the parameter,
this method will return true. Otherwise, false.


 * @param {(ICollection.<*> | Array.<*>)} values
 * @return {boolean}
containsEqual: function(values) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ----
`values` | <code>{([ICollection](#ICollection).&lt;\*&gt; &#124; [Array](;\*&gt;)}</code> | The values that we're checking to see if the collection contains exactly.


* <code>{boolean}</code> - True if the Collection contains exactly the same values as the given values.


Values not contained at all
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.containsEqual(["item3"]);                        // false

Partial values contained are not a match.
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.containsEqual(["item2", "item3"]);               // false

Values contained but not an exact match
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.containsEqual(["item2", "item3"]);               // false

Exact match is true
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.containsEqual(["item1", "item2"]);               // true

Exact match out of order is true
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.containsEqual(["item1", "item2"]);               // true

Multiple elements are considered
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.containsEqual(["item1", "item2"]);               // false

<br />
<br />

<a name="Collection_forEach" />
### Collection#forEach(func)

forEach executes the provided function once for each element of the Collection.


* Order is not maintained in a Collection. Therefore the order of iteration in items in a
Collection is unpredictable.
* If a value is modified in one iteration and then visited at a later time, its value in
the loop is its value at that later time. A value that is deleted before it has been visited
will not be visited later. Values added to the Collection over which iteration is occurring
may either be visited or omitted from iteration. In general it is best not to add, modify or
remove values from the Collection during iteration, other than the value currently being
visited. There is no guarantee whether or not an added value will be visited, whether a
modified value (other than the current one) will be visited before or after it is modified,
or whether a deleted value will be visited before it is deleted.


 * @param {function(I)} func
forEach: function(func) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ----
`func` | <code>{function(I)}</code> | The function to execute for each item


* None


Execute for each item
var myCollection    = new Collection([
myCollection.forEach(function(item) {
    console.log(item);  // item1 on first pass, item2 on second

Partial values contained are not a match.
var myCollection    = new Collection([]);

myCollection.forEach(function(item) {
    console.log(item);  // never executed

<br />
<br />

<a name="Collection_getCount" />
### Collection#getCount():number

Returns the number of items in the collection.


 * @return {number}
getCount: function() {


* None


* <code>{number}</code> - The number of items in the Collection.


Empty Collection
var myCollection    = new Collection([]);

myCollection.getCount();   //0

Starts with 2 items
var myCollection    = new Collection([

myCollection.getCount()    //2

<br />
<br />

<a name="Collection_toValueArray" />
### Collection#toValueArray()

Returns an Array of the Collection's values.


* Order of items in the Array is unpredictable.
* This method generates a new Array each time.
* Manipulating the Array will not affect the Collection.
* Manipulating the Collection will not affect the returned Array after it has
been generated.


 * @return {Array.<I>}
toValueArray: function() {


* None


* <code>{[Array](;I&gt;}</code> - An Array of the Collection's values.


Empty Collection
var myCollection    = new Collection([]);

myCollection.toValueArray();   // []

Starts with 2 items (order of items shown in examples is not indicative of real world results)
var myCollection    = new Collection([

myCollection.toValueArray()                // ["item1", "item2"]

Manipulation of Collection after array is returned.
(order of items shown in examples is not indicative of real world results)
var myCollection    = new Collection([
var myValueArray    = myCollection.toValueArray();

myCollection.add("item3")                   // ["item1", "item2"]

console.log(myCollection.toValueArray())   // ["item1", "item2", "item3"]
console.log(myValueArray)                   // ["item1", "item2"]

<br />
<br />

<a name="Collection_countValue" />
### Collection#countValue(value)

Returns an the number or items in the Collection that are equal to the given value.


 * @param {*} value
 * @return {number}
countValue: function(value) {


* None


* <code>{number}</code> - The number of items in the Collection that are equal to the given value.


var myCollection    = new Collection([

myCollection.countValue("a");    // 2
myCollection.countValue("b");    // 1
myCollection.countValue("c");    // 0

<br />
<br />

<a name="Collection_isEmpty" />
### Collection#isEmpty()

Returns true if the Collection is empty.


 * @return {boolean}
isEmpty: function() {


* None


* <code>{true}</code> - True if the Collection is empty.


Empty Collection
var myCollection    = new Collection([]);

myCollection.isEmpty();     // true

Not empty Collection
var myCollection    = new Collection([

myCollection.isEmpty();     // false

<br />
<br />

<a name="Collection_iterator" />
### Collection#iterator()

This method generates an iterator for this Collection.


* Because of the way javascript works and the current lack of Iterator support across browsers. Iterators
create a snap shot of the values in the Collection before starting the iteration process. If a value is modified
in one iteration and then visited at a later time, its value in the loop is its value when the iteration was
* A value that is deleted before it has been visited WILL be visited later.
* Values added to the Collection over which iteration is occurring will be omitted from iteration.
* Iteration order of a Collection is not guaranteed.


 * @return {IIterator}
iterator: function() {


* None


* <code>{[IIterator](#IIterator)}</code> - The generated IIterator instance.


Iterate Collection
var myCollection    = new Collection([

var iterator = myCollection.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    var value =;

Iterate past end of Collection
var myCollection    = new Collection([

var iterator = myCollection.iterator();;    // "a";    // "b";    // "c";    // throws and Exception of type "NoSuchElement"

<br /><a name="Collections" />
## Collections


<br /><a name="DependencyGraph" />
## DependencyGraph


<br /><a name="Document" />
## Document


<br /><a name="DualMap" />
## DualMap


<br /><a name="DualMultiMap" />
## DualMultiMap


<br /><a name="DualMultiSetMap" />
## DualMultiSetMap


<br /><a name="Graph" />
## Graph


<br /><a name="GraphEdge" />
## GraphEdge


<br /><a name="GraphNode" />
## GraphNode


<br /><a name="HashStore" />
## HashStore


<br /><a name="HashStoreNode" />
## HashStoreNode


<br /><a name="HashTable" />
## HashTable


<br /><a name="HashTableNode" />
## HashTableNode


<br /><a name="List" />
## List


<br /><a name="Map" />
## Map


<br /><a name="MultiListMap" />
## MultiListMap


<br /><a name="MultiMap" />
## MultiMap


<br /><a name="MultiSetMap" />
## MultiSetMap


<br /><a name="Pair" />
## Pair


<br /><a name="Queue" />
## Queue


<br /><a name="ReferenceGraph" />
## ReferenceGraph


<br /><a name="Set" />
## Set


<br /><a name="Stack" />
## Stack


<br /><a name="Striped" />
## Striped


<br /><a name="Tree" />
## Tree


<br /><a name="TreeNode" />
## TreeNode


<br /><a name="UnorderedPair" />
## UnorderedPair


<br /><a name="Url" />
## Url


<br /><a name="WeightedList" />
## WeightedList


<br /><a name="WeightedListNode" />
## WeightedListNode


<br /><a name="IArrayable" />
## IArrayable


<br /><a name="ICollection" />
## ICollection


<br /><a name="IIterable" />
## IIterable


<br /><a name="IIterator" />
## IIterator


<br /><a name="IList" />
## IList


<br /><a name="IMap" />
## IMap


<br /><a name="IObjectable" />
## IObjectable


<br /><a name="ISet" />
## ISet


<br /><a name="Event" />
## Event

The root event class for all other events in the bugcore system.


* Events can be listened for by type and queried on by the data they contain
* Events bubble by default


 * @class
 * @extends {Obj}
var Event = Class.extend(Obj, /** @lends {Event.prototype} */{

* [`Obj`](#Obj)

__Constructor Summary__

Access | Signature
--- | ---
constructor | <code>[Event](#Event__constructor)({string} type, {*} data)</code>

__Getters and Setters Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
public | <code>[getBubbles](#Event_getBubbles)()</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
public | <code>[setBubbles](#Event_setBubbles)({boolean})</code> | None
public | <code>[getCurrentTarget](#Event_getCurrentTarget)()</code> | <code>{*}</code>
public | <code>[setCurrentTarget](#Event_setCurrentTarget)({*} currentTarget)</code> | None
public | <code>[getData](#Event_getData)()</code> | <code>{*}</code>
public | <code>[getTarget](#Event_getTarget)()</code> | <code>{*}</code>]
public | <code>[setTarget](#Event_setTarget)({*} target)</code> | None
public | <code>[getType](#Event_getType)()</code> | <code>{string}</code>

__Method Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
public | <code>[isPropagationStopped](#Event_isPropagationStopped)()</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
public | <code>[stopPropagation(#Event_stopPropagation)()</code> | None

<br />
<br />

<a name="Event__constructor" />
### Event#_constructor(type, data)


 * @constructs
 * @param {string} type
 * @param {*=} data
_constructor: function(type, data) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ----
`type` | <code>{string}</code> | The type of this event
`data` | <code>{*=}</code> | Any data to pass along with this Event (Optional)


Simple instantiation
var myEvent = new Event("MyEvent");

Dispatching an event
var myDispatcher = new EventDispatcher();

myDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new Event("MyEvent", {my: "data"}));

<br />
<br />

<a name="Event_getBubbles" />
### Event#getBubbles()

Whether or not this Event bubbles


* Events bubble by default. So this will return true unless otherwise set.


 * @return {boolean}
getBubbles: function() {


* None


* `{boolean}` - Whether or not this event bubbles


var myEvent    = new Event();
myEvent.getBubbles();       // true

<br />
<br />

<a name="Event_setBubbles" />
### Event#setBubbles(bubbles)

Set whether or not this Event should bubble


* Events bubble by default.


 * @param {boolean} bubbles
setBubbles: function(bubbles) {


Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ----
`bubbles` | <code>{boolean}</code> | The value to set for bubbles


* None


var myEvent    = new Event();
myEvent.getBubbles();       // true

<br />
<br />

<a name="Event_isPropagationStopped" />
### Event#isPropagationStopped():boolean

Returns whether or not propagation of this event has stopped.


* Event propagation is not stopped by default.
* To stop propagation simply call [`stopPropagation()`]("#Event_stopPorpagation"]


 * @return {boolean}
isPropagationStopped: function() {


* None


* `{boolean}` - Whether or not propagation of this event has stopped.


var myEvent     = new Event();
myEvent.isPropagationStopped();           // false;
myEvent.isPropagationStopped();           // true;

<br /><a name="EventDispatcher" />
## EventDispatcher


<br /><a name="EventListener" />
## EventListener


<br /><a name="EventPropagator" />
## EventPropagator


<br /><a name="EventQuery" />
## EventQuery


<br /><a name="EventQueryBuilder" />
## EventQueryBuilder


<br /><a name="EventQueryListener" />
## EventQueryListener


<br /><a name="EventReceiver" />
## EventReceiver


<br /><a name="IEventDispatcher" />
## IEventDispatcher


<br /><a name="IEventPropagator" />
## IEventPropagator


<br /><a name="IEventReceiver" />
## IEventReceiver


<br /><a name="Flow" />
## Flow


<br /><a name="FlowBuilder" />
## FlowBuilder


<br /><a name="Flows" />
## Flows


<br /><a name="ForEachParallel" />
## ForEachParallel


<br /><a name="ForEachSeries" />
## ForEachSeries


<br /><a name="ForInParallel" />
## ForInParallel


<br /><a name="ForInSeries" />
## ForInSeries


<br /><a name="If" />
## If


<br /><a name="IfBuilder" />
## IfBuilder


<br /><a name="IterableParallel" />
## IterableParallel


<br /><a name="IterableSeries" />
## IterableSeries


<br /><a name="Iteration" />
## Iteration


<br /><a name="IterableFlow" />
## IterableFlow


<br /><a name="Parallel" />
## Parallel


<br /><a name="Series" />
## Series


<br /><a name="Task" />
## Task


<br /><a name="WhileParallel" />
## WhileParallel


<br /><a name="WhileSeries" />
## WhileSeries


<br /><a name="ObjectPathMatcher" />
## ObjectPathMatcher


<br /><a name="Observable" />
## Observable


<br /><a name="ObservableArray" />
## ObservableArray


<br /><a name="ObservableCollection" />
## ObservableCollection


<br /><a name="ObservableList" />
## ObservableList


<br /><a name="ObservableMap" />
## ObservableMap


<br /><a name="ObservableObject" />
## ObservableObject


<br /><a name="ObservableSet" />
## ObservableSet


<br /><a name="Observation" />
## Observation


<br /><a name="ObservationPropagator" />
## ObservationPropagator


<br /><a name="Observer" />
## Observer


<br /><a name="IObservable" />
## IObservable


<br /><a name="IObservationPropagator" />
## IObservationPropagator


<br /><a name="Deferred" />
## Deferred


<br /><a name="FinallyHandler" />
## FinallyHandler


<br /><a name="FulfilledHandler" />
## FulfilledHandler


<br /><a name="Handler" />
## Handler


<br /><a name="Promise" />
## Promise


<br /><a name="Promises" />
## Promises


<br /><a name="RejectedHandler" />
## RejectedHandler


<br /><a name="Resolver" />
## Resolver


<br /><a name="IPromise" />
## IPromise


<br /><a name="Proxy" />
## Proxy


<br /><a name="ProxyMethod" />
## ProxyMethod


<br /><a name="ProxyObject" />
## ProxyObject


<br /><a name="ProxyProperty" />
## ProxyProperty


<br /><a name="IProxy" />
## IProxy


<br /><a name="Publisher" />
## Publisher


<br /><a name="PublisherMessage" />
## PublisherMessage


<br /><a name="PublisherSubscription" />
## PublisherSubscription


<br /><a name="Query" />
## Query


<br /><a name="QueryBuilder" />
## QueryBuilder


<br /><a name="WhereCondition" />
## WhereCondition


<br /><a name="WhereConditionBuilder" />
## WhereConditionBuilder


<br /><a name="ICondition" />
## ICondition


<br /><a name="IConditionBuilder" />
## IConditionBuilder


<br /><a name="StateEvent" />
## StateEvent


<br /><a name="StateMachine" />
## StateMachine


<br /><a name="ArraySupplier" />
## ArraySupplier


<br /><a name="CollectConsumer" />
## CollectConsumer


<br /><a name="Consumer" />
## Consumer


<br /><a name="EachOperation" />
## EachOperation


<br /><a name="FilterOperation" />
## FilterOperation


<br /><a name="IterableSupplier" />
## IterableSupplier


<br /><a name="MapOperation" />
## MapOperation


<br /><a name="ReduceConsumer" />
## ReduceConsumer


<br /><a name="Stream" />
## Stream


<br /><a name="Supplier" />
## Supplier


<br /><a name="Suppliers" />
## Suppliers


<br /><a name="IConsumer" />
## IConsumer


<br /><a name="IStreamable" />
## IStreamable


<br /><a name="IStreamOperation" />
## IStreamOperation


<br /><a name="ISupplier" />
## ISupplier


<br /><a name="ArgumentBug" />
## ArgumentBug


<br /><a name="Bug" />
## Bug


<br /><a name="Exception" />
## Exception


<br /><a name="MappedParallelException" />
## MappedParallelException


<br /><a name="MappedThrowable" />
## MappedThrowable


<br /><a name="ParallelException" />
## ParallelException


<br /><a name="Throwable" />
## Throwable


<br /><a name="Trace" />
## Trace


<br /><a name="Tracer" />
## Tracer


<br /><a name="ArgUtil" />
## ArgUtil


<br /><a name="ArrayUtil" />
## ArrayUtil


<br /><a name="Config" />
## Config


<br /><a name="DateUtil" />
## DateUtil


<br /><a name="HashUtil" />
## HashUtil


<br /><a name="HtmlUtil" />
## HtmlUtil


<br /><a name="IdGenerator" />
## IdGenerator


<br /><a name="LiteralUtil" />
## LiteralUtil


<br /><a name="MathUtil" />
## MathUtil


<br /><a name="ObjectUtil" />
## ObjectUtil


<br /><a name="Properties" />
## Properties


<br /><a name="PropertiesChain" />
## PropertiesChain


<br /><a name="StackTraceUtil" />
## StackTraceUtil


<br /><a name="StringUtil" />
## StringUtil


<br /><a name="TypeUtil" />
## TypeUtil

Utility class for determining the data type of values.


 * @constructor
var TypeUtil = function() {

__Static Method Summary__

Access | Signature | Return Type
--- | --- | ---
static | <code>[isArguments](#TypeUtil-isArguments)({\*} value)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
static | <code>[isArray](#TypeUtil-isArray)({\*} value)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
static | <code>[isBoolean](#TypeUtil-isBoolean)({\*} value)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
static | <code>[isDate](#TypeUtil-isDate)({\*} value)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
static | <code>[isFunction](#TypeUtil-isFunction)({\*} value)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
static | <code>[isNan](#TypeUtil-isNan)({\*} value)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
static | <code>[isNull](#TypeUtil-isNull)({\*} value)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
static | <code>[isNumber](#TypeUtil-isNumber)({\*} value)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
static | <code>[isObject](#TypeUtil-isObject)({\*} value)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
static | <code>[isRegExp](#TypeUtil-isRegExp)({\*} value)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
static | <code>[isString](#TypeUtil-isString)({\*} value)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
static | <code>[isUndefined](#TypeUtil-isUndefined)({\*} value)</code> | <code>{boolean}</code>
static | <code>[toType](#TypeUtil-toType)({*} value)</code> | <code>{string}</code>

<br />
<br />

<a name="TypeUtil-isArguments" />
### TypeUtil.isArguments(value):boolean

Determines if the given value is a native js arguments list.


 * @static
 * @param {*} value
 * @return {boolean}
TypeUtil.isArguments = function(value) {


* `value {*}` - The value to check for the type of arguments


* `{boolean}` - Whether or not the value is an arguments.


Arguments literal is an arguments
var myFunction = function() {
    TypeUtil.isArguments(arguments);    //true

Instance of Array is not an arguments
var myArray = [];
TypeUtil.isArguments(myArray);          //false

<br />
<br />

<a name="TypeUtil-isArray" />
### TypeUtil.isArray(value):boolean

Determines if the given value is an array.


 * @static
 * @param {*} value
 * @return {boolean}
TypeUtil.isArray = function(value) {


* `value {*}` - The value to check for the type of array


* `{boolean}` - Whether or not the value is an array.


Array literal is an array
var myArray = [];
TypeUtil.isArray(myArray);      //true

Instance of Array is an array
var myArray = new Array();
TypeUtil.isArray(myArray);      //true

Instance of Collection is NOT an array
var myCollection = new Collection();
TypeUtil.isArray(myCollection); //false

number is NOT an array
var myNumber = 123;
TypeUtil.isArray(myNumber);     //false

<br />
<br />

<a name="TypeUtil-isBoolean" />
### TypeUtil.isBoolean(value):boolean

Determines if the given value is a boolean.


 * @static
 * @param {*} value
 * @return {boolean}
TypeUtil.isBoolean = function(value) {


* `value {*}` - The value to check for the type of boolean


* `{boolean}` - Whether or not the value is a boolean.


Boolean literal true is a boolean
var myTrueBoolean = true;
TypeUtil.isBoolean(myTrueBoolean);      //true

Boolean literal false is a boolean
var myFalseBoolean = false;
TypeUtil.isBoolean(myFalseBoolean);     //true

Instance of a true Boolean is a boolean
var myTrueBoolean = new Boolean(true);
TypeUtil.isBoolean(myTrueBoolean);      //true

Instance of a true Boolean is a boolean
var myFalseBoolean = new Boolean(false);
TypeUtil.isBoolean(myFalseBoolean);      //true

the number 0 is NOT a boolean
var myNumber =  0;
TypeUtil.isBoolean(myNumber);           //false

<br />
<br />

<br /><a name="UuidGenerator" />
## UuidGenerator


<br /><a name="WeightedRandomizer" />
## WeightedRandomizer


<br /><a name="ValidationMachine" />
## ValidationMachine


<br /><a name="Validator" />
## Validator


<br /><a name="ValidatorGroup" />
## ValidatorGroup


<br /><a name="ValidatorProcessor" />
## ValidatorProcessor