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3 hrs
Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2016 airbug Inc.
 * bugcore may be freely distributed under the MIT license.

// Annotations



// Context

require('bugpack').context('*', function(bugpack) {

    // BugPack

    var ArgUtil             = bugpack.require('ArgUtil');
    var ArrayUtil           = bugpack.require('ArrayUtil');
    var Bug                 = bugpack.require('Bug');
    var Class               = bugpack.require('Class');
    var Collection          = bugpack.require('Collection');
    var Collections         = bugpack.require('Collections');
    var Config              = bugpack.require('Config');
    var ConfigChain         = bugpack.require('ConfigChain');
    var Constructor         = bugpack.require('Constructor');
    var DataUtil            = bugpack.require('DataUtil');
    var DateUtil            = bugpack.require('DateUtil');
    var Deferred            = bugpack.require('Deferred');
    var Event               = bugpack.require('Event');
    var EventDispatcher     = bugpack.require('EventDispatcher');
    var EventPropagator     = bugpack.require('EventPropagator');
    var EventReceiver       = bugpack.require('EventReceiver');
    var Exception           = bugpack.require('Exception');
    var Flows               = bugpack.require('Flows');
    var Func                = bugpack.require('Func');
    var FunctionUtil        = bugpack.require('FunctionUtil');
    var Handler             = bugpack.require('Handler');
    var HashStore           = bugpack.require('HashStore');
    var HashTable           = bugpack.require('HashTable');
    var HashUtil            = bugpack.require('HashUtil');
    var IArrayable          = bugpack.require('IArrayable');
    var IClone              = bugpack.require('IClone');
    var ICollection         = bugpack.require('ICollection');
    var IEquals             = bugpack.require('IEquals');
    var IHashCode           = bugpack.require('IHashCode');
    var IIterable           = bugpack.require('IIterable');
    var IIterator           = bugpack.require('IIterator');
    var IJsonable           = bugpack.require('IJsonable');
    var IList               = bugpack.require('IList');
    var IMap                = bugpack.require('IMap');
    var IObjectable         = bugpack.require('IObjectable');
    var IProxy              = bugpack.require('IProxy');
    var ISet                = bugpack.require('ISet');
    var IdGenerator         = bugpack.require('IdGenerator');
    var Implementable       = bugpack.require('Implementable');
    var Interface           = bugpack.require('Interface');
    var List                = bugpack.require('List');
    var Lock                = bugpack.require('Lock');
    var Map                 = bugpack.require('Map');
    var MathUtil            = bugpack.require('MathUtil');
    var Obj                 = bugpack.require('Obj');
    var ObjectBuilder       = bugpack.require('ObjectBuilder');
    var ObjectUtil          = bugpack.require('ObjectUtil');
    var Pair                = bugpack.require('Pair');
    var Promise             = bugpack.require('Promise');
    var Promises            = bugpack.require('Promises');
    var Properties          = bugpack.require('Properties');
    var PropertiesChain     = bugpack.require('PropertiesChain');
    var Proxy               = bugpack.require('Proxy');
    var ProxyMethod         = bugpack.require('ProxyMethod');
    var ProxyObject         = bugpack.require('ProxyObject');
    var ProxyProperty       = bugpack.require('ProxyProperty');
    var Queue               = bugpack.require('Queue');
    var RandomUtil          = bugpack.require('RandomUtil');
    var RateLimiter         = bugpack.require('RateLimiter');
    var Resolver            = bugpack.require('Resolver');
    var Semaphore           = bugpack.require('Semaphore');
    var Set                 = bugpack.require('Set');
    var Stack               = bugpack.require('Stack');
    var Stream              = bugpack.require('Stream');
    var StringBuilder       = bugpack.require('StringBuilder');
    var StringUtil          = bugpack.require('StringUtil');
    var Striped             = bugpack.require('Striped');
    var Suppliers           = bugpack.require('Suppliers');
    var Throwable           = bugpack.require('Throwable');
    var Throwables          = bugpack.require('Throwables');
    var Tracer              = bugpack.require('Tracer');
    var TypeUtil            = bugpack.require('TypeUtil');
    var ValidationMachine   = bugpack.require('ValidationMachine');
    var Validator           = bugpack.require('Validator');
    var ValidatorGroup      = bugpack.require('ValidatorGroup');
    var ValidatorProcessor  = bugpack.require('ValidatorProcessor');

    // Declare Class

     * @class
     * @extends {Obj}
    var BugCore = Class.extend(Obj, {

        _name: 'BugCore',

        // Constructor

         * @constructs
        _constructor: function() {


            // Public Properties

             * @type {function(new:ArgUtil)}
            this.ArgUtil            = ArgUtil;

             * @type {function(new:ArrayUtil)}
            this.ArrayUtil          = ArrayUtil;

             * @type {function(new:Bug)}
            this.Bug                = Bug;

             * @type {function(new:Class)}
            this.Class              = Class;

             * @type {function(new:Collection)}
            this.Collection         = Collection;

             * @type {function(new:Collections)}
            this.Collections        = Collections;

             * @type {function(new:Config)}
            this.Config             = Config;

             * @type {function(new:ConfigChain)}
            this.ConfigChain        = ConfigChain;

             * @type {function(new:Constructor)}
            this.Constructor        = Constructor;

             * @type {function(new:DataUtil)}
            this.DataUtil           = DataUtil;

             * @type {function(new:DateUtil)}
            this.DateUtil           = DateUtil;

             * @type {function(new:Deferred)}
            this.Deferred           = Deferred;

             * @type {function(new:Event)}
            this.Event              = Event;

             * @type {function(new:EventDispatcher)}
            this.EventDispatcher    = EventDispatcher;

             * @type {function(new:EventPropagator)}
            this.EventPropagator    = EventPropagator;

             * @type {function(new:EventReceiver)}
            this.EventReceiver      = EventReceiver;

             * @type {function(new:Exception)}
            this.Exception          = Exception;

             * @type {function(new:Flows)}
            this.Flows              = Flows;

             * @type {function(new:Func)}
            this.Func               = Func;

             * @type {function(new:FunctionUtil)}
            this.FunctionUtil       = FunctionUtil;

             * @type {function(new:Handler)}
            this.Handler            = Handler;

             * @type {function(new:HashStore)}
            this.HashStore          = HashStore;

             * @type {function(new:HashTable)}
            this.HashTable          = HashTable;

             * @type {function(new:HashUtil)}
            this.HashUtil           = HashUtil;

             * @type {function(new:IArrayable)}
            this.IArrayable         = IArrayable;

             * @type {function(new:IClone)}
            this.IClone             = IClone;

             * @type {function(new:ICollection)}
            this.ICollection        = ICollection;

             * @type {function(new:IdGenerator)}
            this.IdGenerator        = IdGenerator;

             * @type {function(new:IEquals)}
            this.IEquals            = IEquals;

             * @type {function(new:IHashCode)}
            this.IHashCode          = IHashCode;

             * @type {function(new:IIterable)}
            this.IIterable          = IIterable;

             * @type {function(new:IIterator)}
            this.IIterator          = IIterator;

             * @type {function(new:IJsonable)}
            this.IJsonable          = IJsonable;

             * @type {function(new:IList)}
            this.IList              = IList;

             * @type {function(new:IMap)}
            this.IMap               = IMap;

             * @type {function(new:Implementable)}
            this.Implementable      = Implementable;

             * @type {function(new:Interface)}
            this.Interface          = Interface;

             * @type {function(new:IObjectable)}
            this.IObjectable        = IObjectable;

             * @type {function(new:IProxy)}
            this.IProxy             = IProxy;

             * @type {function(new:ISet)}
            this.ISet               = ISet;

             * @type {function(new:List)}
            this.List               = List;

             * @type {function(new:Lock)}
            this.Lock               = Lock;

             * @type {function(new:Map)}
            this.Map                = Map;

             * @type {function(new:MathUtil)}
            this.MathUtil           = MathUtil;

             * @type {function(new:Obj)}
            this.Obj                = Obj;

             * @type {function(new:ObjectBuilder)}
            this.ObjectBuilder      = ObjectBuilder;

             * @type {function(new:ObjectUtil)}
            this.ObjectUtil         = ObjectUtil;

             * @type {function(new:Pair)}
            this.Pair               = Pair;

             * @type {function(new:Promise)}
            this.Promise            = Promise;

             * @type {function(new:Promises)}
            this.Promises           = Promises;

             * @type {function(new:Properties)}
            this.Properties         = Properties;

             * @type {function(new:PropertiesChain)}
            this.PropertiesChain    = PropertiesChain;

             * @type {function(new:Proxy)}
            this.Proxy              = Proxy;

             * @type {function(new:ProxyMethod)}
            this.ProxyMethod        = ProxyMethod;

             * @type {function(new:ProxyObject)}
            this.ProxyObject        = ProxyObject;

             * @type {function(new:ProxyProperty)}
            this.ProxyProperty      = ProxyProperty;

             * @type {function(new:Queue)}
            this.Queue              = Queue;

             * @type {function(new:RandomUtil)}
            this.RandomUtil         = RandomUtil;

             * @type {function(new:RateLimiter)}
            this.RateLimiter        = RateLimiter;

             * @type {function(new:Resolver)}
            this.Resolver           = Resolver;

             * @type {function(new:Semaphore)}
            this.Semaphore          = Semaphore;

             * @type {function(new:Set)}
            this.Set                = Set;

             * @type {function(new:Stack)}
            this.Stack              = Stack;

             * @type {function(new:Stream)}
            this.Stream             = Stream;

             * @type {function(new:StringBuilder)}
            this.StringBuilder      = StringBuilder;

             * @type {function(new:StringUtil)}
            this.StringUtil         = StringUtil;

             * @type {function(new:Striped)}
            this.Striped            = Striped;

             * @type {function(new:Suppliers)}
            this.Suppliers          = Suppliers;

             * @type {function(new:Throwable)}
            this.Throwable          = Throwable;

             * @type {function(new:Throwables)}
            this.Throwables         = Throwables;

             * @type {function(new:Tracer)}
            this.Tracer             = Tracer;

             * @type {function(new:TypeUtil)}
            this.TypeUtil           = TypeUtil;

             * @type {function(new:ValidationMachine)}
            this.ValidationMachine  = ValidationMachine;

             * @type {function(new:Validator)}
            this.Validator          = Validator;

             * @type {function(new:ValidatorGroup)}
            this.ValidatorGroup     = ValidatorGroup;

             * @type {function(new:ValidatorProcessor)}
            this.ValidatorProcessor = ValidatorProcessor;

        // Public Methods

        assign: function(into, froms) {
            return ObjectUtil.assign.apply(ObjectUtil, arguments);

         * @param {(ICollection.<C> | Array.<C>)=} items
         * @return {Collection.<C>}
         * @template C
        collection: function(items) {
            return new Collection(items);

         * @param {(ICollection.<C> | Array.<C>)=} items
         * @return {List.<C>}
         * @template C
        list: function(items) {
            return new List(items);

         * @param {Map.<K, V>=} map
         * @return {Map.<K, V>}
         * @template K, V
        map: function(map) {
            return new Map(map);

         * @param {(Collection.<*> | Array.<*>)} items
         * @return {Queue.<C>}
         * @template C
        queue: function(items) {
            return new Queue(items);

         * @param {(ICollection.<C> | Array.<C>)=} items
         * @return {Set.<C>}
         * @template C
        set: function(items) {
            return new Set(items);

         * @param {(ICollection.<C> | Array.<C>)=} items
         * @return {Stack.<C>}
         * @template C
        stack: function(items) {
            return new Stack(items);

    // Private Static Properties

     * @static
     * @private
     * @type {BugCore}
    BugCore.instance = null;

    // Static Methods

     * @static
     * @return {BugCore}
    BugCore.getInstance = function() {
        if (BugCore.instance === null) {
            BugCore.instance = new BugCore();
        return BugCore.instance;

    // Static Proxy

    Proxy.proxy(BugCore, Proxy.method(BugCore.getInstance), [

    // Exports

    bugpack.export('BugCore', BugCore);