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Encode your categorical variables

To encode your variables, you have to first choose a likelihood for your target.

| Model type     | Description | Likelihood      |
|                |             |                 |
| Classification | Binary      | ``bernoulli``   |
|                | Multi-class | ``multinomial`` |
| Regression     |             | ``normal``      |
|                |             | ``exponential`` |
|                |             | ``gamma``       |
|                |             | ``invgamma``    |

.. important::

    The normal likelihood assumes a *known* variance that is estimated from the
    training data. Similarly, the gamma and inverse gamma likelihoods assume a
    known shape parameter. Both of these assumptions were made to help make
    implementing the algorithm easier.

Basic usage

Once you've chosen your likelihood, import and fit the encoder on your data. Suppose
you have ``X`` and ``y``, with three categorical columns: 1, 2, and 5.

.. code-block:: python
    :emphasize-lines: 3

    import bayte as bt

    encoder = bt.BayesianTargetEncoder(dist=...)
    encoder.fit(X[:, [1, 2, 5]], y)

By default, when you transform the data

.. code-block:: python

    X_encoded = encoder.transform(X[:, [1, 2, 5]])

the encoding level will be the mean of the posterior distribution for the level.
To sample, set ``sample=True`` on encoder initialization.

.. important::

    The encoder has support for `joblib <https://scikit-learn.org/stable/computing/parallelism.html>`_.
    Since the encoding procedure involves generating posterior parameters for every categorical level in
    every supplied variable, it can be computationally inefficient if executed serially.

Changing hyperparameter initialization

If you want to change how the hyperparameters are initialized for a given likelihood,
supply a callable for the ``initializer`` argument. This callable must take the ``dist``
and the target values ``y`` and return a tuple of the parameters.

.. important::

    Although you can change the initializer, your code will break if you try to implement a new