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var _ = require("lodash");
var amqp = require('amqp');
var stomp = require('stomp');

var AMQPQueuesManager = require('./lib/amqp');
var STOMPQueuesManager = require('./lib/stomp');

module.exports = function(protocol, connection, callback) {
    // case where an amqp connection is given already prepared
    if (protocol === 'amqp' && _.deepGet(connection, 'options.clientProperties.product') === 'node-amqp') {
        new AMQPQueuesManager(connection, callback);
    // case where the amqp connection should be initialized here
    else if (protocol === 'amqp') {
        var amqpConnection = amqp.createConnection(connection, {
            reconnect: false
        new AMQPQueuesManager(amqpConnection, callback);

    // case where a stomp client is given already prepared
    else if (protocol === 'stomp' && _.deepGet(connection, '') === 'Stomp') {
        new STOMPQueuesManager(connection, callback);
    // case where the stomp client should be initialized here
    else if (protocol === 'stomp') {
        var options = _.merge({
            port: 61613,
            host: 'localhost',
            debug: false,
            login: 'guest',
            passcode: 'guest',
        }, connection);
        var stompClient = new stomp.Stomp(options);
        new STOMPQueuesManager(stompClient, callback);
    } else {
        return callback(new Error('NSI Queues helpers failed to recognize the given protocol. Supported: node-amqp connections and stomp-js clients.'));