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var _ = require("lodash");
var winston = require('winston');
var Elasticsearch = require( 'winston-elasticsearch' );

function RoutesManager(options) {
    var that = this;

    that.options = _.merge({
        before: null, // a function to run as a before hook, signature: function(body, headers, callback)
        after: null,  // a function to run as a after hook, signature: function(err, body, headers),
        watch: false, // set to true to enable watching file resources (schemas, templates, etc)
        log: {        // main logger configuration. info=routes initialization, debug=all messages contents
            active: true,
            config: { // winston configuration, see
                console: {
                    level: 'info',
                    colorize: 'true',
                    label: 'nsi.routes'
            metadata: {} // add metadata to all logs
        monitor: {    // monitoring logger. Used to profile all routes durations.
            active: true,
            config: { // winston configuration, see
                console: {
                    level: 'info',
                    colorize: 'true',
                    label: 'nsi.monitor'
                elasticsearch: { // send monitoring logs to elasticsearch to maybe use kibana, see
                    level: 'error', // error by default = disabling it, just set level to 'info' and here we go
                    indexName: 'nsi-routes',
                    source: 'NSI - Routes',
                    disable_fields: true,
                    typeName: 'log'
            metadata: {}  // add metadata to all logs
    }, options);

    winston.loggers.add('nsi-routes', that.options.log.config);
    that.logger = winston.loggers.get('nsi-routes');

    that.log = function(level, message, metadata) {
        if ( that.logger.log(level, message, _.extend(metadata || {}, that.options.log.metadata));

    winston.loggers.add('nsi-monitor', that.options.monitor.config);
    that.monitorLogger = winston.loggers.get('nsi-monitor');

    that.monitor = function(message, metadata) {
        if ( {
  , _.extend(metadata, that.options.monitor.metadata), function(err) {
                // log failure of the monitor logger in the log logger. This is quite arbitratyr but
                // the monitor logger is more susceptible to fail as it can use elasticsearch
                if (err) that.logger.error('Monitoring failure', {
                    originalMessage: message,
                    originalMetadata: metadata,
                    error: err

// For commons routes use getters that use require.
// This prevents loading all routes and their dependancies even if they are not needed.
RoutesManager.prototype.__defineGetter__('wrap', function() {
    return require('./lib/wrap');
RoutesManager.prototype.__defineGetter__('jsonSchema', function() {
    return require('./lib/json-schema');
RoutesManager.prototype.__defineGetter__('xsd', function() {
    return require('./lib/xsd');
RoutesManager.prototype.__defineGetter__('to', function() {
    return require('./lib/queues').to;
RoutesManager.prototype.__defineGetter__('inOut', function() {
    return require('./lib/queues').inOut;
RoutesManager.prototype.__defineGetter__('http', function() {
    return require('./lib/http');
RoutesManager.prototype.__defineGetter__('handlebars', function() {
    return require('./lib/handlebars');
RoutesManager.prototype.__defineGetter__('xslt', function() {
    return require('./lib/xslt');

module.exports = function(options) {
    var routesManager = new RoutesManager(options);
    // bind all functions to the routes manager so that they can be passed by reference
    return routesManager;