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var _ = require('lodash');
var uuid = require('node-uuid');
var util = require('util');

module.exports = function wrap(route, name) {
    var that = this;
    var counter = 0;
    name = name || || 'anonymous';
    return _.wrap(route, function(route, message, headers, callback) {
        // keep the current counter so that parallel calls to the route don't cause the IN and OUT logs
        // to display different counters
        var currentCounter = counter;
        counter += 1;

        var logPrefix = name + ' - ' + currentCounter;
        // headers are optional
        if (callback === undefined) {
            callback = headers;
            headers = {};

        // perform a shallow clone of headers to prevent bad interactions accross routes
        headers = _.clone(headers);
        // maintain or create a continuationId for the current operation
        headers.continuationId = headers.continuationId || uuid.v4();

        var inTimestamp =;
        that.log('debug', logPrefix + ' - IN message', util.inspect(message));
        that.log('debug', logPrefix + ' - IN headers', headers);

        route(message, headers, function(err, outMessage, outHeaders) {
            that.monitor(name, {
                duration: - inTimestamp,
                route: name
            // do not log errors at error level
            // because they might handled cleanly in the callback and not constitute an error of the program
            if (err) that.log('debug', logPrefix + ' - ERROR', util.inspect(err));
            that.log('debug', logPrefix + ' - OUT message', util.inspect(outMessage));
            that.log('debug', logPrefix + ' - OUT headers', outHeaders);
            callback(err, outMessage, outHeaders);