const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const events = require('events');
const { assert, alignTo } = require('../util');
const DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 64 * 1024;
const DOCUMENT_SEPARATOR = "\x00\x00\x1E\n";
const DOCUMENT_FOOTER_SIZE = 4 /* additional data size footer */ + DOCUMENT_SEPARATOR.length;
// node-event-store partition V03
const HEADER_MAGIC = "nesprt03";
const NES_EPOCH = new Date('2020-01-01T00:00:00');
class CorruptFileError extends Error {}
class InvalidDataSizeError extends Error {}
* Method for hashing a string (partition name) to a 32-bit unsigned integer.
* @param {string} str
* @returns {number}
function hash(str) {
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (str.length === 0) {
return 0;
let hash = 5381,
i = str.length;
while(i) {
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) ^ str.charCodeAt(--i); // jshint ignore:line
/* JavaScript does bitwise operations (like XOR, above) on 32-bit signed
* integers. Since we want the results to be always positive, convert the
* signed int to an unsigned by doing an unsigned bitshift. */
return hash >>> 0; // jshint ignore:line
* A partition is a single file where the storage will write documents to depending on some partitioning rules.
* In the case of an event store, this is most likely the (write) streams.
class ReadablePartition extends events.EventEmitter {
* Get the id for a specific partition name.
* @param {string} name
* @returns {number}
static idFor(name) {
return hash(name);
* @param {string} name The name of the partition.
* @param {object} [config] An object with storage parameters.
* @param {string} [config.dataDirectory] The path where the storage data should reside. Default '.'.
* @param {number} [config.readBufferSize] Size of the read buffer in bytes. Default 4096.
constructor(name, config = {}) {
assert(typeof name === 'string' && name !== '', 'Must specify a partition name.');
let defaults = {
dataDirectory: '.',
config = Object.assign(defaults, config);
this.dataDirectory = path.resolve(config.dataDirectory); = name; = ReadablePartition.idFor(name);
this.fileName = path.resolve(this.dataDirectory,;
this.fileMode = 'r';
this.headerSize = 0;
this.readBufferSize = config.readBufferSize >>> 0; // jshint ignore:line
* Check if the partition file is opened.
* @returns {boolean}
isOpen() {
return !!this.fd;
* Open the partition storage and create read buffers.
* @api
* @returns {boolean} Returns false if the file is not a valid partition.
open() {
if (this.fd) {
return true;
this.fd = fs.openSync(this.fileName, this.fileMode);
// allocUnsafeSlow because we don't need buffer pooling for these relatively long-lived buffers
this.readBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(this.readBufferSize);
// Where inside the file the read buffer starts
this.readBufferPos = -1;
this.readBufferLength = 0;
this.headerSize = 0;
this.size = this.readFileSize();
if (this.size <= 0) {
return false;
this.size -= this.readMetadata();
return true;
* @returns {number} -1 if the partition is ok and the sequence number of the broken document if a torn write was detected.
checkTornWrite() {
const reader = this.prepareReadBufferBackwards(this.size);
const separator = reader.buffer.toString('ascii', reader.cursor - DOCUMENT_SEPARATOR.length, reader.cursor);
if (separator !== DOCUMENT_SEPARATOR) {
const position = this.findDocumentPositionBefore(this.size);
const reader = this.prepareReadBuffer(position);
const { sequenceNumber } = this.readDocumentHeader(reader.buffer, reader.cursor, position);
return sequenceNumber;
return -1;
* Read the partition metadata from the file.
* @private
* @returns {number} The size of the metadata header.
* @throws {Error} if the file header magic value is invalid.
* @throws {Error} if the metadata size in the header is invalid.
readMetadata() {
assert(this.size >= 16, `Invalid file.`);
const headerBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8 + 4);
fs.readSync(this.fd, headerBuffer, 0, 8 + 4, 0);
const headerMagic = headerBuffer.toString('utf8', 0, 8);
assert(headerMagic.substr(0, 6) === HEADER_MAGIC.substr(0, 6), `Invalid file header in partition ${}.`);
this.header = headerMagic;
assert(headerMagic === HEADER_MAGIC, `Invalid file version. The partition ${} was created with a different library version (${headerMagic.substr(6)}).`);
const metadataSize = headerBuffer.readUInt32BE(8);
assert(metadataSize > 2 && metadataSize <= 4096, 'Invalid metadata size.');
const metadataBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(metadataSize - 1);
metadataBuffer.fill(" ");
fs.readSync(this.fd, metadataBuffer, 0, metadataSize - 1, 8 + 4);
const metadata = metadataBuffer.toString('utf8').trim();
try {
this.metadata = JSON.parse(metadata);
this.metadata.epoch = this.metadata.epoch /* istanbul ignore next */|| NES_EPOCH.getTime();
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('Invalid metadata.');
this.headerSize = 8 + 4 + metadataSize;
return this.headerSize;
* Get the storage size for a document of a given size.
* @param {number} dataSize The actual data size of the document.
* @returns {number} The size of the data including header, padded to 16 bytes alignment and ended with a line break.
documentWriteSize(dataSize) {
const padSize = alignTo(dataSize + DOCUMENT_FOOTER_SIZE, DOCUMENT_ALIGNMENT);
* @protected
* @returns {number} The file size not including the file header.
readFileSize() {
const stat = fs.statSync(this.fileName);
return stat.size - this.headerSize;
* Close the partition and frees up all resources.
* @api
* @returns void
close() {
if (this.fd) {
this.fd = null;
if (this.readBuffer) {
this.readBuffer = null;
this.readBufferPos = -1;
this.readBufferLength = 0;
* Fill the internal read buffer starting from the given position.
* @private
* @param {number} [from] The file position to start filling the read buffer from. Default 0.
fillBuffer(from = 0) {
this.readBufferLength = fs.readSync(this.fd, this.readBuffer, 0, this.readBuffer.byteLength, this.headerSize + from);
this.readBufferPos = from;
* @private
* @param {Buffer} buffer The buffer to read the data length from.
* @param {number} offset The position inside the buffer to start reading from.
* @param {number} position The file position to start reading from.
* @param {number} [size] The expected byte size of the document at the given position.
* @returns {{ dataSize: number, sequenceNumber: number, time64: number }} The metadata fields of the document
* @throws {Error} if the storage entry at the given position is corrupted.
* @throws {InvalidDataSizeError} if the document size at the given position does not match the provided size.
* @throws {CorruptFileError} if the document at the given position can not be read completely.
readDocumentHeader(buffer, offset, position, size) {
const dataSize = buffer.readUInt32BE(offset + 0);
assert(dataSize > 0 && dataSize <= 64 * 1024 * 1024, `Error reading document size from ${position}, got ${dataSize}.`);
if (size && dataSize !== size) {
throw new InvalidDataSizeError(`Invalid document size ${dataSize} at position ${position}, expected ${size}.`);
const sequenceNumber = buffer.readUInt32BE(offset + 4);
const time64 = buffer.readDoubleBE(offset + 8);
return ({ dataSize, sequenceNumber, time64 });
* Prepare the read buffer for reading from the specified position.
* @protected
* @param {number} position The position in the file to prepare the read buffer for reading from.
* @returns {{ buffer: Buffer|null, cursor: number, length: number }} A reader object with properties `buffer`, `cursor` and `length`.
prepareReadBuffer(position) {
if (position + DOCUMENT_HEADER_SIZE >= this.size) {
return ({ buffer: null, cursor: 0, length: 0 });
let bufferCursor = position - this.readBufferPos;
if (this.readBufferPos < 0 || bufferCursor < 0 || bufferCursor + DOCUMENT_HEADER_SIZE + DOCUMENT_ALIGNMENT > this.readBufferLength) {
bufferCursor = 0;
return ({ buffer: this.readBuffer, cursor: bufferCursor, length: this.readBufferLength });
* Prepare the read buffer for reading *before* the specified position. Don't try to reader *after* the returned cursor.
* @protected
* @param {number} position The position in the file to prepare the read buffer for reading before.
* @returns {{ buffer: Buffer|null, cursor: number, length: number }} A reader object with properties `buffer`, `cursor` and `length`.
prepareReadBufferBackwards(position) {
if (position < 0) {
return ({ buffer: null, cursor: 0, length: 0 });
let bufferCursor = position - this.readBufferPos;
if (this.readBufferPos < 0 || (this.readBufferPos > 0 && bufferCursor < DOCUMENT_FOOTER_SIZE)) {
this.fillBuffer(Math.max(position - this.readBuffer.byteLength, 0));
bufferCursor = position - this.readBufferPos;
return ({ buffer: this.readBuffer, cursor: bufferCursor, length: this.readBufferLength });
* Read the data from the given position.
* @api
* @param {number} position The file position to read from.
* @param {number} [size] The expected byte size of the document at the given position.
* @returns {string|boolean} The data stored at the given position or false if no data could be read.
* @throws {Error} if the storage entry at the given position is corrupted.
* @throws {InvalidDataSizeError} if the document size at the given position does not match the provided size.
* @throws {CorruptFileError} if the document at the given position can not be read completely.
readFrom(position, size = 0) {
assert(this.fd, 'Partition is not opened.');
assert((position % DOCUMENT_ALIGNMENT) === 0, `Invalid read position ${position}. Needs to be a multiple of ${DOCUMENT_ALIGNMENT}.`);
const reader = this.prepareReadBuffer(position);
if (reader.length < size + DOCUMENT_HEADER_SIZE) {
return false;
let dataPosition = reader.cursor + DOCUMENT_HEADER_SIZE;
const { dataSize } = this.readDocumentHeader(reader.buffer, reader.cursor, position, size);
// TODO: This should only be checked on opening
const writeSize = this.documentWriteSize(dataSize);
if (position + writeSize > this.size) {
throw new CorruptFileError(`Invalid document at position ${position}. This may be caused by an unfinished write.`);
if (dataSize + DOCUMENT_HEADER_SIZE > reader.buffer.byteLength) {
//console.log('sync read for large document size', dataLength, 'at position', position);
const tempReadBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(dataSize);
fs.readSync(this.fd, tempReadBuffer, 0, dataSize, this.headerSize + position + DOCUMENT_HEADER_SIZE);
return tempReadBuffer.toString('utf8');
if (reader.cursor > 0 && dataPosition + dataSize > reader.length) {
return reader.buffer.toString('utf8', dataPosition, dataPosition + dataSize);
* Find the start position of the document that precedes the given position.
* @protected
* @param {number} position The file position to read backwards from.
* @returns {number|boolean} The start position of the first document before the given position or false if no header could be found.
findDocumentPositionBefore(position) {
assert(this.fd, 'Partition is not opened.');
position -= (position % DOCUMENT_ALIGNMENT);
if (position <= 0) {
return false;
const separatorSize = DOCUMENT_SEPARATOR.length;
// Optimization if we are at an exact document boundary, where we can just read the document size
let reader = this.prepareReadBufferBackwards(position);
const block = reader.buffer.toString('ascii', reader.cursor - separatorSize, reader.cursor);
if (block === DOCUMENT_SEPARATOR) {
const dataSize = reader.buffer.readUInt32BE(reader.cursor - separatorSize - 4);
return position - this.documentWriteSize(dataSize);
do {
reader = this.prepareReadBufferBackwards(position - separatorSize);
const bufferSeparatorPosition = reader.buffer.lastIndexOf(DOCUMENT_SEPARATOR, reader.cursor - separatorSize, 'ascii');
if (bufferSeparatorPosition >= 0) {
position = this.readBufferPos + bufferSeparatorPosition + separatorSize;
position -= this.readBufferLength;
} while (position > 0);
return Math.max(0, position);
* @api
* @param {number} [after] The document position to start reading from.
* @returns {Generator<string>} A generator that returns all documents in this partition.
*readAll(after = 0) {
let position = after < 0 ? this.size + after + 1 : after;
let data;
while ((data = this.readFrom(position)) !== false) {
yield data;
position += this.documentWriteSize(Buffer.byteLength(data, 'utf8'));
* @api
* @param {number} [before] The document position to start reading backward from.
* @returns {Generator<string>} A generator that returns all documents in this partition in reverse order.
*readAllBackwards(before = -1) {
let position = before < 0 ? this.size + before + 1 : before;
while ((position = this.findDocumentPositionBefore(position)) !== false) {
const data = this.readFrom(position);
yield data;
module.exports = ReadablePartition;
module.exports.CorruptFileError = CorruptFileError;
module.exports.InvalidDataSizeError = InvalidDataSizeError;