const fs = require('fs');
const ReadablePartition = require('./ReadablePartition');
const { assert, buildMetadataHeader, alignTo, ensureDirectory } = require('../util');
const Clock = require('../Clock');
const DEFAULT_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
* A partition is a single file where the storage will write documents to depending on some partitioning rules.
* In the case of an event store, this is most likely the (write) streams.
class WritablePartition extends ReadablePartition {
* @param {string} name The name of the partition.
* @param {object} [config] An object with storage parameters.
* @param {string} [config.dataDirectory] The path where the storage data should reside. Default '.'.
* @param {number} [config.readBufferSize] Size of the read buffer in bytes. Default 4096.
* @param {number} [config.writeBufferSize] Size of the write buffer in bytes. Default 16384.
* @param {number} [config.maxWriteBufferDocuments] How many documents to have in the write buffer at max. 0 means as much as possible. Default 0.
* @param {boolean} [config.syncOnFlush] If fsync should be called on write buffer flush. Set this if you need strict durability. Defaults to false.
* @param {boolean} [config.dirtyReads] If dirty reads should be allowed. This means that writes that are in write buffer but not yet flushed can be read. Defaults to true.
* @param {object} [config.metadata] A metadata object that will be written to the file header.
* @param {typeof Clock} [config.clock] The constructor to a clock interface
constructor(name, config = {}) {
let defaults = {
maxWriteBufferDocuments: 0,
syncOnFlush: false,
dirtyReads: true,
metadata: {
clock: Clock
config.metadata = Object.assign(defaults.metadata, config.metadata);
config = Object.assign(defaults, config);
super(name, config);
this.fileMode = 'a+';
this.writeBufferSize = config.writeBufferSize >>> 0; // jshint ignore:line
this.maxWriteBufferDocuments = config.maxWriteBufferDocuments >>> 0; // jshint ignore:line
this.syncOnFlush = !!config.syncOnFlush;
this.dirtyReads = !!config.dirtyReads;
this.metadata = config.metadata;
assert(typeof(config.clock.prototype) === 'object' && typeof(config.clock.prototype.time) === 'function', 'Clock needs to implement the method time()');
this.ClockConstructor = config.clock;
* Open the partition storage and create read and write buffers.
* @api
* @returns {boolean}
open() {
if (this.fd) {
return true;
let success =;
if (!success) {
if (this.size + this.headerSize !== 0) {
// If file is not empty, we can not open and initialize it
return false;
success =;
this.writeBuffer = success && Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(this.writeBufferSize);
// Where inside the write buffer the next write is added
this.writeBufferCursor = 0;
// How many documents are currently in the write buffer
this.writeBufferDocuments = 0;
this.flushCallbacks = [];
this.clock = new this.ClockConstructor(this.metadata.epoch);
return success;
* Close the partition and frees up all resources.
* @api
* @returns void
close() {
if (this.fd && this.writeBuffer) {
this.writeBuffer = null;
this.writeBufferCursor = 0;
this.writeBufferDocuments = 0;
* Write the header and metadata to the file.
* @private
* @returns void
writeMetadata() {
const metadataBuffer = buildMetadataHeader(ReadablePartition.HEADER_MAGIC, this.metadata);
fs.writeFileSync(this.fileName, metadataBuffer);
this.headerSize = metadataBuffer.byteLength;
* Flush the write buffer to disk.
* This is a sync method and will invoke all previously registered flush callbacks.
* @returns {boolean}
flush() {
if (!this.fd) {
return false;
if (this.writeBufferCursor === 0) {
return false;
fs.writeSync(this.fd, this.writeBuffer, 0, this.writeBufferCursor);
if (this.syncOnFlush) {
this.writeBufferCursor = 0;
this.writeBufferDocuments = 0;
this.flushCallbacks.forEach(callback => callback());
this.flushCallbacks = [];
return true;
* @private
* @param {number} dataSize The size of the data that needs to go into the write buffer next.
flushIfWriteBufferTooSmall(dataSize) {
if (this.writeBufferCursor > 0 && dataSize + this.writeBufferCursor > this.writeBuffer.byteLength) {
if (this.writeBufferCursor === 0) {
process.nextTick(() => this.flush());
* @private
flushIfWriteBufferDocumentsFull() {
if (this.maxWriteBufferDocuments > 0 && this.writeBufferDocuments >= this.maxWriteBufferDocuments) {
* @private
* @param {Buffer} buffer The buffer to write the document header to
* @param {number} offset The offset inside the buffer to start writing at
* @param {number} dataSize The size of the document
* @param {number|null} [sequenceNumber] The external sequence number for this document
* @param {number|null} [time64] The number of microseconds relative to the partition base since the creation of the document
* @returns {number} The size of the document header
writeDocumentHeader(buffer, offset, dataSize, sequenceNumber = null, time64 = null) {
if (sequenceNumber === null) {
sequenceNumber = 0;
if (time64 === null) {
time64 = this.clock.time();
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (time64 < 0) {
throw new Error('Time may not be negative!');
buffer.writeUInt32BE(dataSize, offset);
buffer.writeUInt32BE(sequenceNumber, offset + 4);
buffer.writeDoubleBE(time64, offset + 8);
* Write the given data to the partition without buffering.
* @private
* @param {string} data The (padded) data to write to storage.
* @param {number} dataSize The size of the raw document without padding.
* @param {number} [sequenceNumber] The external sequence number to store with the document.
* @param {function} [callback] A function that will be called when the document is written to disk.
* @returns {number} Number of bytes written.
writeUnbuffered(data, dataSize, sequenceNumber, callback) {
const dataHeader = Buffer.alloc(DOCUMENT_HEADER_SIZE);
this.writeDocumentHeader(dataHeader, 0, dataSize, sequenceNumber);
let bytesWritten = 0;
bytesWritten += fs.writeSync(this.fd, dataHeader);
bytesWritten += fs.writeSync(this.fd, data);
const padSize = alignTo(dataSize + DOCUMENT_FOOTER_SIZE, DOCUMENT_ALIGNMENT);
bytesWritten += fs.writeSync(this.fd, DOCUMENT_PAD.substr(0, padSize));
const dataSizeBuffer = Buffer.alloc(4);
dataSizeBuffer.writeUInt32BE(dataSize, 0);
bytesWritten += fs.writeSync(this.fd, dataSizeBuffer);
bytesWritten += fs.writeSync(this.fd, DOCUMENT_SEPARATOR);
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return bytesWritten;
* Write the given data to the partition with buffering. Will flush the write buffer if it is necessary.
* @private
* @param {string} data The (padded) data to write to storage.
* @param {number} dataSize The size of the raw document without padding.
* @param {number} [sequenceNumber] The external sequence number to store with the document.
* @param {function} [callback] A function that will be called when the document is written to disk.
* @returns {number} Number of bytes written.
writeBuffered(data, dataSize, sequenceNumber, callback) {
const bytesToWrite = this.documentWriteSize(Buffer.byteLength(data, 'utf8'));
let bytesWritten = 0;
bytesWritten += this.writeDocumentHeader(this.writeBuffer, this.writeBufferCursor, dataSize, sequenceNumber);
bytesWritten += this.writeBuffer.write(data, this.writeBufferCursor + bytesWritten, 'utf8');
const padSize = alignTo(dataSize + DOCUMENT_FOOTER_SIZE, DOCUMENT_ALIGNMENT);
bytesWritten += this.writeBuffer.write(DOCUMENT_PAD.substr(0, padSize), this.writeBufferCursor + bytesWritten, 'utf8');
this.writeBuffer.writeUInt32BE(dataSize, this.writeBufferCursor + bytesWritten);
bytesWritten += 4;
bytesWritten += this.writeBuffer.write(DOCUMENT_SEPARATOR, this.writeBufferCursor + bytesWritten, 'utf8');
this.writeBufferCursor += bytesWritten;
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return bytesWritten;
* @api
* @param {string} data The data to write to storage.
* @param {number} [sequenceNumber] The external sequence number to store with the document.
* @param {function} [callback] A function that will be called when the document is written to disk.
* @returns {number|boolean} The file position at which the data was written or false on error.
write(data, sequenceNumber, callback) {
assert(this.fd, 'Partition is not opened.');
if (typeof sequenceNumber === 'function') {
callback = sequenceNumber;
sequenceNumber = null;
const dataSize = Buffer.byteLength(data, 'utf8');
assert(dataSize <= 64 * 1024 * 1024, 'Document is too large! Maximum is 64 MB');
const dataPosition = this.size;
if (dataSize + DOCUMENT_HEADER_SIZE >= this.writeBuffer.byteLength * 4 / 5) {
this.size += this.writeUnbuffered(data, dataSize, sequenceNumber, callback);
} else {
this.size += this.writeBuffered(data, dataSize, sequenceNumber, callback);
assert(this.size >= dataPosition + dataSize + DOCUMENT_HEADER_SIZE, `Error while writing document at position ${dataPosition}.`);
return dataPosition;
* Prepare the read buffer for reading from the specified position.
* @protected
* @param {number} position The position in the file to prepare the read buffer for reading from.
* @returns {object} A reader object with properties `buffer`, `cursor` and `length`.
prepareReadBuffer(position) {
if (position + DOCUMENT_HEADER_SIZE >= this.size) {
return { buffer: null, cursor: 0, length: 0 };
const bufferPos = this.size - this.writeBufferCursor;
// Handle the case when data that is still in write buffer is supposed to be read
if (this.dirtyReads && this.writeBufferCursor > 0 && position >= bufferPos) {
return { buffer: this.writeBuffer, cursor: position - bufferPos, length: this.writeBufferCursor };
return super.prepareReadBuffer(position);
* Truncate the internal read buffer after the given position.
* @internal
* @param {number} after The byte position to truncate the read buffer after.
truncateReadBuffer(after) {
if (this.readBufferPos >= after) {
this.readBufferPos = -1;
this.readBufferLength = 0;
} else if (this.readBufferPos + this.readBufferLength > after) {
this.readBufferLength -= (this.readBufferPos + this.readBufferLength) - after;
* Truncate the partition storage at the given position.
* @api
* @param {number} after The file position after which to truncate the partition.
truncate(after) {
if (after > this.size) {
after = Math.max(0, after);
try {
} catch (e) {
if (!(e instanceof ReadablePartition.CorruptFileError)) {
throw new Error('Can only truncate on valid document boundaries.');
// copy all truncated documents to some delete log
const backupName = (new Date()).toISOString().substring(0,10);
this.branchOff(backupName, after);
fs.truncateSync(this.fileName, this.headerSize + after);
this.size = after;
this.emit('truncated', after);
* Create a branch of this partition starting from the given position.
* @internal
* @param {string} branchName The name that identifies the branch (will be prefixed with this partition name and suffixed with the position)
* @param {number} position The file position from where to branch off
* @returns {WritablePartition} The branched off partition
branchOff(branchName, position) {
const deletedBranch = new WritablePartition( + '-' + branchName + '-' + position + '.branch', { dataDirectory: this.dataDirectory, metadata: { epoch: this.metadata.epoch } });;
do {
const reader = this.prepareReadBuffer(position);
fs.writeSync(deletedBranch.fd, reader.buffer, reader.cursor, reader.length);
position += reader.length;
} while (position < this.size);
return deletedBranch;
module.exports = WritablePartition;
module.exports.CorruptFileError = ReadablePartition.CorruptFileError;