
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
    "Web Apps": {
        "": {
            "description": "Single page app for finding programming memes",
            "github": "",
            "web": ""
        "": {
            "description": "Repackaged Currently Extension",
            "github": "",
            "web": ""
        "": {
            "description": "This Website",
            "github": "",
            "web": ""
        "": {
            "description": "iCal Calendar for the SF Chase Center",
            "github": "",
            "web": ""
        "": {
            "description": "Collaborative whiteboard based on Excalidraw",
            "": "",
            "web": ""
        "": {
            "description": "",
            "github": "",
            "web": ""
        "": {
            "description": "Figure Skating Statistics",
            "": "",
            "web": ""
    "Python": {
        "ItolAPI": {
            "description": "API for creating/downloading trees for the interactive Tree of Life (iTOL)",
            "github": "",
            "pypi": ""
        "Mailgun2": {
            "description": "Small legacy API for Mailgun",
            "github": "",
            "pypi": ""
        "PyZipTax": {
            "description": "API for grabbing US tax rates",
            "github": "",
            "pypi": ""
        "Git Browse": {
            "description": "Git alias extension for opening up git repositories on github and phabricator",
            "github": "",
            "pypi": ""
        "Git Reviewers": {
            "description": "Git alias extension for finding code reviewers based on git history",
            "github": "",
            "pypi": "ttps://"
        "SysPath": {
            "description": "Python module to simplify appending common paths to sys.path",
            "github": "",
            "pypi": ""
        "CSV-iCAL": {
            "description": "Library for converting between CSV and iCAL files",
            "github": "",
            "pypi": ""
        "Req-Update": {
            "description": "CLI to update python dependencies",
            "github": "",
            "pypi": ""
    "Javascript": {
        "ajax-cache-parser": {
            "description": "Library for parsing HTTP headers for caching information",
            "github": "",
            "npm": ""
        "gentle-alerts": {
            "description": " Google chrome extension to convert alerts into gentle notifications",
            "github": "",
            "npm": ""
    "Ruby": {
        "AppleClassClient": {
            "description": "API for Apple's Class Roster",
            "github": "",
            "rubygems": ""
        "AppleDEPClient": {
            "description": "API for Apple's Device Enrollment Program",
            "github": "",
            "rubygems": ""
        "IOSConfigProfile": {
            "description": "Library for making configuration profiles for iOS",
            "github": "",
            "rubygems": ""
    "Go": {
        "LocalTimeZone": {
            "description": "Library for converting between latitude/longitude coordinates and time zones",
            "github": ""