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Golang Review



I've been using Go for several projects at Uber and
From my experience, I've developed some opinions on the Go programming
language, from both objective and subjective points of view.  Compared to other
languages, I find that Go has much to be desired in terms of its language

Let's start off with the nice points.  Go is pretty opinionated about its
development setup with standardized layouts of packages and build systems.
Language-wise, it has a simple, easy-to-learn syntax that can be easily learned
by anybody with backgrounds in C, Java, or Python.  It's statically typed,
expressive while legible, and has understandable concurrency primitives.

On the other hand, Go has a lot of downsides in terms of environment and
language.  Environment first.  A glaring issue with Go is dependency
management.  Go's development layout assumes you're working on a monorepo
(more on this later).  If you're not working on a monorepo and/or you don't
have direct control over your dependencies, you're going to have a bad time
trying to keep your dependencies up to date without breaking things.  Many
[tools]( have been written to work around
this, but the core issue is that many Go packages aren't themselves versioned.
It seems [semantic versioning]( and even change logs seem to
be new and controversial in many Go communities.

My other gripe with Go's environment is the work it takes to set up and
maintain a new project.  A go repo not only requires the entire `$GOPATH` to be
set up, with attendant dependencies and repositories, but also requires
`Makefile`s, and a lot of testing boilerplate.  Arguably, in a monorepo-style
development process,
this is a cost that scales `O(1)` instead of `O(n)`, but I feel that in many Go
projects, the amount of Bash and scripting language (most commonly python) code
exceeds the amount of actual Go code.  Maintaining this (often untested and
hacky) code is an extra source of work for a Go developer.

As for the language itself, I'll freely echo the common criticism about Go's
[lack of generics]( and while I have gotten
used to the [lack of exceptions](, this
all seems to oversimplify the language.  Many nice programming idioms found in
other languages (e.g. monads, classes, duck typing) are unavailable in Go due
to the restricted feature set.

From these points, I find that Go is a fine language for large teams of
average programmers creating large monorepo systems.  Go caters to this
demographic of programmers by being essentially a compilable, statically-typed
BASIC while ignoring the last several decades of
[Programming Language Theory](