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iTerm2 Search History



Like [a bunch of people](,
I keep a dotfiles repository to version control and synchronize my Linux and MacOS
configs.  One of the things that I store in there is my
[iTerm2 configuration]( so that I can synchronize things
like same color schemes.  It looks like several other people
[do the same thing](

However, I noticed that iTerm saves searches that you've run in the terminal window
so iTerm can show history, which means that people are also publishing searches that
they've made in a private terminal window.  These configs can be found inside a file
called `com.googlecode.iterm2.plist` under a config key called `NoSyncSearchHistory`
so I wrote a script to scrape Github for these searches.  The results of the search
were mostly boring, with terms like `kubernetes` or `user`, though I did find someone's
AWS IAM key (I'm currently waiting for a reply from the person about the leakage).