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module IOSConfigProfile
  class RestrictionsPayload < Hash
    include IOSConfigProfile::BasicPayload

    def initialize(custom_values = nil)
      payload = generate_restrictions(custom_values)
      payload = add_boilerplate payload
      merge! payload

    def self.available_payloads
      # key => [english description, default, (options)]
        "allowAssistant" => ["Allow Siri", true],
        "allowAssistantWhileLocked" => ["Allow Siri while device is locked", true],
        "allowCamera" => ["Allow camera usage", true],
        "allowCloudBackup" => ["Allow iCloud", true],
        "allowCloudKeychainSync" => ["Allow cloud keychain synchronization", true],
        "allowDiagnosticSubmission" => ["Allow automatic submission of diagnostic reports to Apple", true],
        "allowFingerprintForUnlock" => ["Allow Touch ID (fingerprint) to unlock device", true],
        "allowGlobalBackgroundFetchWhenRoaming" => ["Allow global background fetch activity when device is roaming", true],
        "allowInAppPurchases" => ["Allow in-app purchasing", true],
        "allowLockScreenControlCenter" => ["Allow Control Center on the Lock screen", true],
        "allowLockScreenNotificationView" => ["Allow Notifications view in Notification Center on the lock screen", true],
        "allowLockScreenTodayView" => ["Allow Today view in Notification Center on the lock screen", true],
        "allowOpenFromManagedToUnmanaged" => ["Allow documents in managed apps and accounts to be opened in unmanaged apps and accounts", true],
        "allowOpenFromUnmanagedToManaged" => ["Allow documents in unmanaged apps and accounts to be opened in managed apps and accounts", true],
        "allowOTAPKIUpdates" => ["Allow over-the-air PKI updates", true],
        "allowPassbookWhileLocked" => ["Allow Passbook notifications on the lock screen", true],
        "allowPhotoStream" => ["Allow Photo Stream", true],
        "safariAllowAutoFill" => ["Allow Safari auto-fill", true],
        "safariForceFraudWarning" => ["Force Safari fraud warning", true],
        "safariAllowJavascript" => ["Allow Safari to execute JavaScript", true],
        "safariAllowPopups" => ["Allow Safari to show pop-up tabs", true],
        "allowSharedStream" => ["Allow Shared Photo Stream", true],
        "allowUntrustedTLSPrompt" => ["Allow untrusted HTTPS certificates", true],
        "allowVoiceDialing" => ["Allow voice dialing", true],
        "allowYouTube" => ["Allow YouTube", true],
        "forceAssistantProfanityFilter" => ["Force profanity filter assistant", false],
        "forceEncryptedBackup" => ["Force encrypt all backups", false],
        "forceITunesStorePasswordEntry" => ["Force require iTunes password for each transaction", false],
        "forceLimitAdTracking" => ["Limit ad tracking", false],
        "forceAirPlayOutgoingRequestsPairingPassword" => ["Force all devices receiving AirPlay requests from this device to use a pairing password", false],
        "forceAirPlayIncomingRequestsPairingPassword" => ["Force all devices sending AirPlay requests to this device to use a password", false],
        "allowManagedAppsCloudSync" => ["Allow managed applications to use cloud sync", true],
        "allowActivityContinuation" => ["Allow Activity Continuation", true],
        "allowEnterpriseBookBackup" => ["Allow Enterprise books to be backed up", true],
        "allowEnterpriseBookMetadataSync" => ["Allow Enterprise book notes and highlights to be synchronized", true],
        "forceAirDropUnmanaged" => ["Consider AirDrop to be an unmanaged drop target (iOS 9+)", false],
        "allowScreenShot" => ["Allow display screenshots (also allow screen recording for iOS 9+)", true],


    def self.available_supervised_payloads
      # key => [english description, default, (options)]
        "allowiTunes" => ["Allow iTunes Music Store", true],
        "allowVideoConferencing" => ["Allow video conferencing", true],
        "allowAppInstallation" => ["Allow App Store installations and updates", true],
        "allowAddingGameCenterFriends" => ["Allow adding Game Center friends", true],
        "allowAppRemoval" => ["Allow removal of apps from iOS device", true],
        "allowCloudDocumentSync" => ["Allow document and key-value syncing with iCloud", true],
        "allowExplicitContent" => ["Allow explicit music or video content from iTunes Store", true],
        "allowMultiplayerGaming" => ["Allow multiplayer gaming", true],
        "allowSafari" => ["Allow Safari", true],
        "allowAccountModification" => ["Allow account modification", true],
        "allowAirDrop" => ["Allow AirDrop", true],
        "allowAppCellularDataModification" => ["Allow changes to cellular data usage for apps", true],
        "allowAssistantUserGeneratedContent" => ["Allow Siri to query user-generated content from the web", true],
        "allowBookstore" => ["Allow iBookstore", true],
        "allowBookstoreErotica" => ["Allow iBookstore media that has been tagged as erotica", true],
        "allowChat" => ["Allow Messages app", true],
        "allowFindMyFriendsModification" => ["Allow changes to Find My Friends", true],
        "allowGameCenter" => ["Allow Game Center", true],
        "allowHostPairing" => ["Allow host pairing (except for supervision host)", true],
        "allowUIConfigurationProfileInstallation" => ["Allow installing configuration profiles and certificates interactively", true],
        "allowEraseContentAndSettings" => ['Allow the "Erase All Content And Settings" option in the Reset UI', true],
        "allowSpotlightInternetResults" => ["Allow Spotlight to return Internet search results", true],
        "allowEnablingRestrictions" => ['Enable the "Enable Restrictions" option in the Restrictions UI in Settings', true],
        "allowPodcasts" => ["Allow podcasts", true],
        "allowDefinitionLookup" => ["Allow definition lookups", true],
        "allowPredictiveKeyboard" => ["Allow predictive keyboards", true],
        "allowAutoCorrection" => ["Allow keyboard auto-correction", true],
        "allowSpellCheck" => ["Allow keyboard spell-check", true],
        "allowUIAppInstallation" => ["Allow App Store (iOS 9+)", true],
        "allowKeyboardShortcuts" => ["Allow keyboard shortcuts (iOS 9+)", true],
        "allowPairedWatch" => ["Allow pairing of Apple watch (iOS 9+)", true],
        "allowPasscodeModification" => ["Allow pairing of Apple watch (iOS 9+)", true],
        "allowDeviceNameModification" => ["Allow device name to be changed (iOS 9+)", true],
        "allowWallpaperModification" => ["Allow wallpaper to be changed (iOS 9+)", true],
        "allowAutomaticAppDownloads" => ["Allow automatic downloading of apps purchased on other devices for the same iTunes account (iOS 9+)", false],
        "allowEnterpriseAppTrust" => ["Trust enterprise apps (iOS 9+)", true],
        "allowCloudPhotoLibrary" => ["Allow iCloud Photo Library (iOS 9+)", true],
        "allowNews" => ["Allow Apple News", true],


    def restrictions_payload
      default_payload = {}
      IOSConfigProfile::RestrictionsPayload.available_payloads.each { |k, v| default_payload[k] = v[1] }
      IOSConfigProfile::RestrictionsPayload.available_supervised_payloads.each { |k, v| default_payload[k] = v[1] }

    def generate_restrictions(custom_values)
      if not custom_values.is_a? Hash
        custom_values =
      default_payload = restrictions_payload
      payload = {}
      custom_values.each do |k, v|
        if not default_payload.has_key? k
        if default_payload[k].to_s != v.to_s
          payload[k] = v

    def add_boilerplate(payload)
      content = {
        "PayloadType" => "",
        "PayloadIdentifier" => "#{IOSConfigProfile.root_domain}.restrictions",
        "PayloadDescription" => "Restrict device capabilities",
        "PayloadUUID" => uuid,
        "PayloadRemovalDisallowed" => true,
        "PayloadVersion" => 1,
      }.merge payload
        "PayloadContent" => [content],
        "PayloadType" => "Configuration",
        "PayloadDisplayName" => "#{IOSConfigProfile.organization} Device Restrictions",
        "PayloadIdentifier" => "#{IOSConfigProfile.root_domain}.config.mdm.#{SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64}",
        "PayloadUUID" => uuid,
        "PayloadVersion" => 1,