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Test Coverage
Created on 21 Mar 2013

@author: St Elmo Wilken

import control as cn
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def peaks(sys):
    Returns the H infinity norms and the corresponding frequencies for
    the sensitivity and complementary sensitivity functions.
    Currently works for SISO only.

    Parameter: sys => GK (loop transfer function) in tf format
    Returns:   2 tuples of the format ('Type', peak, peak freq)
    S = 1 / (1 + sys)
    T = sys / (1 + sys)
    fg = plt.figure()
    mag_S, phase_S, omega_S = cn.bode_plot(S)
    mag_T, phase_T, omega_T = cn.bode_plot(T)
    plt.close(fg)  # Prevents interference with current plotting ;)
    pos_S = np.argmax(mag_S)
    pos_T = np.argmin(mag_T)
    s_data = ("Peak |S|", mag_S[pos_S], phase_S[pos_S])
    t_data = ("Peak |T|", mag_T[pos_T], phase_T[pos_T])
    return s_data, t_data

def plot_slope(sys, *args, **dict):
    Plots the slope (in dB) of the transfer function parameter
    (from a bode diagram).
    It also plots the position of the cross over frequency as a black
    vertical line (for slope comparisons).
    Currently works for SISO only.

    Parameter: sys => a transfer function object
               *args, **dict => the usual plotting parameters
    Returns:   a matplotlib figure containing the slope as a function
    of frequency

    Notes: This function assumes you input the loop transfer function (L(s)).
    As such it will show you where the cross over frequency is so that you may
    compare slopes against it.

    mag, phase, omega = cn.bode_plot(sys)  # Get Bode information
    plt.clf()  # Clear the previous Bode plot from the figure
    end = len(mag)
    slope = []
    freqs = []

    for x in range(end - 1):  # Calculate the slope incrementally
        slope.append((np.log(mag[x + 1]) - np.log(mag[x]))
                     / (np.log(omega[x + 1]) - np.log(omega[x])))
        freqs.append((omega[x + 1] + omega[x]) / 2)

    # w = cross_over_freq(sys)
    # Something is throwing an error but this returns just wp
    gm, pm, wg, wp = cn.margin(sys)
    length = len(slope)
    cross_freqs = [wp] * length

    plt.plot(cross_freqs, slope, color="black", linewidth=3.0)
    plt.plot(freqs, slope, *args, **dict)
    plt.ylabel("Logarithmic Slope")
    current_fig = plt.gcf()
    return current_fig

def cross_over_freq(sys, tol=0.05):
    Only returns the cross over frequency for a transfer function.
    The tf may cross from above or below...
    Very similar to margin due to a programming glitch on my part...

    Parameter: sys => Transfer function like object
               tol => tolerance (will increase by 20 % for each cycle of searching)
    Returns:   cross_over_freq => the cross over frequency i.e. where mag ~ 1

    mag, phase, omega = cn.bode_plot(sys, plot=False)

    cross_over_dist = np.abs(1 - mag)

    # There is a more elegant solution using argmin but that doesn't guarantee
    # that you return the first possible match...

    index = -1
    flag = True
    while flag:
        for x in range(len(cross_over_dist)):
            if cross_over_dist[x] < tol:
                index = x
        if index != -1:
            flag = False
            tol *= 1.2

    return omega[index]

def weight_function(option, w_B, M=2, A=0):
    This function should return a transfer function object of a weight function
    as described in Skogestad pg. 58 (section 2.7.2)

    2.72 roll off of 1 for |S|.
    2.73 forces a steeper slope on |S|
    5.37 is good for tight control at high frequencies for S.

    5.45 is good for T where the roll off of |T| is at least 1 at high frequencies,
    |T| is less than M at low frequencies and the cross over frequency is w_B.

    Parameters: option => the weight function (enter the equation ref in skogestad)
                w_B    => minimum bandwidth (not optional)
                M      => maximum peak of transfer function (optional at M = 2)
                A      => steady state offset of less than A < 1 (optional at A = 0)
    if option == 2.72:
        wp =[1, M * w_B], [M, M * A * w_B])
    elif option == 2.73:
        wp =[1, 2 * (M ** 0.5) * w_B, M * (w_B ** 2)], [M, w_B * M * 2 * (A ** 0.5), A * M * (w_B**2)])
    elif option == 5.37:
        wp =[1], [M]) +[1, 0], [0, w_B])
    elif option == 5.45:
        wp =[1, 0], [w_B]) +[1], [M])
    return wp