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.. note::

    Let's have a closer look at the **Sass** setup within ``/private`` and
    explain how we structured the code in there. These principles can be
    expanded to other preprocessors options such as **Less** or **HAML**.

Every folder within ``/private/sass`` has a file called **_all.scss**.
This file ultimately gets imported by ``/private/sass/base.scss`` which gets
compiled into ``/static/css/base.css``. Update the *_all.scss* file to include
additional modules. To keep the file simple, do not include files directly
within *base.scss*.

Let's cover the folders individually:


If a component is plug-and-playable, it probably belongs in here. Good examples
are jQuery plugins or Aldryn addons. Sometimes larger application such as a
shop might also be pluggable. If this is **not** the case, they belong in
the ``/sass/sites`` directory.

.. warning::

    You will always encounter the question whether to place a component within
    ``/sass/addons`` or ``/sass/sites``. In case of doubts, use the
    **sites folder**.


We consider the general look and feel as the *layout* of a website or
application. This might include the typography, header and footer, icons or
the printable version. The layout can be broken down into further parts if a
website gets very large. We advise in general against this strategy and rather
prefer to use ``/sass/sites`` to create specific layouts and derive from a
global common style guide.

.. warning::

    Everything that targets a specific element, such as custom styles for
    Bootstrap components or a specific form error, belongs in
    ``/sass/addons`` or ``/sass/sites``.


All independent files are placed within this folder. This implies that the
order of inclusion does not matter within ``/sass/libs/_all.scss``.

.. hint::

    Libraries are, in their very core, plug-and-playable. The main difference
    between libraries and other plug-and-play components is, that if a
    library is removed, things will break.


This folder is used to store additional functions or mixins which are not part
of the default bootstrap eco-system.

We provide already some helper functions such as ``em(12px, 16px)`` that
calculates the pixel values from a given size in relation to the parent size.

Additionally we have mixins for managing `z-index` layers and `hide-content`.


It is very useful to store values, that are used more than twice, within their
own variable. We even encourage storing **all colour values** within the
settings. **Don't repeat yourself**. Create a sub-structure, similar to
``/sites`` if the structure becomes more complex.

.. warning::

    Do **not** add additional variables to ``/private/sass/settings/_bootstrap.scss``.
    This file is reserved for **Bootstrap-only** variables. Use
    ``/private/sass/settings/_custom.scss`` instead.


Besides */addons* you will work mostly within the ``/private/sass/sites``
folder. All custom elements that are in general not plug-and-playable,
fixed into the website somewhere or specific components, get thrown in here.

This will force you to devise and adhere to structure patterns. Here are
some examples depending on the requirements for your project:

.. note::

    **Multisite Setup**

    Let's assume you create one style guide sharing different marketing
    websites or applications - your structure might look something like:

.. code-block:: text

    ├─ application/
    │  ├─ _all.scss
    │  ├─ _general.scss
    │  └─ _wizard.scss
    ├─ marketing/
    │  ├─ _all.scss
    │  ├─ _layout.scss
    │  └─ _addons.scss
    ├─ _application.scss (imports application/_all.scss)
    └─ _marketing.scss (imports marketing/_all.scss)

.. note::

    **Theme Setup**

    If you are using different themes for the same markup, your structure
    might look something like:

.. code-block:: text

    ├─ dark_theme/
    │  ├─ _all.scss
    │  ├─ _header.scss
    │  └─ _footer.scss
    ├─ white_theme/
    │  ├─ _all.scss
    │  ├─ _header.scss
    │  └─ _footer.scss
    ├─ dark_theme.scss (imports dark_theme/_all.scss)
    └─ white_theme.scss (imports white_theme/_all.scss)