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Package slackscot provides the building blocks to create a slack bot.

It is easily extendable via plugins that can combine commands, hear actions (listeners) as well
as scheduled actions. It also supports updating of triggered responses on message updates as well
as deleting triggered responses when the triggering messages are deleted by users.

Additionally, slackscot supports concurrent processing of messages. It also guarantees that updates
and deletions of messages are processed in order relative to the original message they refer to.

Slackscot integrates with opentelemetry ( for metrics
and can support integrating with various metrics exporter.

Plugins also have access to services injected on startup by slackscot such as:
 - UserInfoFinder: To query user info
 - SLogger: To log debug/info statements
 - EmojiReactor: To emoji react to messages
 - FileUploader: To upload files
 - RealTimeMessageSender: To send unmanaged real time messages outside the normal reaction flow (i.e. for sending many messages or sending via a scheduled action)
 - SlackClient: For advanced access to all the slack APIs via

Example code (from

    package main

    import (

    func startPrometheusExporter(port int) (pusher *push.Controller, err error) {
        pusher, hf, err := prometheus.InstallNewPipeline(prometheus.Config{DefaultSummaryQuantiles: []float64{0.25, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99}, OnError: func(err error) {
            log.Printf("Error on prometheus exporter: %w", err)

        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        http.HandleFunc("/metrics", hf)
        go func() {
            _ = http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port), nil)

        return pusher, nil

    func main() {
        // TODO: Parse command-line, initialize viper and instantiate Storer implementation for needed for some plugins

        // Optional: Initialize opentelemetry exporter for instrumentation, if desired
        exporter, err := startPrometheusExporter(*prometheusPort)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("Error starting prometheus [%s]", err.Error())
        defer exporter.Stop()

        youppi, err := slackscot.NewBot("youppi", v, options...).
            WithConfigurablePluginErr(plugins.FingerQuoterPluginName, func(conf *config.PluginConfig) (p *slackscot.Plugin, err) { return plugins.NewFingerQuoter(c) }).
            WithConfigurablePluginCloserErr(plugins.EmojiBannerPluginName, func(conf *config.PluginConfig) (c io.Closer, p *slackscot.Plugin, err) { return plugins.NewEmojiBannerMaker(c) }).
            WithConfigurablePluginErr(plugins.OhMondayPluginName, func(conf *config.PluginConfig) (p *slackscot.Plugin, err) { return plugins.NewOhMonday(c) }).
            WithPlugin(plugins.NewVersionner(name, version)).
        defer youppi.Close()

        if err != nil {

        err = youppi.Run()
        if err != nil {
package slackscot