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package plugins

import (

const (
    figletFontURLKey = "figletFontUrl" // Optional, string (url) to a figlet font. Default font is used if not set. Fonts can be found on and url should be for the raw .flf file like

const (
    // EmojiBannerPluginName holds identifying name for the emoji banner plugin
    EmojiBannerPluginName = "emojiBanner"
    bannerMaxWordLength   = 4

// EmojiBannerMaker holds the plugin data for the emoji banner maker plugin
type EmojiBannerMaker struct {
    tempDirFontPath string

// NewEmojiBannerMaker creates a new instance of the plugin. Note that since it creates a temporary
// directory to store fonts, the caller should make sure to defer Close on shutdown
func NewEmojiBannerMaker(c *config.PluginConfig) (toClose io.Closer, emojiBannerPlugin *slackscot.Plugin, err error) {
    emojiBannerRegex := regexp.MustCompile("(?i)(emoji banner) (.*)")

    options := figlet4go.NewRenderOptions()
    renderer := figlet4go.NewAsciiRender()

    tempDirFontPath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", EmojiBannerPluginName)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // Download all fonts and write them in the fontPath
    fontURL := c.GetString(figletFontURLKey)
    if fontURL != "" {
        fontName, err := downloadFontToDir(fontURL, tempDirFontPath)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err

        err = renderer.LoadFont(tempDirFontPath)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("[%s] Can't load fonts from [%s]: %v", EmojiBannerPluginName, tempDirFontPath, err)

        options.FontName = fontName

    ebm := new(EmojiBannerMaker)
    ebm.Plugin = plugin.New(EmojiBannerPluginName).
            WithUsage("emoji banner <word of 5 characters or less> <emoji>").
            WithDescription("Renders a single-word banner with the provided emoji").
            WithAnswerer(func(m *slackscot.IncomingMessage) *slackscot.Answer {
                return validateAndRenderEmoji(m.NormalizedText, emojiBannerRegex, renderer, options)
    ebm.tempDirFontPath = tempDirFontPath

    return ebm, ebm.Plugin, nil

// matchBannerCommand returns true if the incoming message starts with emoji banner
func matchBannerCommand(m *slackscot.IncomingMessage) bool {
    return strings.HasPrefix(m.NormalizedText, "emoji banner")

// Close cleans up resources (temp font directory) used by the plugin
func (e *EmojiBannerMaker) Close() (err error) {
    return os.RemoveAll(e.tempDirFontPath)

func downloadFontToDir(fontURL string, fontPath string) (fontName string, err error) {
    url, b, err := downloadURL(fontURL)
    if err != nil {
        return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "Error reading data from font url [%s]: %v", fontURL, err)

    filename := path.Base(url.EscapedPath())

    fullpath := filepath.Join(fontPath, filename)
    err = ioutil.WriteFile(fullpath, b, 0644)
    if err != nil {
        return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "Error saving file [%s] from font url [%s]", fullpath, fontURL)

    return strings.TrimSuffix(filename, ".flf"), nil

func downloadURL(fontURL string) (parsedURL *url.URL, content []byte, err error) {
    url, err := url.Parse(fontURL)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Invalid font url [%s]", fontURL)

    resp, err := http.Get(fontURL)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "Error loading font url [%s]", fontURL)

    b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

    return url, b, err

func validateAndRenderEmoji(message string, regex *regexp.Regexp, renderer *figlet4go.AsciiRender, options *figlet4go.RenderOptions) *slackscot.Answer {
    commandParameters := regex.FindStringSubmatch(message)

    if len(commandParameters) > 0 {
        parameters := strings.Split(commandParameters[2], " ")

        if len(parameters) == 2 {
            word := parameters[0]
            emoji := parameters[1]

            if len(word) <= bannerMaxWordLength {
                return renderBanner(word, emoji, renderer, options)

            return &slackscot.Answer{Text: fmt.Sprintf("`Wrong usage` (word *longer* than `%d` characters): emoji banner `<word of 5 characters or less>` `<emoji>`", bannerMaxWordLength)}

    return &slackscot.Answer{Text: fmt.Sprintf("`Wrong usage`: emoji banner `<word of %d characters or less>` `<emoji>`", bannerMaxWordLength)}

func renderBanner(word, emoji string, renderer *figlet4go.AsciiRender, options *figlet4go.RenderOptions) *slackscot.Answer {
    rendered, err := renderer.RenderOpts(word, options)
    if err != nil {
        return &slackscot.Answer{Text: fmt.Sprintf("Error generating: %v", err)}

    var result strings.Builder
    for _, character := range rendered {
        if unicode.IsPrint(character) && character != ' ' {
        } else if character == ' ' {
        } else {

    return &slackscot.Answer{Text: result.String()}