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package plugins

import (

const (
    channelIDsKey        = "channelIDs"
    ignoredChannelIDsKey = "ignoredChannelIDs"
    frequencyKey         = "frequency"

const (
    // FingerQuoterPluginName holds identifying name for the finger quoter plugin
    FingerQuoterPluginName = "fingerQuoter"

// FingerQuoter holds the plugin data for the finger quoter plugin
type FingerQuoter struct {
    channels        []string
    ignoredChannels []string
    frequency       int

// Regular expressions to find candidate words. They must be at least 5 characters long
// and can include any word character (include hyphen and underscore)
var candidateWordsStarting = regexp.MustCompile("(?:^|\\s)([\\w-]{5,})")
var candidateWordsEnding = regexp.MustCompile("([\\w-]{5,})(?:$|\\s)")

// NewFingerQuoter creates a new instance of the plugin
func NewFingerQuoter(config *config.PluginConfig) (p *slackscot.Plugin, err error) {
    if ok := config.IsSet(frequencyKey); !ok {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("Missing %s config key: %s", FingerQuoterPluginName, frequencyKey)

    f := new(FingerQuoter)
    f.channels = config.GetStringSlice(channelIDsKey)
    f.ignoredChannels = config.GetStringSlice(ignoredChannelIDsKey)
    f.frequency = config.GetInt(frequencyKey)

    f.Plugin = plugin.New(FingerQuoterPluginName).
            WithUsage("just converse").
            WithDescription("finger quoter listens to what people say and (sometimes) finger quotes a word").

    return f.Plugin, err

func (f *FingerQuoter) trigger(m *slackscot.IncomingMessage) bool {
    if !isChannelEnabled(m.Channel, f.channels, f.ignoredChannels) {
        return false

    ts, err := strconv.ParseFloat(m.Timestamp, 64)
    if err != nil {
        f.Logger.Debugf("[%s] Skipping message [%v] because of error converting timestamp to float: %v\n", FingerQuoterPluginName, m, err)
        return false

    fullTs := ts * 1000000.

    // Make the random generator use a seed based on the message id so that we preserve the same matches when messages get updated
    randomGen := rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(fullTs)))

    // Determine if we're going to react this time or not
    return randomGen.Int31n(int32(f.frequency)) == 0

func (f *FingerQuoter) fingerQuoteMsg(m *slackscot.IncomingMessage) *slackscot.Answer {
    candidates := findCandidateWords(m.NormalizedText)

    if len(candidates) > 0 {
        ts, err := strconv.ParseFloat(m.Timestamp, 64)
        if err != nil {
            f.Logger.Debugf("[%s] Skipping message [%v] because of error converting timestamp to float: %v\n", FingerQuoterPluginName, m, err)
        } else {
            fullTs := ts * 1000000.

            // Make the random generator use a seed based on the message id so that we preserve the same matches when messages get updated
            randomGen := rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(fullTs)))

            i := randomGen.Int31n(int32(len(candidates)))
            return &slackscot.Answer{Text: fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", candidates[i])}

    // Not this time friends, skip it
    return nil

// findCandidateWords looks at an input string and finds acceptable candidates for finger quoting
func findCandidateWords(t string) (candidates []string) {
    matchesStarting := candidateWordsStarting.FindAllStringSubmatch(t, -1)
    matchesEnding := candidateWordsEnding.FindAllStringSubmatch(t, -1)
    candidatesStarting := getWordMatches(matchesStarting)
    candidatesEnding := getWordMatches(matchesEnding)

    return intersection(candidatesStarting, candidatesEnding)

// getWordMatches returns an array of matching words given a raw array of matches
func getWordMatches(m [][]string) (words []string) {
    for _, match := range m {
        candidate := match[1]
        words = append(words, candidate)

    return words

// intersection returns the common elements present in both a and b
func intersection(a []string, b []string) (intersection []string) {
    m := make(map[string]bool)

    for _, item := range a {
        m[item] = true

    for _, item := range b {
        if _, ok := m[item]; ok {
            intersection = append(intersection, item)

    return intersection

func isChannelEnabled(channelID string, whitelist []string, ignoredChannels []string) bool {
    if isChannelWhiteListed(channelID, whitelist) && !isChannelIgnored(channelID, ignoredChannels) {
        return true

    return false

func isChannelIgnored(channelID string, ignoredChannels []string) bool {
    for _, c := range ignoredChannels {
        if c == channelID {
            return true

    return false

func isChannelWhiteListed(channelID string, whitelist []string) bool {
    // Default to all channels whitelisted if none specified which is either that the element is missing or if the only element is empty string
    if len(whitelist) == 0 || (len(whitelist) == 1 && whitelist[0] == "") {
        return true

    for _, c := range whitelist {
        if c == channelID {
            return true

    return false