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6 hrs
Test Coverage
package slackscot

import (
    otel ""

const (
    defaultLogPrefix = "slackscot: "
    defaultLogFlag   = log.Lshortfile | log.LstdFlags

// Action types
const (
    commandType    = "command"
    hearActionType = "hearAction"

// Slackscot represents what defines a Slack Mascot (mostly, a name and its plugins)
type Slackscot struct {
    name                    string
    config                  *viper.Viper
    defaultAction           Answerer
    plugins                 []*Plugin
    triggeringMsgToResponse *lru.ARCCache

    // Runtime configuration options
    namespaceCommands bool

    // Slack options to apply on Run()
    slackOpts []slack.Option

    // Command identification
    cmdMatcher CommandMatcher

    // Bot matching for messages from us
    botMatcher SelfMatcher

    // Default for cmdMatcher and botMatcher
    selfIdentity selfIdentity

    // Logger
    log *sLogger

    // Resources to close on shutdown
    closers []io.Closer

    // Test mode which defines whether or not the bot reacts to terminationEvents
    testMode bool

    // Termination channel
    terminationCh chan bool

    meter              metric.Meter
    slackLatencyMillis int64



// Plugin represents a plugin (its name, action definitions and slackscot injected services)
// Set NamespaceCommands to true if the plugin's commands are to be namespaced by slackscot.
// This means that commands will be first checked for a cmdPrefix that matches the plugin name.
// Since that's all handled by slackscot, a plugin should be written with matching only
// considering what comes after the namespace. For example, a plugin with name make would have
// a coffee command be something like
//   Match: func(m *IncomingMessage) bool {
//       return strings.HasPrefix(m.NormalizedText, "coffee ")
//   },
//   Usage:       "coffee `<when>`",
//   Description: "Make coffee",
//   Answer: func(m *IncomingMessage) *Answer {
//       when := strings.TrimPrefix(m.NormalizedText, "coffee ")
//       return &Answer{Text: fmt.Sprintf("coffee will be reading %s", when))}}
//   }
// In this example, if namespacing is enabled, a user would trigger the command with a message such as:
//   <@slackscotID> make coffee in 10 minutes
// Note that the plugin itself doesn't need to concern itself with the namespace in the matching or answering
// as the NormalizedText has been formatted to be stripped of namespacing whether or not that's enabled and slackscot
// will have made sure the namespace matched if enabled.
// At runtime, instances of slackscot can request to disregard namespacing with OptionNoPluginNamespacing (for example, to run a single plugin and simplify usage).
type Plugin struct {
    Name string

    NamespaceCommands bool // Set to true for slackscot-managed namespacing of commands where the namespace/cmdPrefix to all commands is set to the plugin name

    Commands         []ActionDefinition
    HearActions      []ActionDefinition
    ScheduledActions []ScheduledActionDefinition

    // Those slackscot services are injected post-creation when slackscot is called.
    // A plugin shouldn't rely on those being available during creation
    UserInfoFinder    UserInfoFinder
    Logger            SLogger
    EmojiReactor      EmojiReactor
    FileUploader      FileUploader
    RealTimeMsgSender RealTimeMessageSender

    // The slack.Client is injected post-creation. It gives access to all the
    // Plugin writers might want to check out to create a slack test server in order
    // to mock a slack server to test plugins using the SlackClient.
    SlackClient *slack.Client

// ActionDefinition represents how an action is triggered, published, used and described
// along with defining the function defining its behavior
type ActionDefinition struct {
    // Indicates whether the action should be omitted from the help message
    Hidden bool

    // Matcher that will determine whether or not the action should be triggered
    Match Matcher

    // Usage example
    Usage string

    // Help description for the action
    Description string

    // Function to execute if the Matcher matches
    Answer Answerer

// Matcher is the function that determines whether or not an action should be triggered based on a IncomingMessage (which
// includes a slack.Msg and a normalized text content. Note that a match doesn't guarantee that the action should
// actually respond with anything once invoked
type Matcher func(m *IncomingMessage) bool

// Answerer is what gets executed when an ActionDefinition is triggered. To signal the absence of an answer, an action
// should return nil
type Answerer func(m *IncomingMessage) *Answer

// ActionDefinitionWithID holds an action definition along with its identifier string
type ActionDefinitionWithID struct {
    id string

// ScheduledActionDefinition represents when a scheduled action is triggered as well
// as what it does and how
type ScheduledActionDefinition struct {
    // Indicates whether the action should be omitted from the help message
    Hidden bool

    // Schedule definition determining when the action runs
    Schedule schedule.Definition

    // Help description for the scheduled action
    Description string

    // ScheduledAction is the function that is invoked when the schedule activates
    Action ScheduledAction

// ScheduledAction is what gets executed when a ScheduledActionDefinition is triggered (by its ScheduleDefinition)
// In order to do anything, a plugin should define its scheduled actions functions with itself as a receiver
// so the function has access to the injected services
type ScheduledAction func()

// SlackMessageID holds the elements that form a unique message identifier for slack. Technically, slack also uses
// the workspace id as the first part of that unique identifier but since an instance of slackscot only lives within
// a single workspace, that part is left out
type SlackMessageID struct {
    channelID string
    timestamp string

// IsMsgModifiable returns true if this slack message id can be used to update/delete the message.
// In practice, ephemeral messages don't have a channel ID and can't be deleted/updated so this would
// be a case where IsMsgModifiable would return false
func (sid SlackMessageID) IsMsgModifiable() bool {
    return sid.channelID != "" && sid.timestamp != ""

// String returns the string representation of a SlackMessageID
func (sid SlackMessageID) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", sid.channelID, sid.timestamp)

// responseStrategy defines how a slack.OutgoingMessage is generated from an Answer
type responseStrategy func(m IncomingMessage, answer *Answer) slack.OutgoingMessage

// IncomingMessage holds data for an incoming slack message. In addition to a slack.Msg, it also has
// a normalized text that is the original text stripped from the "<@Mention>" cmdPrefix when a message
// is addressed to a slackscot instance. Since commands are usually received either via direct message
// (without @Mention) or on channels with @Mention, the normalized text is useful there to allow plugins
// to have a single version to do Match and Answer against
type IncomingMessage struct {
    // The original slack.Msg text stripped from the "<@Mention>" cmdPrefix, if applicable
    NormalizedText string

// OutgoingMessage holds a plugin generated slack outgoing message along with the plugin identifier
type OutgoingMessage struct {

    // Answer from plugins/internal commands

    // The identifier of the source of the outgoing message. The format being: <pluginName>.command[<commandIndex>] (for a command) or <pluginName>.hearAction[actionIndex] (for an hear action)
    pluginActionID string

// runDependencies represents all runtime dependencies. Note that they're mostly satisfied by slack.RTM or slack.Client
// but having dependencies used as the smaller interfaces keeps the rest of the code cleaner and easier to test
type runDependencies struct {
    chatDriver        chatDriver
    userInfoFinder    UserInfoFinder
    emojiReactor      EmojiReactor
    fileUploader      FileUploader
    selfInfoFinder    selfInfoFinder
    realTimeMsgSender RealTimeMessageSender
    slackClient       *slack.Client

// CommandMatcher is the interface that wraps methods required for defining how commands
// are matched and how the corresponding slack user interface is generated
type CommandMatcher interface {
    // Return True if the message is a command
    IsCmd(msg slack.Msg) bool
    // Prefix to use with help text
    UsagePrefix() string
    // TrimPrefix is the cmdPrefix that should be removed from non-DM commands
    TrimPrefix(string) string

// SelfMatcher is the interface defining how slackscot determines that a message
// originates from itself
type SelfMatcher interface {
    // IsBot returns true if the message is from the bot
    IsBot(msg slack.Msg) bool

// Identify @mention based commands
type selfIdentity struct {
    // Caching self identity used during message processing/filtering
    id         string
    botID      string
    name       string
    userPrefix string

func (s *selfIdentity) IsCmd(msg slack.Msg) bool {
    return strings.HasPrefix(msg.Text, s.userPrefix)

func (s *selfIdentity) UsagePrefix() string {
    return ""

func (s *selfIdentity) TrimPrefix(text string) string {
    return strings.TrimPrefix(text, s.userPrefix)

func (s *selfIdentity) IsBot(msg slack.Msg) bool {
    return msg.User == || msg.BotID == || msg.BotID == s.botID

func (s *selfIdentity) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Self-Ident{%v %v %v %v}",, s.botID,, s.userPrefix)

// Option defines an option for a Slackscot
type Option func(*Slackscot)

// OptionLog sets a logger for Slackscot
func OptionLog(logger *log.Logger) Option {
    return func(s *Slackscot) {
        s.log.logger = logger

// OptionWithSlackOption adds a slack.Option to apply on the slack client
func OptionWithSlackOption(opt slack.Option) Option {
    return func(s *Slackscot) {
        s.slackOpts = append(s.slackOpts, opt)

// OptionNoPluginNamespacing disables plugin command namespacing for this instance. This means
// that namespacing plugin candidates will run without any extra plugin name matching required
// This is useful to simplify command usage for instances running a single plugin
func OptionNoPluginNamespacing() Option {
    return func(s *Slackscot) {
        s.namespaceCommands = false

// OptionLogfile sets a logfile for Slackscot while using the other default logging cmdPrefix and options
func OptionLogfile(logfile *os.File) Option {
    return func(s *Slackscot) {
        s.log.logger = log.New(logfile, defaultLogPrefix, defaultLogFlag)
        s.slackOpts = append(s.slackOpts, slack.OptionLog(s.log.logger))

// OptionTestMode sets the instance in test mode which instructs it to react to a goodbye event to terminate
// its execution. It is meant to be used for testing only and mostly in conjunction with
// Very importantly, the termination message must be formed correctly so that the slackscot instance terminates
// correctly for tests to actually terminate.
// Here's an example:
//  testServer := slacktest.NewTestServer()
//  testServer.Handle("/channels.create", slacktest.Websocket(func(conn *websocket.Conn) {
//      // Trigger a termination on any API call to channels.create
//         slacktest.RTMServerSendGoodbye(conn)
//  }))
//  testServer.Start()
//  defer testServer.Stop()
//  termination := make(chan bool)
//  s, err := New("BobbyTables", config.NewViperWithDefaults(), OptionWithSlackOption(slack.OptionAPIURL(testServer.GetAPIURL())), OptionTestMode(termination))
//  require.NoError(t, err)
//  tp := newTestPlugin()
//  s.RegisterPlugin(tp)
//  go s.Run()
//  // TODO: Use the testserver to send events and messages and assert your plugin's behavior
//  // Send this event to the testServer's websocket. This gets transformed into a
//  // slack.DisconnectedEvent with Cause equal to slack.ErrRTMGoodbye that slackscot will
//  // interpret as a signal to self-terminate
//  testServer.SendToWebsocket("{\"type\":\"goodbye\"}")
//  // Wait for slackscot to terminate
//  <-termination
func OptionTestMode(terminationCh chan bool) Option {
    return func(s *Slackscot) {
        s.testMode = true
        s.terminationCh = terminationCh

//OptionCommandPrefix sets a cmdPrefix to all commands that is used instead of at-mentioning the bot
func OptionCommandPrefix(cmdPrefix string) Option {
    return func(s *Slackscot) {
        pc := new(prefixedCommand)
        pc.prefix = cmdPrefix
        s.cmdMatcher = pc

type prefixedCommand struct {
    prefix string

func (pc *prefixedCommand) IsCmd(msg slack.Msg) bool {
    return strings.HasPrefix(msg.Text, pc.prefix)

func (pc *prefixedCommand) UsagePrefix() string {
    return pc.prefix

func (pc *prefixedCommand) TrimPrefix(text string) string {
    return strings.TrimPrefix(text, pc.prefix)

func (pc *prefixedCommand) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Prefixed-Command{%v}", pc.prefix)

// NewSlackscot creates a new slackscot from an array of plugins and a name
// Deprecated: Use New instead. Will be removed in 2.0.0
func NewSlackscot(name string, v *viper.Viper, options ...Option) (s *Slackscot, err error) {
    return New(name, v, options...)

// New creates a new slackscot from an array of plugins and a name
func New(name string, v *viper.Viper, options ...Option) (s *Slackscot, err error) {
    s = new(Slackscot)

    s.triggeringMsgToResponse, err = lru.NewARC(v.GetInt(config.ResponseCacheSizeKey))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    v = config.LayerConfigWithDefaults(v) = name
    s.config = v
    s.namespaceCommands = true
    s.testMode = false
    s.closers = make([]io.Closer, 0)
    s.defaultAction = defaultAction
    s.log = NewSLogger(log.New(os.Stdout, defaultLogPrefix, defaultLogFlag), v.GetBool(config.DebugKey))

    partitionCount := s.config.GetInt(config.MessageProcessingPartitionCount)
    if !isPowerOfTwo(partitionCount) {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s config should be a power of two but was [%d]", config.MessageProcessingPartitionCount, partitionCount)

    s.slackOpts = make([]slack.Option, 0)
    s.slackOpts = append(s.slackOpts, slack.OptionDebug(s.config.GetBool(config.DebugKey)))
    s.slackOpts = append(s.slackOpts, slack.OptionLog(log.New(s.log.logger.Writer(), "slack: ", defaultLogFlag)))

    s.botMatcher = &s.selfIdentity
    s.cmdMatcher = &s.selfIdentity

    s.meter = otel.GetMeterProvider().Meter("")

    for _, opt := range options {

    s.instrumenter, err = newInstrumenter(name, s.meter, s.reportLatency)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    s.partitionRouter, err = newPartitionRouter(partitionCount, s.config.GetInt(config.MessageProcessingBufferedMessageCount), s.log, s.instrumenter)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return s, nil

// defaultAnswer for a message directed to slackscot that isn't matching any known plugin command
func defaultAction(m *IncomingMessage) *Answer {
    return &Answer{Text: fmt.Sprintf("I don't understand. Ask me for \"%s\" to get a list of things I do", helpPluginName)}

func (s *Slackscot) reportLatency(ctx context.Context, result metric.Int64ObserverResult) {

// Close closes all closers of this slackscot. The first error that occurs
// during a Close is returned but regardless, all closers are attempted
// to be closed
func (s *Slackscot) Close() (err error) {
    for _, c := range s.closers {
        if err == nil {
            err = c.Close()
        } else {

    return err

// RegisterPlugin registers a plugin with the Slackscot engine. This should be invoked
// prior to calling Run
func (s *Slackscot) RegisterPlugin(p *Plugin) {
    s.plugins = append(s.plugins, p)

// Run starts the Slackscot and loops until the process is interrupted
func (s *Slackscot) Run() (err error) {
    sc := slack.New(

    // This will initiate the connection to the slack RTM and start the reception of messages
    rtm := sc.NewRTM()
    go rtm.ManageConnection()

    // Load time zone location for the scheduler, we just log the error here since we fail to start
    // but we're in a go routine. Hopefully, this should be sufficient for users to figure out the bad
    // configuration
    timeLoc, err := config.GetTimeLocation(s.config)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Start scheduling of all plugins' scheduled actions
    go s.startActionScheduler(timeLoc)

    // runInternal is blocking call so it's running in a goroutine. The way slackscot would usually terminate
    // in a production scenario is by its process getting killed which would result in a last message sent on the termination channel
    if s.terminationCh != nil {
        // Start the main processing and send the termination to the externally defined termination channel (so a test can block and wait for processing after sending all of its test messages)
        go s.runInternal(rtm.IncomingEvents, &runDependencies{chatDriver: NewchatDriverWithTelemetry(sc,, s.instrumenter.meter), userInfoFinder: NewUserInfoFinderWithTelemetry(sc,, s.instrumenter.meter), emojiReactor: NewEmojiReactorWithTelemetry(sc,, s.instrumenter.meter), fileUploader: NewFileUploaderWithTelemetry(NewFileUploader(sc),, s.instrumenter.meter), selfInfoFinder: rtm, realTimeMsgSender: rtm, slackClient: sc})
    } else {
        // This is production and the lifecycle is managed here so we create the termination channel and wait for the termination signal
        s.terminationCh = make(chan bool)

        go s.runInternal(rtm.IncomingEvents, &runDependencies{chatDriver: NewchatDriverWithTelemetry(sc,, s.instrumenter.meter), userInfoFinder: NewUserInfoFinderWithTelemetry(sc,, s.instrumenter.meter), emojiReactor: NewEmojiReactorWithTelemetry(sc,, s.instrumenter.meter), fileUploader: NewFileUploaderWithTelemetry(NewFileUploader(sc),, s.instrumenter.meter), selfInfoFinder: rtm, realTimeMsgSender: rtm, slackClient: sc})

        // Wait for termination

    return nil

// runInternal handles all incoming events and acts as the main loop. It will essentially
// always process events as long as the process isn't interrupted. Normally, this happens
// by a kill signal being sent and slackscot gets notified and closes the events channel which
// terminates this loop and shuts down gracefully
func (s *Slackscot) runInternal(events <-chan slack.RTMEvent, deps *runDependencies) {
    // Ensure we send a termination signal on the channel to unblock the main thread and exit
    defer func() {
        s.terminationCh <- true

    // Register to receive a notification for a termination signal which will, in turn, send a termination message to the
    // termination channel
    go s.watchForTerminationSignalToAbort()

    // Start by adding the help command now that we know all plugins have been registered
    helpPlugin := s.newHelpPlugin(VERSION)

    // Inject services into plugins before starting to process events
    s.injectServicesToPlugins(deps.userInfoFinder, s.log, deps.emojiReactor, deps.fileUploader, deps.realTimeMsgSender, deps.slackClient)

    // start all worker go routines
    for i := range s.messageQueues {
        go s.processMessages(deps.chatDriver, s.messageQueues[i], s.workerTerminationSignals[i])

    for msg := range events {
        switch e := msg.Data.(type) {
        case *slack.ConnectedEvent:
            s.log.Printf("Infos: %v\n", e.Info)
            s.log.Printf("Connection counter: %d\n", e.ConnectionCount)
            err := s.cacheSelfIdentity(deps.selfInfoFinder, deps.userInfoFinder)
            if err != nil {
                s.log.Printf("Error getting self identity: %s", err.Error())

        case *slack.MessageEvent:
            s.coreMetrics.msgsSeen.Add(context.Background(), 1)

        case *slack.LatencyReport:
            s.slackLatencyMillis = e.Value.Milliseconds()
            s.log.Printf("Current latency: %v\n", e.Value)

        case *slack.RTMError:
            s.log.Printf("Error: %s\n", e.Error())

        case *slack.InvalidAuthEvent:
            s.log.Printf("Invalid credentials\n")

        case *slack.DisconnectedEvent:
            if s.testMode && e.Cause != nil && e.Cause == slack.ErrRTMGoodbye {
                s.log.Printf("Received termination event in test mode, terminating\n")
                // Close all processing queues and wait for the terminations
                for _, wq := range s.messageQueues {

                // Wait for all workers to terminate processing
                for _, tc := range s.workerTerminationSignals {

            // Ignoring other messages

// injectServicesToPlugins assembles/creates the services and injects them in all plugins
func (s *Slackscot) injectServicesToPlugins(loadingUserInfoFinder UserInfoFinder, logger SLogger, emojiReactor EmojiReactor, fileUploader FileUploader, msgSender RealTimeMessageSender, slackClient *slack.Client) (err error) {
    userInfoFinder, err := NewCachingUserInfoFinder(s.config, loadingUserInfoFinder, logger)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for _, p := range s.plugins {
        p.Logger = logger
        p.UserInfoFinder = userInfoFinder
        p.EmojiReactor = emojiReactor
        p.FileUploader = fileUploader
        p.RealTimeMsgSender = msgSender
        p.SlackClient = slackClient

    return nil

// watchForTerminationSignalToAbort waits for a SIGTERM or SIGINT and sends a termination signal on the termination channel to finish
// the main Run() loop and terminate cleanly. Note that this is meant to run in a go routine given that this is blocking
func (s *Slackscot) watchForTerminationSignalToAbort() {
    tSignals := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    // Register to be notified of termination signals so we can abort
    signal.Notify(tSignals, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
    sig := <-tSignals

    s.log.Debugf("Received termination signal [%s], closing RTM's incoming events channel to terminate processing\n", sig)
    s.terminationCh <- true

// getActionID returns a formatted identifier for an action. It includes the plugin name,
// the action type (command or hear action) and its index within the list of such actions for the plugin
// The identifier remains the same for the duration of an execution but might change if the slackscot instance
// reorders/replaces actions. Since the identifier isn't used for any durable functionality at the moment, this seems
// adequate. If this ever changes, we might formalize an action identifier that could be generated by users and validated
// to be unique.
func getActionID(pluginName string, actionType string, index int) (actionID string) {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s[%d]", pluginName, actionType, index)

// cacheSelfIdentity gets "our" identity and keeps the and to avoid having to look it up every time
func (s *Slackscot) cacheSelfIdentity(selfInfoFinder selfInfoFinder, userInfoFinder UserInfoFinder) (err error) { = selfInfoFinder.GetInfo().User.ID = selfInfoFinder.GetInfo().User.Name

    user, err := userInfoFinder.GetUserInfo(
    if err != nil {
        return err
    s.selfIdentity.botID = user.Profile.BotID
    s.selfIdentity.userPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("<@%s> ",

    s.log.Debugf("Caching self id [%s], self name [%s], self bot ID [%s] and self cmdPrefix [%s]\n",,, s.selfIdentity.botID, s.selfIdentity.userPrefix)
    return nil

// startActionScheduler creates all ScheduledActionDefinition from all plugins and registers them with the scheduler
// Very importantly, it also starts the scheduler
func (s *Slackscot) startActionScheduler(timeLoc *time.Location) {
    sc := gocron.NewScheduler()

    for _, p := range s.plugins {
        if p.ScheduledActions != nil {
            for _, sa := range p.ScheduledActions {
                j, err := schedule.NewJob(sc, sa.Schedule)
                if err == nil {
                    s.log.Debugf("Adding job [%v] to scheduler\n", j)
                    err = j.Do(sa.Action)

                if err != nil {
                    s.log.Printf("Error: failed to schedule job for scheduled action ['%s' - %s]: %v\n", sa.Schedule, sa.Description, err)

    _, t := sc.NextRun()
    s.log.Debugf("Starting scheduler with first job scheduled at [%s]\n", t)

    // TODO: consider keeping track of the scheduler to stop it if it starts to appear necessary

// processMessages processes messages from a queue and sends a termination signal on terminationChan when done
func (s *Slackscot) processMessages(driver chatDriver, queue chan slack.MessageEvent, terminationChan chan bool) {
    for msg := range queue {
        // reply_to is an field set to 1 sent by slack when a sent message has been acknowledged and should be considered
        // officially sent to others. Therefore, we ignore all of those since it's mostly for clients/UI to show status
        isReply := msg.ReplyTo > 0

        s.log.Debugf("Processing event: %v", msg)

        if !isReply && msg.Type == "message" {
            if msg.SubType == "message_deleted" {
                d := measure(func() {
                    s.processDeletedMessage(driver, msg)

                c := s.coreMetrics.msgsProcessed[deleteMsgType]
                c.Add(context.Background(), 1)

                m := s.coreMetrics.msgProcessingLatencyMillis[deleteMsgType]
                m.Record(context.Background(), d.Milliseconds())
            } else {
                if msg.SubType == "message_changed" {
                    d := measure(func() {
                        s.processUpdatedMessage(driver, msg)

                    c := s.coreMetrics.msgsProcessed[updateMsgType]
                    c.Add(context.Background(), 1)

                    m := s.coreMetrics.msgProcessingLatencyMillis[updateMsgType]
                    m.Record(context.Background(), d.Milliseconds())
                } else if msg.SubType != "message_replied" {
                    d := measure(func() {
                        s.processNewMessage(driver, msg)

                    c := s.coreMetrics.msgsProcessed[newMsgType]
                    c.Add(context.Background(), 1)

                    m := s.coreMetrics.msgProcessingLatencyMillis[newMsgType]
                    m.Record(context.Background(), d.Milliseconds())

    terminationChan <- true

// getOriginalMessageID returns the message ID of the original message if it's linked
// to a previous one or the self message id otherwise
func getOriginalMessageID(m slack.MessageEvent) (originalID SlackMessageID) {
    if m.SubMessage != nil {
        return SlackMessageID{channelID: m.Channel, timestamp: m.SubMessage.Timestamp}

    return SlackMessageID{channelID: m.Channel, timestamp: m.Timestamp}

// getAgeOriginalMsg returns the age of an updated message as defined by the time elapsed between the message
// update (from the time of the current event) and the original message. If there's no previous message, the
// age is 0.
func getAgeOriginalMsg(m slack.MessageEvent) (age time.Duration, err error) {
    updatedTime, err := strconv.ParseFloat(m.Timestamp, 64)
    if err != nil {
        return time.Duration(0), err

    originalTime, err := strconv.ParseFloat(m.SubMessage.Timestamp, 64)
    if err != nil {
        return time.Duration(0), err

    ageInSeconds := updatedTime - originalTime
    return time.Duration(int64(ageInSeconds)) * time.Second, nil

// processUpdatedMessage processes changed messages. This is a more complicated scenario but slackscot handles it by doing the following:
// 1. If the message age is older than the config.MaxAgeHandledMessages threshold, the message update is ignored
// 2. If the message isn't present in the triggering message cache, we process it as we would any other regular new message (check if it triggers an action and sends responses accordingly)
// 3. If the message is present in cache, we had pre-existing responses so we handle this by updating responses on a plugin action basis. A plugin action that isn't triggering anymore gets its previous
//    response deleted while a still triggering response will result in a message update. Newly triggered actions will be sent out as new messages.
// 4. The new state of responses replaces the previous one for the triggering message in the cache
func (s *Slackscot) processUpdatedMessage(driver chatDriver, m slack.MessageEvent) {
    incomingMessageID := SlackMessageID{channelID: m.Channel, timestamp: m.Timestamp}
    editedMsgID := getOriginalMessageID(m)

    maxAgeThreshold := s.config.GetDuration(config.MaxAgeHandledMessages)
    msgAge, err := getAgeOriginalMsg(m)
    if err != nil {
        s.log.Printf("Unable to determine max age for message [%v]: %s", m, err.Error())

    if msgAge > maxAgeThreshold {
        s.log.Debugf("Updated message: [%s] has an age of [%s] but the max age for handled messages is [%s]. Skipping...", editedMsgID, msgAge, maxAgeThreshold)

    s.log.Debugf("Updated message: [%s], does cache contain it => [%t]", editedMsgID, s.triggeringMsgToResponse.Contains(editedMsgID))

    if cachedResponses, exists := s.triggeringMsgToResponse.Get(editedMsgID); exists {
        s.processUpdatedMessageWithCachedResponses(driver, m, editedMsgID, cachedResponses.(map[string]SlackMessageID))
    } else {
        outMsgs := s.routeMessage(m)

        s.sendOutgoingMessages(driver, incomingMessageID, outMsgs)

// processUpdatedMessageWithCachedResponses handles a message update for which we still have cached responses in cache. This is where we take care of deleting responses that are no longer
// triggering the action they're coming from, updating the reactions for still triggering plugin actions as well as sending new reactions for plugin actions that are now triggering
func (s *Slackscot) processUpdatedMessageWithCachedResponses(driver chatDriver, m slack.MessageEvent, editedMsgID SlackMessageID, cachedResponses map[string]SlackMessageID) {
    newResponseByActionID := make(map[string]SlackMessageID)

    outMsgs := s.routeMessage(m)
    s.log.Debugf("Detected %d existing responses to message [%s]\n", len(cachedResponses), editedMsgID)

    for _, o := range outMsgs {
        // We had a previous response for that same plugin action so edit it instead of posting a new message
        if r, ok := cachedResponses[o.pluginActionID]; ok {
            s.log.Debugf("Trying to update response at [%s] with message [%s]\n", r, o.OutgoingMessage.Text)

            rID, err := s.updateExistingMessage(driver, r, o)
            if err != nil {
                s.log.Printf("Unable to update message [%s] to triggering message [%s]: %v\n", r, editedMsgID, err)
            } else {
                // Add the new updated message to the new responses
                newResponseByActionID[o.pluginActionID] = rID

                // Remove entries for plugin actions as we process them so that we can detect afterwards if a plugin isn't triggering
                // anymore (to delete those responses).
                delete(cachedResponses, o.pluginActionID)
        } else {
            s.log.Debugf("New response triggered to updated message [%s] [%s]: [%s]\n", o.OutgoingMessage.Text, r, o.OutgoingMessage.Text)

            // It's a new message for that action so post it as a new message
            rID, err := s.sendNewMessage(driver, o, editedMsgID.timestamp)
            if err != nil {
                s.log.Printf("Unable to send new message to updated message [%s]: %v\n", r, err)
            } else if rID.IsMsgModifiable() {
                // Add the new updated message to the new responses if it can be modified later
                newResponseByActionID[o.pluginActionID] = rID

    // Delete any previous triggered responses that aren't triggering anymore
    for pa, r := range cachedResponses {
        s.log.Debugf("Deleting previous response [%s] on a now non-triggered plugin action [%s]\n", r, pa)
        driver.DeleteMessage(r.channelID, r.timestamp)

    // Since the updated message now has new responses, update the entry with those or remove if no actions are triggered
    if len(newResponseByActionID) > 0 {
        s.log.Debugf("Updating responses to edited message [%s]\n", editedMsgID)
        s.triggeringMsgToResponse.Add(editedMsgID, newResponseByActionID)
    } else {
        s.log.Debugf("Deleting entry for edited message [%s] since no more triggered response\n", editedMsgID)

// processDeletedMessage handles a deleted message. Slackscot cares about those in order to
// delete any previous responses triggered by that now inexistant message
func (s *Slackscot) processDeletedMessage(deleter messageDeleter, msgEvent slack.MessageEvent) {
    deletedMessageID := SlackMessageID{channelID: msgEvent.Channel, timestamp: msgEvent.DeletedTimestamp}

    s.log.Debugf("Message deleted: [%s] and cache contains: [%s]", deletedMessageID, s.triggeringMsgToResponse.Keys())

    if existingResponses, exists := s.triggeringMsgToResponse.Get(deletedMessageID); exists {
        byAction := existingResponses.(map[string]SlackMessageID)

        for _, v := range byAction {
            // Delete existing response since the triggering message was deleted
            _, _, err := deleter.DeleteMessage(v.channelID, v.timestamp)
            if err != nil {
                s.log.Printf("Error deleting existing response to triggering message [%s]: %s: %v", deletedMessageID, v, err)


// processNewMessage handles a regular new message and sends any triggered response
func (s *Slackscot) processNewMessage(msgSender messageSender, m slack.MessageEvent) {
    incomingMessageID := SlackMessageID{channelID: m.Channel, timestamp: m.Timestamp}
    outMsgs := s.routeMessage(m)

    s.sendOutgoingMessages(msgSender, incomingMessageID, outMsgs)

// sendOutgoingMessages sends out any triggered plugin responses and keeps track of those in the internal cache
func (s *Slackscot) sendOutgoingMessages(sender messageSender, incomingMessageID SlackMessageID, outMsgs []OutgoingMessage) {
    newResponseByActionID := make(map[string]SlackMessageID)

    for _, o := range outMsgs {
        // Send the message and keep track of our response in cache to be able to update it as needed later
        rID, err := s.sendNewMessage(sender, o, incomingMessageID.timestamp)
        if err != nil {
            s.log.Printf("Unable to send new message triggered by [%s]: %v\n", incomingMessageID, err)
        } else if rID.IsMsgModifiable() {
            // Add the new updated message to the new responses if it's one that can be modified later
            newResponseByActionID[o.pluginActionID] = rID

    if len(newResponseByActionID) > 0 {
        s.log.Debugf("Adding responses to triggering message [%s]: %s", incomingMessageID, newResponseByActionID)

        // Add current responses for that triggering message
        s.triggeringMsgToResponse.Add(incomingMessageID, newResponseByActionID)

// sendNewMessage sends a new outgoingMsg and waits for the response to return that message's identifier
func (s *Slackscot) sendNewMessage(sender messageSender, o OutgoingMessage, defaultThreadTS string) (rID SlackMessageID, err error) {
    s.log.Printf("Sending new message: %s", o.OutgoingMessage.Text)
    sendOpts := ApplyAnswerOpts(o.Options...)
    options := []slack.MsgOption{slack.MsgOptionText(o.OutgoingMessage.Text, false), slack.MsgOptionAsUser(true)}
    if s.config.GetBool(config.ThreadedRepliesKey) || cast.ToBool(sendOpts[ThreadedReplyOpt]) {
        if threadTS := cast.ToString(sendOpts[ThreadTimestamp]); threadTS != "" {
            options = append(options, slack.MsgOptionTS(threadTS))
        } else {
            options = append(options, slack.MsgOptionTS(defaultThreadTS))

        if s.config.GetBool(config.BroadcastThreadedRepliesKey) || cast.ToBool(sendOpts[BroadcastOpt]) {
            options = append(options, slack.MsgOptionBroadcast())

    // Add ephemeral option if present
    if userID, ok := sendOpts[EphemeralAnswerToOpt]; ok {
        options = append(options, slack.MsgOptionPostEphemeral(userID))

    // Add any block kit content blocks, if any
    if len(o.ContentBlocks) > 0 {
        options = append(options, slack.MsgOptionBlocks(o.ContentBlocks...))

    channelID, newOutgoingMsgTimestamp, _, err := sender.SendMessage(o.OutgoingMessage.Channel, options...)
    rID = SlackMessageID{channelID: channelID, timestamp: newOutgoingMsgTimestamp}

    return rID, err

// updateExistingMessage updates an existing message with the content of a newly triggered OutgoingMessage
func (s *Slackscot) updateExistingMessage(updater messageUpdater, r SlackMessageID, o OutgoingMessage) (rID SlackMessageID, err error) {
    options := []slack.MsgOption{slack.MsgOptionText(o.OutgoingMessage.Text, false), slack.MsgOptionAsUser(true)}
    // Add any block kit content blocks, if any
    if len(o.ContentBlocks) > 0 {
        options = append(options, slack.MsgOptionBlocks(o.ContentBlocks...))

    channelID, newOutgoingMsgTimestamp, _, err := updater.UpdateMessage(r.channelID, r.timestamp, options...)
    rID = SlackMessageID{channelID: channelID, timestamp: newOutgoingMsgTimestamp}

    return rID, err

// normalizeIncomingMessage normalizes a main message event and its sub message to form what would be an intuitive message to process for
// a bot. When it's a regular message (no SubMessage), a copy is returned unchanged. For other cases (like message updates),
// a message with the new updated text (since we're talking about a changed message) along with the channel being the one where the message
// is visible and with the user correctly set to the person who updated/sent the message. We also take the timestamp of the original message to make
// it convenient for plugins using the timestamp to know that they're looking at the same one they've seen before. Regarding this timestamp, we sort of treat
// is like the identifier that it is which would be initialized when first posted.
// Essentially, take everything from the main message except for the text, user and timestamp that is set on the SubMessage, if present.
func normalizeIncomingMessage(m slack.MessageEvent) (normalized slack.Msg) {
    normalized = m.Msg

    if m.SubMessage != nil {
        normalized.Text = m.SubMessage.Text
        normalized.User = m.SubMessage.User
        normalized.Timestamp = m.SubMessage.Timestamp
    return normalized

// resolveThreadTimestamp returns the proper thread timestamp to use for a new message.
// In the case of a response to a message on a thread, that value would be the original
// thread timestamp. Otherwise, this would be the timestamp of the message responded to.
// The function also returns whether or not the incoming message is a threaded message
// which would indicate that we want any answer to get posted to that thread instead of the
// main channel
func resolveThreadTimestamp(m slack.Msg) (threadTs string, isThreadedMessage bool) {
    if m.ThreadTimestamp != "" {
        return m.ThreadTimestamp, true

    return m.Timestamp, false

// routeMessage handles routing the message to commands or hear actions according to the context
// The rules are the following:
//     1. If the message is on a channel with a direct mention to us (@name), we route to commands
//     2. If the message is a direct message to us, we route to commands
//     3. If the message is on a channel without mention (regular conversation), we route to hear actions
func (s *Slackscot) routeMessage(me slack.MessageEvent) (responses []OutgoingMessage) {
    m := normalizeIncomingMessage(me)

    responses = make([]OutgoingMessage, 0)

    // Ignore messages_replied and messages send by "us"
    if s.botMatcher.IsBot(m) {
        s.log.Debugf("Ignoring message from user [%s] / bot ID [%s] because that's \"us\" [%s]", m.User, m.BotID, s.botMatcher)

        return responses

    // Try commands or hear actions depending on the format of the message
    if s.isCommand(m) {
        replyStrategy := reply
        if isDirectMessage(m) {
            replyStrategy = directReply

        for _, p := range s.plugins {
            matchedNamespace, inMsg := s.newCmdInMsgWithNormalizedText(p, m)

            if matchedNamespace {
                outMsgs := s.tryPluginActions(p.Name, commandType, p.Commands, inMsg, replyStrategy)
                responses = append(responses, outMsgs...)

        // Use default answer if this was a message formatted as a command for which we didn't have any answer to
        if len(responses) == 0 {
            responses = append(responses, defaultAnswer(s.defaultAction, s.newIncomingMsgWithNormalizedText(m), replyStrategy))
    } else {
        for _, p := range s.plugins {
            inMsg := s.newIncomingMsgWithNormalizedText(m)

            outMsgs := s.tryPluginActions(p.Name, hearActionType, p.HearActions, inMsg, send)
            responses = append(responses, outMsgs...)

    return responses

// defaultAnswer returns the answer by invocation of the default action
func defaultAnswer(answerDefault Answerer, inMsg IncomingMessage, rs responseStrategy) (o OutgoingMessage) {
    answer := answerDefault(&inMsg)

    slackOutMsg := rs(inMsg, answer)

    return newOutMessageForAnswer(slackOutMsg, "default", *answer)

// newCmdInMsgWithNormalizedText creates a new IncomingMessage for a command and generates the normalized text for plugins
// to have a normalized view of the message regardless of context. For commands part of a Plugin with NamespaceCommands,
// the normalized text removes the namespace if the proper namespace is found. If not, matchedNamespace is false
// and the normalized text is the same as what newIncomingMsgWithNormalizedText would return
func (s *Slackscot) newCmdInMsgWithNormalizedText(p *Plugin, m slack.Msg) (matchedNamespace bool, inMsg IncomingMessage) {
    inMsg = s.newIncomingMsgWithNormalizedText(m)
    matchedNamespace = true

    if p != nil && s.namespaceCommands && p.NamespaceCommands {
        namespacePrefix := fmt.Sprintf("%s ", p.Name)
        if matchedNamespace = strings.HasPrefix(inMsg.NormalizedText, namespacePrefix); matchedNamespace {
            inMsg.NormalizedText = strings.TrimPrefix(inMsg.NormalizedText, namespacePrefix)

    return matchedNamespace, inMsg

// newIncomingMsgWithNormalizedText creates a new IncomingMessage and generates the normalized text for plugins
// to have a normalized view of the message regardless of context. This includes having the text stripped of the "<@user>"
// for commands sent via a directed message on a channel
func (s *Slackscot) newIncomingMsgWithNormalizedText(m slack.Msg) (inMsg IncomingMessage) {
    inMsg.NormalizedText = m.Text
    inMsg.Msg = m
    if isCmd, isDirectMsg := s.cmdMatcher.IsCmd(m), isDirectMessage(m); isCmd && !isDirectMsg {
        inMsg.NormalizedText = s.cmdMatcher.TrimPrefix(m.Text)

    return inMsg

// isCommand returns true if the slack message is to be interpreted as a command rather than a normal message
// subject to be handled by hear actions
func (s *Slackscot) isCommand(m slack.Msg) (isCommand bool) {
    return s.cmdMatcher.IsCmd(m) || isDirectMessage(m)

// isDirectMessage returns true if the slack message is to be interpreted as a command rather than a normal message
// subject to be handled by hear actions
func isDirectMessage(m slack.Msg) (isDirectMsg bool) {
    return strings.HasPrefix(m.Channel, "D")

// useExistingThreadIfAny sets the option on an Answer to reply in the existing thread if there is one
func (a *Answer) useExistingThreadIfAny(m *IncomingMessage) {
    // If the message we're reacting to is happening on an existing thread, make sure we reply on that
    // thread too and avoid the awkward situation of responding on the parent channel
    threadTimestamp, threaded := resolveThreadTimestamp(m.Msg)
    if threaded {
        a.Options = append(a.Options, AnswerInExistingThread(threadTimestamp))

// tryPluginActions loops over all action definitions and invokes its action if the incoming message matches it's regular expression
// Note that more than one action can be triggered during the processing of a single message
func (s *Slackscot) tryPluginActions(pluginName string, actionType string, actions []ActionDefinition, m IncomingMessage, rs responseStrategy) (outMsgs []OutgoingMessage) {
    before := time.Now()

    outMsgs = make([]OutgoingMessage, 0)

    for i, action := range actions {
        matches := action.Match(&m)

        if matches {
            answer := action.Answer(&m)

            if answer != nil {
                slackOutMsg := rs(m, answer)

                outMsg := newOutMessageForAnswer(slackOutMsg, getActionID(pluginName, actionType, i), *answer)
                outMsgs = append(outMsgs, outMsg)

    pm, err := s.getOrCreatePluginMetrics(pluginName)
    if err != nil {
        s.log.Printf("Error creating plugin metrics for plugin [%s], skipping instrumentation measurements: %s", pluginName, err.Error())
    } else {
        ctx := context.Background()

        pm.processingTimeMillis.Record(ctx, time.Since(before).Milliseconds())
        pm.reactionCount.Add(ctx, int64(len(outMsgs)))

    return outMsgs

// newOutMessageForAnswer creates a new internal OutgoingMessage for the given Answer
func newOutMessageForAnswer(o slack.OutgoingMessage, id string, answer Answer) (om OutgoingMessage) {
    return OutgoingMessage{OutgoingMessage: o, pluginActionID: id, Answer: answer}

// newSlackOutgoingMessage creates a new slack.OutgoingMessage for a given channelID and text content
func newSlackOutgoingMessage(channelID string, text string) slack.OutgoingMessage {
    return slack.OutgoingMessage{
        Type:    "message",
        Channel: channelID,
        Text:    text,

// reply sends a reply to the user (using @user) who sent the message on the channel it was sent on
func reply(replyToMsg IncomingMessage, answer *Answer) slack.OutgoingMessage {
    return newSlackOutgoingMessage(replyToMsg.Channel, fmt.Sprintf("<@%s>: %s", replyToMsg.User, answer.Text))

// directReply sends a reply to a direct message
func directReply(replyToMsg IncomingMessage, answer *Answer) slack.OutgoingMessage {
    // Force a non-threaded reply since we're in a direct conversation. Instead of overriding
    // all existing options, we just add the one to override the threading here
    answer.Options = append(answer.Options, AnswerWithoutThreading())

    return send(replyToMsg, answer)

// send creates a message to be sent on the same channel as received (which can be a direct message since
// slack internally uses a channel id for private conversations)
func send(replyToMsg IncomingMessage, answer *Answer) slack.OutgoingMessage {
    return newSlackOutgoingMessage(replyToMsg.Channel, answer.Text)