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Online Artifact Detection with Riemannian Potato

Example of Riemannian Potato [1]_ applied on EEG time-series to detect
artifacts in online processing. It is computed only for two channels to display
intuitive visualizations.
# Authors: Quentin Barthélemy & David Ojeda
# License: BSD (3-clause)

from functools import partial
import os

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation

from mne.datasets import sample
from import read_raw_fif
from mne import make_fixed_length_epochs

from pyriemann.estimation import Covariances
from pyriemann.clustering import Potato
from pyriemann.utils.viz import _add_alpha


@partial(np.vectorize, excluded=['potato'])
def get_zscores(cov_00, cov_01, cov_11, potato):
    cov = np.array([[cov_00, cov_01], [cov_01, cov_11]])
    with np.testing.suppress_warnings() as sup:
        return potato.transform(cov[np.newaxis, ...])

def plot_potato_2D(ax, cax, X, Y, p_zscores, p_center, covs, p_colors, clabel):
    qcs = ax.contourf(X, Y, p_zscores, levels=20, vmin=p_zscores.min(),
                      vmax=p_zscores.max(), cmap='RdYlBu_r', alpha=0.5)
    ax.contour(X, Y, p_zscores, levels=[z_th], colors='k')
    sc = ax.scatter(covs[:, 0, 0], covs[:, 1, 1], c=p_colors)
    ax.scatter(p_center[0, 0], p_center[1, 1], c='k', s=100)
    if cax:
        cbar = fig.colorbar(qcs, cax=cax)
        cbar = fig.colorbar(qcs, ax=ax)
    return sc

def plot_sig(ax, time, sig):
    ax.axis((time[0], time[-1], -15, 15))
    pl, = ax.plot(time, sig, lw=0.75)
        -14, 14, edgecolor='k', facecolor='none',
        xmin=-test_time_start / (test_time_end - test_time_start),
        xmax=(duration - test_time_start) / (test_time_end - test_time_start))
    return pl

# Load EEG data
# -------------

raw_fname = os.path.join(sample.data_path(), 'MEG', 'sample',
raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True, verbose=False)
sfreq = int(['sfreq'])  # 150 Hz

# Offline processing of EEG data
# ------------------------------

# Apply common average reference on EEG channels
raw.pick_types(meg=False, eeg=True).apply_proj()

# Select two EEG channels for the example, preferably without artifact at the
# beginning, to have a reliable calibration
ch_names = ['EEG 010', 'EEG 015']

# Apply band-pass filter between 1 and 35 Hz
raw.filter(1., 35., method='iir', picks=ch_names)

# Epoch time-series with a sliding window
duration = 2.5    # duration of epochs
interval = 0.2    # interval between successive epochs
epochs = make_fixed_length_epochs(
    raw, duration=duration, overlap=duration - interval, verbose=False)
epochs_data = 5e5 * epochs.get_data(picks=ch_names, copy=False)

# Estimate spatial covariance matrices
covs = Covariances(estimator='lwf').transform(epochs_data)

# Offline Calibration of Potato
# -----------------------------
# 2D projection of the z-score map of the Riemannian potato, for 2x2 covariance
# matrices (in blue if clean, in red if artifacted) and their reference matrix
# (in black). The colormap defines the z-score and a chosen isocontour defines
# the potato. It reproduces Fig 1 of reference [2]_.

z_th = 2.0       # z-score threshold
train_covs = 40  # nb of matrices to train the potato


# Calibrate potato by unsupervised training on first matrices: compute a
# reference matrix, mean and standard deviation of distances to this reference.
train_set = range(train_covs)
rpotato = Potato(metric='riemann', threshold=z_th).fit(covs[train_set])
rp_center = rpotato._mdm.covmeans_[0]
epotato = Potato(metric='euclid', threshold=z_th).fit(covs[train_set])
ep_center = epotato._mdm.covmeans_[0]

rp_labels = rpotato.predict(covs[train_set])
rp_colors = ['b' if ll == 1 else 'r' for ll in rp_labels.tolist()]
ep_labels = epotato.predict(covs[train_set])
ep_colors = ['b' if ll == 1 else 'r' for ll in ep_labels.tolist()]

# Zscores in the horizontal 2D plane going through the reference
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(1, 31, 100), np.linspace(1, 31, 100))
rp_zscores = get_zscores(X, np.full_like(X, rp_center[0, 1]), Y,
rp_mzscores =, rp_zscores)
ep_zscores = get_zscores(X, np.full_like(X, ep_center[0, 1]), Y,

# Plot calibration
xlabel = 'Cov({},{})'.format(ch_names[0], ch_names[0])
ylabel = 'Cov({},{})'.format(ch_names[1], ch_names[1])

fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 5), nrows=1, ncols=2)
fig.suptitle('Offline calibration of potatoes', fontsize=16)
axs[0].set(xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel,
           title='2D projection of Riemannian potato')
plot_potato_2D(axs[0], None, X, Y, rp_mzscores, rp_center, covs[train_set],
               rp_colors, 'Z-score of Riemannian distance to reference')
axs[1].set(xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel,
           title='2D projection of Euclidean potato')
plot_potato_2D(axs[1], None, X, Y, ep_zscores, ep_center, covs[train_set],
               ep_colors, 'Z-score of Euclidean distance to reference')

# Online Artifact Detection with Potato
# -------------------------------------
# Detect artifacts/outliers on test set, with an animation to imitate an online
# acquisition, processing and artifact detection of EEG time-series.
# Initialized with an offline calibration, the online potato can be [2]_:
# * static: it is never updated, damaging its efficiency over time;
# * semi-dynamic: it is updated when EEG is not artifacted.

is_static = False       # static or semi-dynamic mode


# Prepare data for online detection
test_covs_max = 300     # nb of matrices to visualize in this example
test_covs_visu = 30     # nb of matrices to display simultaneously
test_time_start = -2    # start time to display signal
test_time_end = 5       # end time to display signal

time_start = train_covs * interval + test_time_start
time_end = train_covs * interval + test_time_end
time = np.linspace(time_start, time_end, int((time_end - time_start) * sfreq),
eeg_data = 3e5 * raw.get_data(picks=ch_names)
sig = eeg_data[:, int(time_start * sfreq):int(time_end * sfreq)]
covs_visu, rp_colors, ep_colors = np.empty([0, 2, 2]), [], []
alphas = np.linspace(0, 1, test_covs_visu)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10), constrained_layout=False)
fig.suptitle('Online artifact detection by potatoes', fontsize=16)
gs = fig.add_gridspec(nrows=4, ncols=40, top=0.90, hspace=0.3, wspace=1.0)
ax_sig0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :], xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel=ch_names[0])
pl_sig0 = plot_sig(ax_sig0, time, sig[0])
ax_sig1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, :], ylabel=ch_names[1])
pl_sig1 = plot_sig(ax_sig1, time, sig[1])
ax_rp = fig.add_subplot(gs[2:4, 0:15], xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel,
                        title='2D projection of Riemannian potato')
cax_rp = fig.add_subplot(gs[2:4, 15])
p_rp = plot_potato_2D(ax_rp, cax_rp, X, Y, rp_mzscores, rp_center, covs_visu,
                      rp_colors, 'Z-score of Riemannian distance to reference')
ax_ep = fig.add_subplot(gs[2:4, 21:36], xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel,
                        title='2D projection of Euclidean potato')
cax_ep = fig.add_subplot(gs[2:4, 36])
p_ep = plot_potato_2D(ax_ep, cax_ep, X, Y, ep_zscores, ep_center, covs_visu,
                      ep_colors, 'Z-score of Euclidean distance to reference')


# Prepare animation for online detection
def online_detect(t):
    global time, sig, covs_visu

    # Online artifact detection
    rp_label = rpotato.predict(covs[np.newaxis, t])[0]
    ep_label = epotato.predict(covs[np.newaxis, t])[0]
    if not is_static:
        if rp_label == 1:
            rpotato.partial_fit(covs[np.newaxis, t], alpha=1 / t)
        if ep_label == 1:
            epotato.partial_fit(covs[np.newaxis, t], alpha=1 / t)

    # Update data
    time_start = t * interval + test_time_end
    time_end = (t + 1) * interval + test_time_end
    time_ = np.linspace(time_start, time_end, int(interval * sfreq),
    time = np.r_[time[int(interval * sfreq):], time_]
    sig = np.hstack((sig[:, int(interval*sfreq):],
                     eeg_data[:, int(time_start*sfreq):int(time_end*sfreq)]))
    covs_visu = np.vstack((covs_visu, covs[np.newaxis, t]))
    rp_colors.append('b' if rp_label == 1 else 'r')
    ep_colors.append('b' if ep_label == 1 else 'r')
    if len(covs_visu) > test_covs_visu:
        covs_visu = covs_visu[1:]
    rp_colors_ = _add_alpha(rp_colors, alphas)
    ep_colors_ = _add_alpha(ep_colors, alphas)

    # Update plot
    pl_sig0.set_data(time, sig[0])
    pl_sig0.axes.set_xlim(time[0], time[-1])
    pl_sig1.set_data(time, sig[1])
    pl_sig1.axes.set_xlim(time[0], time[-1])
    p_rp.set_offsets(np.c_[covs_visu[:, 0, 0], covs_visu[:, 1, 1]])
    p_ep.set_offsets(np.c_[covs_visu[:, 0, 0], covs_visu[:, 1, 1]])
    return pl_sig0, pl_sig1, p_rp, p_ep

interval_display = 1.0  # can be changed for a slower display

potato = FuncAnimation(fig, online_detect,
                       frames=range(train_covs, test_covs_max),
                       interval=interval_display, blit=False, repeat=False)

# Plot online detection
# ---------------------

# Plot complete visu: a dynamic display is required

# Plot only 10s, for animated documentation
    from IPython.display import HTML
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("Install IPython to plot animation in documentation")

plt.rcParams["animation.embed_limit"] = 10
HTML(potato.to_jshtml(fps=5, default_mode='loop'))

# References
# ----------
# .. [1] `The Riemannian Potato: an automatic and adaptive artifact detection
#    method for online experiments using Riemannian geometry
#    <>`_
#    A. Barachant, A Andreev, and M. Congedo. TOBI Workshop lV, Jan 2013, Sion,
#    Switzerland. pp.19-20
# .. [2] `The Riemannian Potato Field: A Tool for Online Signal Quality Index
#    of EEG
#    <>`_
#    Q. Barthélemy, L. Mayaud, D. Ojeda, and M. Congedo. IEEE Transactions
#    on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Institute of
#    Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019, 27 (2), pp.244-255