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Online Artifact Detection with Riemannian Potato Field

Example of Riemannian Potato Field (RPF) [1]_ applied on EEG time-series to
detect artifacts in online processing. It is compared to the Riemannian Potato
(RP) [2]_.
# Authors: Quentin Barthélemy
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation

from mne.datasets import eegbci
from import read_raw_edf
from mne.channels import make_standard_montage
from mne import make_fixed_length_epochs

from pyriemann.estimation import Covariances
from pyriemann.utils.covariance import normalize
from pyriemann.clustering import Potato, PotatoField


def filter_bandpass(signal, low_freq, high_freq, channels=None, method="iir"):
    """Filter signal on specific channels and in a specific frequency band"""
    sig = signal.copy()
    if channels is not None:
    sig.filter(l_freq=low_freq, h_freq=high_freq, method=method, verbose=False)
    return sig

def plot_detection(ax, rp_label, rpf_label):
    labels = []
    ylims = ax.get_ylim()
    height = ylims[1] - ylims[0]
    if not rp_label:
        r1 = ax.axhspan(
            ylims[0] + 0.06 * height, ylims[1] - 0.05 * height,
            edgecolor='r', facecolor='none',
            xmin=-test_time_start / test_duration - 0.005,
            xmax=(duration - test_time_start) / test_duration - 0.005)
        ax.text(0.25, 0.95, 'RP', color='r', size=16, transform=ax.transAxes)
    if not rpf_label:
        r2 = ax.axhspan(
            ylims[0] + 0.05 * height, ylims[1] - 0.06 * height,
            edgecolor='m', facecolor='none',
            xmin=-test_time_start / test_duration + 0.005,
            xmax=(duration - test_time_start) / test_duration + 0.005)
        ax.text(0.65, 0.95, 'RPF', color='m', size=16, transform=ax.transAxes)
    if rp_label and rpf_label:
        r3 = ax.axhspan(
            ylims[0] + 0.05 * height, ylims[1] - 0.05 * height,
            edgecolor='k', facecolor='none',
            xmin=-test_time_start / test_duration,
            xmax=(duration - test_time_start) / test_duration)
    return labels

# Load EEG data
# -------------

# Load motor imagery data
raw = read_raw_edf(eegbci.load_data(2, [5])[0], preload=True, verbose=False)
sfreq = int(['sfreq'])  # 160 Hz

# Select the 21 channels of the 10-20 montage
    ['Fp1', 'Fpz', 'Fp2', 'F7', 'F3', 'Fz', 'F4', 'F8', 'T7', 'C3', 'Cz', 'C4',
     'T8', 'P7', 'P3', 'Pz', 'P4', 'P8', 'O1', 'Oz', 'O2'], ordered=True)
ch_names = raw.ch_names
ch_count = len(ch_names)

# Define time-series epoching with a sliding window
duration = 2.5    # duration of epochs
interval = 0.2    # interval between epochs

# Riemannian potato
# -----------------
# Riemannian potato (RP) [2]_ selects all channels and filter between 1 and
# 35 Hz.

# RP definition
z_th = 2.0           # z-score threshold
low_freq, high_freq = 1., 35.
rp = Potato(metric='riemann', threshold=z_th)

# EEG processing for RP
rp_sig = filter_bandpass(raw, low_freq, high_freq)  # band-pass filter
rp_epochs = make_fixed_length_epochs(  # epoch time-series
    rp_sig, duration=duration, overlap=duration - interval, verbose=False
rp_covs = Covariances(estimator='scm').transform(rp_epochs)

# RP training
train_covs = 45      # nb of matrices for training
train_set = range(train_covs)[train_set])

# Riemannian potato field
# -----------------------
# Riemannian potato field (RPF) [1]_ combines several potatoes of low
# dimensionality, each one designed to capture a different kind of artifact
# typically affecting some specific spatial area (i.e. subsets of channels)
# and/or specific frequency bands.
# BCI or NFB applications aim at the modulation specific brain oscillations, it
# is thus advisable to exclude such frequencies from potatoes so as to prevent
# desirable brain modulations to be detected as artifactual.

# RPF definition
p_th = 0.01          # probability threshold
rpf_config = {
    'RPF eye_blinks': {  # for eye-blinks
        'ch_names': ['Fp1', 'Fpz', 'Fp2'],
        'low_freq': 1.,
        'high_freq': 20.},
    'RPF occipital': {  # for high-frequency artifacts in occipital area
        'ch_names': ['O1', 'Oz', 'O2'],
        'low_freq': 25.,
        'high_freq': 45.,
        'cov_normalization': 'trace'},  # trace-norm to be insensitive to power
    'RPF global_lf': {  # for low-frequency artifacts in all channels
        'ch_names': None,
        'low_freq': 0.5,
        'high_freq': 3.}
rpf = PotatoField(metric='riemann', z_threshold=z_th, p_threshold=p_th,

# EEG processing for RPF
rpf_covs = []
for p in rpf_config.values():  # loop on potatoes
    rpf_sig = filter_bandpass(raw, p.get('low_freq'), p.get('high_freq'),
    rpf_epochs = make_fixed_length_epochs(
        rpf_sig, duration=duration, overlap=duration - interval, verbose=False
    covs_ = Covariances(estimator='scm').transform(rpf_epochs)
    if p.get('cov_normalization'):
        covs_ = normalize(covs_, p.get('cov_normalization'))

# RPF training[c[train_set] for c in rpf_covs])

# Online Artifact Detection with Potatoes
# ---------------------------------------
# Detect artifacts/outliers on test set, with an animation to imitate an online
# acquisition, processing and artifact detection of EEG time-series.
# Remark that all these potatoes are semi-dynamic: they are updated when EEG is
# not artifacted [1]_.

# Prepare data for online detection
test_covs_max = 400     # nb of epochs to visualize in this example
test_covs_visu = 100    # nb of z-scores/proba to display simultaneously
test_time_start = -2    # start time to display signal
test_time_end = 5       # end time to display signal

test_duration = test_time_end - test_time_start
time_start = train_covs * interval + test_time_start
time_end = train_covs * interval + test_time_end
time = np.linspace(time_start, time_end, int((time_end - time_start) * sfreq),
raw.filter(l_freq=0.5, h_freq=75., method='iir', verbose=False)
eeg_data = 1e5 * raw.get_data()
sig = eeg_data[:, int(time_start * sfreq):int(time_end * sfreq)]
eeg_offset = - 15 * np.linspace(1, ch_count, ch_count, endpoint=False)
covs_t, covs_z = np.empty([0]), np.empty([len(rpf_config) + 1, 0])
covs_p = np.empty([0])

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 10), nrows=2, ncols=1)
fig.suptitle('Online artifact detection, RP vs RPF', fontsize=16)
ax[0].set(xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='EEG channels')
ax[0].set_xlim([time[0], time[-1]])
pl = ax[0].plot(time, sig.T + eeg_offset.T, lw=0.75)
labels = []

ax[1].set(xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='Z-scores of distances to references')
pl2 = ax[1].plot(covs_t, covs_z.T, lw=0.75)
for c, l in enumerate(['RP'] + [*rpf_config]):
ax[1].set_ylim([-1.5, 8.5])
ax[1].legend(loc='upper left')
axp = ax[1].twinx()
axp.set(ylabel='RPF probability of clean EEG')
pl3 = axp.plot(covs_t, covs_p, lw=0.75, c='k', label='RPF proba')
axp.set_ylim([0, 1])
axp.legend(loc='upper right')


# Prepare animation for online detection
def online_detect(t):
    global time, sig, labels, covs_t, covs_z, covs_p

    # Online artifact detection
    rp_label = rp.predict(rp_covs[np.newaxis, t])[0]
    rp_zscore = rp.transform(rp_covs[np.newaxis, t])
    rpf_label = rpf.predict([c[np.newaxis, t] for c in rpf_covs])[0]
    rpf_zscores = rpf.transform([c[np.newaxis, t] for c in rpf_covs])
    rpf_proba = rpf.predict_proba([c[np.newaxis, t] for c in rpf_covs])
    if rp_label == 1:
        rp.partial_fit(rp_covs[np.newaxis, t], alpha=1 / t)
    if rpf_label == 1:
        rpf.partial_fit([c[np.newaxis, t] for c in rpf_covs], alpha=1 / t)

    # Update data
    time_start = t * interval + test_time_end
    time_end = (t + 1) * interval + test_time_end
    time_ = np.linspace(time_start, time_end, int(interval * sfreq),
    time = np.r_[time[int(interval * sfreq):], time_]
    sig = np.hstack((sig[:, int(interval * sfreq):],
                     eeg_data[:, int(time_start*sfreq):int(time_end*sfreq)]))
    covs_t = np.r_[covs_t, time_start]
    covs_z = np.hstack((covs_z,
                        np.vstack((rp_zscore[np.newaxis], rpf_zscores.T))))
    covs_p = np.r_[covs_p, rpf_proba]
    if len(covs_p) > test_covs_visu:
        covs_t, covs_z, covs_p = covs_t[1:], covs_z[:, 1:], covs_p[1:]

    # Update plot
    for c in range(ch_count):
        pl[c].set_data(time, sig[c] + eeg_offset[c])
        pl[c].axes.set_xlim(time[0], time[-1])
    for lbl in labels:
    for txt in ax[0].texts:
    labels = plot_detection(ax[0], rp_label, rpf_label)
    for c in range(len(pl2)):
        pl2[c].set_data(covs_t, covs_z[c])
        pl2[c].axes.set_xlim(covs_t[0] - 0.1, covs_t[-1])
    pl3[0].set_data(covs_t, covs_p)
    return pl, pl2, pl3

interval_display = 1.0  # can be changed for a slower display

potato = FuncAnimation(fig, online_detect,
                       frames=range(train_covs, test_covs_max),
                       interval=interval_display, blit=False, repeat=False)

# Plot online detection
# ---------------------

# Plot complete visu: a dynamic display is required

# Plot only 10s, for animated documentation
    from IPython.display import HTML
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("Install IPython to plot animation in documentation")

plt.rcParams["animation.embed_limit"] = 10
HTML(potato.to_jshtml(fps=5, default_mode='loop'))

# References
# ----------
# .. [1] `The Riemannian Potato Field: A Tool for Online Signal Quality Index
#    of EEG
#    <>`_
#    Q. Barthélemy, L. Mayaud, D. Ojeda, and M. Congedo. IEEE Transactions
#    on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Institute of
#    Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019, 27 (2), pp.244-255
# .. [2] `The Riemannian Potato: an automatic and adaptive artifact detection
#    method for online experiments using Riemannian geometry
#    <>`_
#    A. Barachant, A Andreev, and M. Congedo. TOBI Workshop lV, Jan 2013, Sion,
#    Switzerland. pp.19-20.