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Mean and median comparison

A comparison between Euclidean and Riemannian means [1]_, and Euclidean and
Riemannian geometric medians [2]_, on low-dimensional synthetic datasets.

# Authors: Quentin Barthélemy
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs

from pyriemann.datasets import make_outliers
from pyriemann.utils import mean_euclid, mean_riemann
from pyriemann.utils import median_euclid, median_riemann
from pyriemann.clustering import Potato

rs = np.random.RandomState(17)

# Data in vector space
# --------------------
# Dataset of 2D vectors, reproducing Fig 1 of reference [2]_.
# Notice how the few outliers at the top right of the picture have forced the
# mean away from the points, whereas the geometric median remains centrally
# located.

X, y = make_blobs(
    n_samples=[7, 9, 6],
    centers=np.array([[-1, -10], [-10, -4], [10, 5]]),
    cluster_std=[2, 2, 2],
is_inlier = (y <= 1)

C_mean = mean_euclid(X[..., np.newaxis])
C_mmed = np.median(X, axis=0)
C_gmed = median_euclid(X[..., np.newaxis])

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 7))
fig.suptitle("Mean and median for 2D vectors", fontsize=16)
ax.scatter(X[is_inlier, 0], X[is_inlier, 1], c='C0', edgecolors="k",
ax.scatter(X[~is_inlier, 0], X[~is_inlier, 1], c='C1', edgecolors="k",
ax.scatter(C_mean[0], C_mean[1], c='r', marker="x", label='Euclidean mean')
ax.scatter(C_mmed[0], C_mmed[1], c='r', marker=">",
           label='Marginal Euclidean median')
ax.scatter(C_gmed[0], C_gmed[1], c='r', marker="s",
           label='Geometric Euclidean median')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')

# Data in manifold of SPD matrices
# --------------------------------
# Dataset of 2x2 SPD matrices.
# A dynamic display is required if you want to rotate or zoom the 3D figure.
# This 3D plot can be tricky to interpret. 2x2 SPD matrices can be viewed as
# spatial coordinates contained in a hyper-cone [3]_.
# In Euclidean geometry, null matrix is the center of space.
# In Riemannian geometry, identity matrix is the center of the unbounded and
# non-linear manifold [3]_: due to log(.)^2 in the affine-invariant distance,
# an eigenvalue of 10 contributes to the distance from the identity as much as
# an eigenvalue 0.1.

n_channels, n_inliers, n_outliers = 2, 16, 6

Cin = 0.2 * np.eye(n_channels)
Xin = make_outliers(n_inliers, Cin, 0.5, outlier_coeff=1, random_state=rs)
Xout = make_outliers(
    n_outliers, 4 * np.eye(n_channels), 0.5, outlier_coeff=1, random_state=rs)
X = np.concatenate([Xin, Xout])

C_emean = mean_euclid(X)
C_rmean = mean_riemann(X)
C_emed = median_euclid(X)
C_rmed = median_riemann(X)

fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
fig2.suptitle("Means and medians for 2x2 SPD matrices", fontsize=16)
ax2 = plt.subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax2.scatter(1, 0, 1, c="k", marker="+", s=50, label='Identity')
ax2.scatter(Xin[:, 0, 0], Xin[:, 0, 1], Xin[:, 1, 1], c="C0", edgecolors="k",
ax2.scatter(Xout[:, 0, 0], Xout[:, 0, 1], Xout[:, 1, 1], c="C1",
            edgecolors="k", label='Outliers')
ax2.scatter(C_emean[0, 0], C_emean[0, 1], C_emean[1, 1], c="r", marker="x",
            label='Euclidean mean')
ax2.scatter(C_rmean[0, 0], C_rmean[0, 1], C_rmean[1, 1], c="m", marker="x",
            label='Riemannian mean')
ax2.scatter(C_emed[0, 0], C_emed[0, 1], C_emed[1, 1], c="r", marker="s",
            label='Euclidean median')
ax2.scatter(C_rmed[0, 0], C_rmed[0, 1], C_rmed[1, 1], c="m", marker="s",
            label='Riemannian median')
ax2.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.7, 0.6))

# Photo finish
# ------------
# Specific zoom on means and medians.
# Surprise guest: Riemannian potato is fitted with an offline iterative outlier
# removal, providing a robust mean [4]_.

C_rp = Potato(metric='riemann', threshold=1.5).fit(X).covmean_

fig3 = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
fig3.suptitle("Means and medians for 2x2 SPD matrices\nZoom", fontsize=16)
ax3 = plt.subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax3.scatter(1, 0, 1, c="k", marker="+", s=50, label='Identity')
ax3.scatter(Cin[0, 0], Cin[0, 1], Cin[1, 1], c="C0", edgecolors="k", s=50,
            label='Center of inliers')
ax3.scatter(C_emean[0, 0], C_emean[0, 1], C_emean[1, 1], c="r", marker="x",
            label='Euclidean mean')
ax3.scatter(C_rmean[0, 0], C_rmean[0, 1], C_rmean[1, 1], c="m", marker="x",
            label='Riemannian mean')
ax3.scatter(C_emed[0, 0], C_emed[0, 1], C_emed[1, 1], c="r", marker="s",
            label='Euclidean median')
ax3.scatter(C_rmed[0, 0], C_rmed[0, 1], C_rmed[1, 1], c="m", marker="s",
            label='Riemannian median')
ax3.scatter(C_rp[0, 0], C_rp[0, 1], C_rp[1, 1], c="chartreuse", marker="*",
            s=40, label='Center of\nRiemannian potato')
ax3.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.7, 0.5))

# References
# ----------
# .. [1] `Review of Riemannian distances and divergences, applied to
#    SSVEP-based BCI
#    <>`_
#    S. Chevallier, E. K. Kalunga, Q. Barthélemy, E. Monacelli.
#    Neuroinformatics, Springer, 2021, 19 (1), pp.93-106
# .. [2] `The geometric median on Riemannian manifolds with application to
#    robust atlas estimation
#    <>`_
#    PT. Fletcher, S. Venkatasubramanian S and S. Joshi.
#    NeuroImage, 2009, 45(1), S143-S152
# .. [3] `EEG source analysis
#    <>`_
#    M. Congedo. HdR, 2013, Chap IX
# .. [4] `The Riemannian Potato Field: A Tool for Online Signal Quality Index
#    of EEG
#    <>`_
#    Q. Barthélemy, L. Mayaud, D. Ojeda, and M. Congedo. IEEE Transactions
#    on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2019, 27 (2), pp.244-255