* This file is part of the feed-io package.
* (c) Alexandre Debril <alex.debril@gmail.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
require __DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'bootstrap.php';
$client = new \FeedIo\Adapter\Guzzle\Client(new GuzzleHttp\Client());
$logger = new \Psr\Log\NullLogger();
$feedIo = new \FeedIo\FeedIo($client, $logger);
$result = $feedIo->read('http://php.net/feed.atom');
echo "feed title : {$result->getFeed()->getTitle()} \n ";
foreach ($result->getFeed() as $item) {
echo "item title : {$item->getTitle()} \n ";
// let's turn php.net into a PodCast
$media = new \FeedIo\Feed\Item\Media();
// add it to the item
$domDocument = $feedIo->toAtom($result->getFeed());
echo $domDocument;