* This file is part of the feed-io package.
* (c) Alexandre Debril <alex.debril@gmail.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
require __DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'bootstrap.php';
$feedIo = \FeedIo\Factory::create()->getFeedIo();
$feedIo->getDateTimeBuilder()->setFeedTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('-0500'));
$result = $feedIo->read('http://news.php.net/group.php?group=php.announce&format=rss');
echo "First item's pubDate raw value in the feed" .PHP_EOL;
$domItems = $result->getDocument()->getDOMDocument()->getElementsByTagName('item');
/** @var \DOMElement $firstDomItem */
$firstDomItem = $domItems->item(0);
$pubDate = $firstDomItem->getElementsByTagName('pubDate')->item(0);
$pubDateTime = new \DateTime($pubDate->nodeValue);
echo "here is its timestamp : {$pubDateTime->getTimestamp()}" . PHP_EOL;
$feed = $result->getFeed();
/** @var \FeedIo\Feed\ItemInterface $item */
$item = $feed->current();
echo "var_dump the first item's pubDate after parsing. It's the same date converted in your local configuration's timezone" . PHP_EOL;
echo "here is its timestamp : {$item->getLastModified()->getTimestamp()}" . PHP_EOL;
if($pubDateTime->getTimestamp() === $item->getLastModified()->getTimestamp()) {
echo "HOURAY, both timestamps match !" . PHP_EOL;