import Foundation
/// `StoreKey` definition aka. `String`.
public typealias StoreKey = String
/// `Storage` protocol.
public protocol Storage: StorageDelegate, Sendable {
Adds the contents of the specified dictionary to the registration domain.
- Parameter defaults: The dictionary of keys and values you want to register.
func register(defaults registration: [StoreKey: Any])
Returns the generic value associated with the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: A `StoreKey` in storage.
func value<V>(forKey key: StoreKey) -> V?
Returns the `Decodable` associated with the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: A `StoreKey` in storage.
func decodable<D: Decodable>(forKey key: StoreKey) -> D?
Returns the `StorageData` associated with the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: A `StoreKey` in storage.
func data<D: StorageData>(forKey key: StoreKey) -> D?
Returns the `String` associated with the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: A `StoreKey` in storage.
func string(forKey key: StoreKey) -> String?
Returns the `[Any]` associated with the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: A `StoreKey` in storage.
func array(forKey key: StoreKey) -> [Any]?
Returns the `Set<AnyHashable>` associated with the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: A `StoreKey` in storage.
func set(forKey key: StoreKey) -> Set<AnyHashable>?
Returns the `[String: Any]` associated with the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: A `StoreKey` in storage.
func dictionary(forKey key: StoreKey) -> [String: Any]?
Returns the `[String]` associated with the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: A `StoreKey` in storage.
func stringArray(forKey key: StoreKey) -> [String]?
Returns the `Int` associated with the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: A `StoreKey` in storage.
func integer(forKey key: StoreKey) -> Int
Returns the `Float` associated with the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: A `StoreKey` in storage.
func float(forKey key: StoreKey) -> Float
Returns the `Double` associated with the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: A `StoreKey` in storage.
func double(forKey key: StoreKey) -> Double
Returns the `Bool` associated with the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: A `StoreKey` in storage.
func bool(forKey key: StoreKey) -> Bool
Returns the `URL` associated with the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: A `StoreKey` in storage.
func url(forKey key: StoreKey) -> URL?
Sets the value of the specified `StoreKey` to the specified `Int`.
- Parameter value: `Int` to store.
- Parameter key: The `StoreKey` with which to associate the value.
func set(_ value: Int, forKey key: StoreKey)
Sets the value of the specified `StoreKey` to the specified `Float`.
- Parameter value: `Float` to store.
- Parameter key: The `StoreKey` with which to associate the value.
func set(_ value: Float, forKey key: StoreKey)
Sets the value of the specified `StoreKey` to the specified `Double`.
- Parameter value: `Double` to store.
- Parameter key: The `StoreKey` with which to associate the value.
func set(_ value: Double, forKey key: StoreKey)
Sets the value of the specified `StoreKey` to the specified `Bool`.
- Parameter value: `Bool` to store.
- Parameter key: The `StoreKey` with which to associate the value.
func set(_ value: Bool, forKey key: StoreKey)
Sets the value of the specified `StoreKey` to the specified `URL`.
- Parameter url: `URL` to store.
- Parameter key: The `StoreKey` with which to associate the value.
func set(_ url: URL?, forKey key: StoreKey)
Sets the value of the specified `StoreKey` to the specified `String`.
- Parameter string: `String` to store.
- Parameter key: The `StoreKey` with which to associate the value.
func set(_ string: String, forKey key: StoreKey)
Sets the value of the specified `StoreKey` to the specified generic value.
- Parameter value: Generic value to store.
- Parameter key: The `StoreKey` with which to associate the value.
func set<V>(_ value: V?, forKey key: StoreKey)
Sets the value of the specified `StoreKey` to the specified `Encodable`.
- Parameter encodable: `Encodable` to store.
- Parameter key: The `StoreKey` with which to associate the value.
func set(encodable: Encodable?, forKey key: StoreKey)
Sets the value of the specified `StoreKey` to the specified `StorageData`.
- Parameter data: `StorageData` to store.
- Parameter key: The `StoreKey` with which to associate the value.
func set<D: StorageData>(_ data: D?, forKey key: StoreKey)
Removes the value of the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: The `StoreKey` whose value you want to remove.
func remove(forKey key: StoreKey)