/// `StorageDelegate` protocol.
public protocol StorageDelegate: AnyObject {
Returns the `StorageData` associated with the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: A `StoreKey` in storage.
- Throws: `StorageDelegate` implementation possible errors.
func data<D: StorageData>(forKey key: StoreKey) throws -> D?
Sets the value of the specified `StoreKey` to the specified `StorageData`.
- Parameter data: `StorageData` to store.
- Parameter key: The `StoreKey` with which to associate the value.
- Throws: `StorageDelegate` implementation possible errors.
func set<D: StorageData>(_ data: D?, forKey key: StoreKey) throws
Removes the value of the specified `StoreKey`.
- Parameter key: The `StoreKey` whose value you want to remove.
- Throws: `StorageDelegate` implementation possible errors.
func remove(forKey key: StoreKey) throws