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# ⏏ create-riot-app
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[RiotJS]( startkit, based on [create-react-app]( and  [react-scripts](


Package included simple app example, webpack dev server with **riot hot reload** and less, sass, stylus support. ES6 features available too. Jest with riot support for testing. ES6 and eslint in riot tag.

Just read but replace all "react" word to "riot" :)

[![See the video](](

## Features
* Hot .tag reload
* Realtime code linting
* Async/await (ES2017).
* Exponentiation Operator (ES2016).
* Object Rest/Spread Properties (stage 3 proposal).
* Dynamic import() (stage 3 proposal)
* Jest for .tag testing
* Generate all favicons and manifest.json
* Pre-commit testing

## Requirements
nodejs 10
and optionaly docker-compose, for deploy to ipfs

## ⚡ Start dev-server
git clone --depth=1 my-riot-app
cd my-riot-app
rm -rf .git

npm install
npm start
go to http://localhost:9999

### Note
Riot route base url set in ./src/view/app.view.js line 47

## ⚛ Favicons and meta-information
Edit "meta" section in package.json ([see manifest format description](
Put your app icon in ./src/favicon_source.svg or .png or other image format
and run
npm run meta:generate
manifest.json , browserconfig.xml, favicons and other meta-files will be generated and put to ./public/static/meta/ folder.

Also you can change some options in ./scripts/tools/metainfo/config.js

## ⚗ Build for production
npm run build

Check build result
npm run check_build

## ☁ Deploy

### Firebase
npm run deploy
For example you can deploy app to [firebase](
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login
firebase init
firebase deploy

### Your server
Change settings in scripts/tools/deploy_ssh
Add this file to .gitignore
npm run deploy:ssh
[About tool](

npm run deploy:ipfs
Publish ./dist folder to [IPFS]( by defaults.
Need insatlled docker-composes/tools/deploy_ipfs/docker-compose.yml

### ⚙ Configuration options

Modify the ```.env``` file in the root of the generated project, and add any of the configuration options below 👇 to enable that feature.

## ☺ Contribute

Fork and send pull-request. Thank you!