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# versiona 
**Versiona** is an utility for Github NPM projects using Travis CI to automatize:
* Publish a NPM package when a Github tag is created with the vX.Y.Z semver format.
* Update and commit the new package.json version.

For example, with **versiona** activated in your project:

1. When creating new Release Tag in Github, p.ex. **v1.0.2** release:

<img width="512" alt="creating a new release tag" src="">

2. **versiona** will publish the v1.0.2 release to NPM:

<img width="512" alt="creating a new release tag" src="">

3. And also, **versiona** will commit the updated package.json back to Github:

<img width="512" alt="creating a new release tag" src="">

Releasing to NPM this way, your collaborators will be aimed to:
* Control via Github Releases when a new version should be publicly available.
* Know which Release Tag corresponds to each available version of the package in NPM.
* Add documentation to the Github Releases.
* Not publishing from localhost! ;)

## Requirements

**versiona** can be launched from any command line environment, but will require to have these environment variables available:
  * Will be used to publish the package to NPM.
  * Check [Creating and Viewing Auth Tokens in NPM](
  * **Read and Publish** permission is required to publish packages.
* **GH_TOKEN**
  * Will be used to commit a new package.json version to Github.
  * Check [Creating a Personal Access Token in Github](
When used in Travis CI, just add these tokens in the Settings of your repo **with the secured option to avoid showing the tokens content in the Travis logs** 

## Usage

Install **versiona**:

npm i versiona --save-dev

Create a **versiona.js** script into your project's root (can be ignored in .npmignore):

const versiona = require('versiona')

  repoOrg: 'your_repo_org_or_username',
  repoName: 'your_repo_name'

> the _versiona_ function will stop the process with a code != 0 if something goes wrong. Otherwise, it will return:
> - true if the publish and commit are done
> - false if it has not run (p.ex. when the release tag is not matching the semver format)

**versiona accepted parameters**:
* repoOrg: Your username or organization
* repoName: The repository name
* host: The Github's host (for enterprise usage, if not, it defaults to '')
* publish: string. Alternative publish command before committing (defaults to 'npm publish'). Use it only if no NPM publication has to be done, or there are manual steps to do. Set to _false_ to deactivate publication.
* test: boolean. _true_ means that it's only to test the configuration, so no package will be published, and no commit will be done to github. (it defaults to _false_).

**Example** simple usage from [a project using versiona](
const versiona = require('versiona')
  repoOrg: 'alextremp',
  repoName: 'brusc'

**Example** usage as an intermediate step from [a project using versiona](
const versiona = require('versiona')
const shell = require('shelljs')

  repoOrg: 'someorg',
  repoName: 'somerepo',
  publish: 'npm run s3deploy'

**Add a new script task into your package.json**:

"scripts": {
  "versiona": "node versiona.js"

**Call the versiona task from Travis** editing your .travis.yml:

* In this travis sample:
dist: trusty
language: node_js
  - "8"
    - node_modules
  - npm config set //$NPM_TOKEN
  - npm run check && TRAVIS_TAG=$TRAVIS_TAG GH_TOKEN=$GH_TOKEN npm run versiona

In this sample:
  - npm config set //$NPM_TOKEN
  * The **NPM_TOKEN** will be required in order to enable the NPM publish command.
npm run check
  * This is a project task that run the **lint** and **test** tasks to validate the build.
  * This runs **versiona**
  * **TRAVIS_TAG** is required, **versiona** will check if the TRAVIS_TAG is set and matches the _^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(-beta\.[0-9]+)?$_ regexp (**semver format**, p.ex.: _v2.3.1_ or _v3.0.0-beta.1_)
  * If that's not the case, it will exit doing nothing
  * If the **semver format** is matched, it will validate the **GH_TOKEN** to be set (as it will be required to commit back to Github in next steps):
    * **For vX.Y.Z format releases**:
      * It will update the package.json to X.Y.Z version and publish the package.
      * It will commit to Github in **master** branch the updated package.json using a Travis User with the GH_TOKEN.
    * **For vX.Y.Z-beta.A format releases**:
      * It will update the package.json to X.Y.Z-beta.A version and publish the package **as a beta version**.
      * It will commit to Github in **develop/vX** branch the updated package.json using a Travis User with the GH_TOKEN.
 This library only uses the tokens, does not store / send / ... them to anywhere
## Troubleshooting

### Failed publishing from a tag

* Ensure that with vX.Y.Z release, the package.json didn't have the X.Y.Z version already (so it won't commit a new version, and so, it won't publish)
* Ensure that the X.Y.Z version does not already exist in NPM 
* In case of creating a tag by mistake:

>Revert a tag locally
>git tag -d vX.Y.Z 
>Revert a tag in Github
>git push --delete origin vX.Y.Z

## Maintainers

This library uses itself to publish to NPM, so:

This project uses Travis CI for
* PR validation
* Merge to master validation
* NPM publications on Release tag creation

To create a new Release, take in mind:
* The Release Tag must be named *vX.Y.Z* where X.Y.Z are the _semver_ numbers that will correspond to the published package's version.
* Travis CI will launch [versiona]( which will:
  * Update the package.json to the X.Y.Z version set in the Release Tag
  * Publish the NPM package with the X.Y.Z version