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 * Directed vertex.

namespace GraphDS\Vertex;

 * Class defining a directed vertex object.
class DirectedVertex extends Vertex
     * Constructor for DirectedVertex object.
    public function __construct()

        $this->neighbors['in'] = array();
        $this->neighbors['out'] = array();

     * Adds a neighboring, incoming, directed vertex to this vertex.
     * @param string $vertex ID of the vertex
    public function addInNeighbor($vertex)
        $this->neighbors['in'][] = $vertex;

     * Removes a neighboring, incoming, directed vertex from this vertex.
     * @param string $vertex ID of the vertex
    public function removeInNeighbor($vertex)
        if (($key = array_search($vertex, $this->neighbors['in'])) !== false) {

     * Returns an array of all incoming neighbor vertices.
     * @return array Array of all incoming neighbor vertices
    public function getInNeighbors()
        return $this->neighbors['in'];

     * Adds a neighboring, outgoing, directed vertex to this vertex.
     * @param string $vertex ID of the vertex
    public function addOutNeighbor($vertex)
        $this->neighbors['out'][] = $vertex;

     * Removes a neighboring, outgoing, directed vertex from this vertex.
     * @param string $vertex ID of the vertex
    public function removeOutNeighbor($vertex)
        if (($key = array_search($vertex, $this->neighbors['out'])) !== false) {

     * Returns an array of all outgoing neighbor vertices.
     * @return string[] Array of all outgoing neighbor vertices
    public function getOutNeighbors()
        return $this->neighbors['out'];

     * Returns an Direct of all neighboring vertices.
     * @return string[] Array of all neighboring vertices
    public function getNeighbors()
        return $this->neighbors;

     * Returns the number of incoming neighbor vertices (indegree).
     * @return int Number of incoming vertices
    public function getIndegree()
        return count($this->neighbors['in']);

     * Returns the number of outgoing neighbor vertices (outdegree).
     * @return int Number of outgoing vertices
    public function getOutdegree()
        return count($this->neighbors['out']);

     * Checks if a given vertex is an incoming neighbor of this vertex.
     * @param string $vertex ID of vertex
     * @return bool Whether given vertex is an incoming neighbor of this vertex
    public function inAdjacent($vertex)
        return in_array($vertex, $this->neighbors['in']);

     * Checks if a given vertex is an outgoing neighbor of this vertex.
     * @param string $vertex ID of vertex
     * @return bool Whether given vertex is an outgoing neighbor of this vertex
    public function outAdjacent($vertex)
        return in_array($vertex, $this->neighbors['out']);

     * Checks if a given vertex is adjacent to this vertex.
     * @param string $vertex ID of vertex
     * @return bool Whether given vertex is adjacent to this vertex
    public function adjacent($vertex)
        return in_array($vertex, $this->neighbors['in']) || in_array($vertex, $this->neighbors['out']);