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/* This codebase desgin according to mozilla open source license.
Redistribution , contribution and improve codebase under license
convensions. @contact Ali Hassan */

package fireclient

import (

    error_codes ""

// Crdedntials structure
type DBStore struct {
    // Key       string
    // Composite string
    // Value     string

    Ctx context.Context
    Ref *firestore.Client

// Enum selectors
const (
    Ok int = iota << 1

// Collection name
const COLLECTION_NAME string = "ContentAddress"

// client object
var client *firestore.Client

// Credentials services
type DBStorage interface {
    Store(key, value string, composite ...string) int
    Get(key string, composite ...string) (map[string]interface{}, int)
    GetAll() ([]map[string]interface{}, error)

// Instanitation of Credentials Object
func New(ctx context.Context, client *firestore.Client) DBStorage {
    return &DBStore{Ctx: ctx, Ref: client}

// Store credentials object information
func (db *DBStore) Store(key, value string, composite ...string) int {

    // user shared content during sessions. Each address in onces generated and reference of a document.
    // user will have reference or have public signature that unlocks the content
    _, _, err := db.Ref.Collection(COLLECTION_NAME).Add(db.Ctx, map[string]interface{}{
        "Value":     value,
        "Composite": composite[0],
        "Key":       key,
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf(" Error creating document %v", err.Error())
        return Err

    return Ok

func (db *DBStore) GetAll() ([]map[string]interface{}, error) {

    exp := make([]map[string]interface{}, 10)

    query := db.Ref.CollectionGroup(COLLECTION_NAME).Limit(10).Documents(db.Ctx)

    for {
        doc, err := query.Next()
        if err == iterator.Done {

        exp = append(exp, doc.Data())

    return exp, nil

    // for {

    //     doc, err := query.Next()
    //     if err == iterator.Done {
    //         break
    //     }

    //     if err != nil {
    //         return []map[string]interface{}{}, err
    //     }
    //     exp = append(exp, doc.Data())
    // }

    // if reflect.DeepEqual(exp, map[string]interface{}{}) {
    //     log.Fatalln(error_codes.Operation_ERROR_CODE_EMPTY_OUTPUT)
    //     return
    // }

    // return exp, nil

// Credentials Information Retreive
func (db *DBStore) Get(key string, composite ...string) (map[string]interface{}, int) {

    // user cannot remember every machine genated address.
    // If the address exists in the database then user will do any operation such as view
    var query_result map[string]interface{}
    query := db.Ref.Collection(COLLECTION_NAME).Where("Key", "==", key).Where("Composite", "==", composite[0]).Documents(db.Ctx)
    for {
        doc, err := query.Next()
        if err == iterator.Done {
        query_result = doc.Data()

    if reflect.DeepEqual(query_result, map[string]interface{}{}) {
        return map[string]interface{}{}, Err

    return query_result, Ok

// Client reference
func SetClient(c *firestore.Client) {
    client = c

func GetClient() *firestore.Client {
    return client

type __Firestore struct {

    // Client allow to connect with firestore server
    Client *firestore.Client

    // With Ctx how much require to process information. Afterthat connection will disclose the connection
    Ctx context.Context

    // UserAgent specified which user agent want to use data; what is the access level of the user
    User_agent_id string

    // Hash_Color specified user avatars is not replicated in the database
    Hash_Color string

    // Image decode allow to get image binary level representation
    Image_Deoder image.Image

type __Firestore_Datasource interface {
    GenerateFingersprints(img image.Image) int
    AnalyzeFingersprints(img image.Image) (map[string]interface{}, int)

func NewClient(client *firestore.Client, ctx context.Context, agent, hcolor string) __Firestore_Datasource {
    return &__Firestore{Client: client, Ctx: ctx, User_agent_id: agent, Hash_Color: hcolor}

const schema_name string = "Avatarsprints"

func (h *__Firestore) GenerateFingersprints(img image.Image) int {

    h.Image_Deoder = img

    // add information in the database
    _, _, err := h.Client.Collection(schema_name).Add(h.Ctx, map[string]interface{}{
        "OwnerID":         h.User_agent_id,
        "Image_Signature": h.Hash_Color[64:128],
        "Decoder":         h.Image_Deoder,

    // there may be case where infometion is not store due to any error then discard the request and throw exception
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalln(" Error generate signature ", err)
        return Err

    // return valid token
    return Ok

func (h *__Firestore) AnalyzeFingersprints(img image.Image) (map[string]interface{}, int) {

    var result map[string]interface{}
    h.Image_Deoder = img

    // query execute user commands on firestore
    query := h.Client.Collection(schema_name).Where("OwnerID", "==", h.User_agent_id).Documents(h.Ctx)
    for {

        // query get documentsnap ; if there exist; otherwise throw exception
        doc, err := query.Next()
        if err == iterator.Done {

        // read the information
        result = doc.Data()

    // get information should not be empty
    isvalid := func(query map[string]interface{}) bool {

        var nulify map[string]interface{}
        return !reflect.DeepEqual(query, nulify)

    var nulify map[string]interface{}

    // analysis the document snapshot ; if the document is empty then throw exception
    if !isvalid(result) {
        return nulify, Err

    // return result
    return result, Ok
