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/* This codebase desgin according to mozilla open source license.
Redistribution , contribution and improve codebase under license
convensions. @contact Ali Hassan */

// protos version 
syntax = "proto3";

// require package
package proto;

option go_package = "";

import "other/proteins/binary/binary.proto";

// message Object hold File_Object or File_Descriptor
message Object {
    string name = 1;
    string types = 2;
    repeated binary.Micromolecule content = 3;

// either object return ok_trait or object return error
enum Object_Status{
    OK = 0;
    ERROR = 1;

message IObject{
    Object iobject = 1;
    Object_Status istatus = 2;

// byname is the common waay to iterator document
message Query{
    string ByName = 1;

enum QStatus{
    Ok = 0;
    Err = 1;

// either query return something or none
message QState{
    QStatus qstatus = 1;

// GBucket hold New pr preview object state
service GBucket {
    rpc New_Bucket(Object) returns (IObject);
    rpc Preview(Query) returns (QState);
    rpc Download(Query) returns (QState);