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45 mins
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/* This codebase desgin according to mozilla open source license.
Redistribution , contribution and improve codebase under license
convensions. @contact Ali Hassan */

package bucket

import (


// general variables
// var content_address string = ""
// var Client *firestore.Client
var Key string = ""
var Composite string = ""
var instance fireclient.DBStorage

// constants
const APIKEY string = "skynetdwarfs"
const USER_AGENT string = "Sia-Agent"
const ENDPOINT string = "/"

type Bucket_Service interface {
    New_Bucket(o *proto.Object) *proto.IObject
    Preview(query *proto.Query, content string) *proto.QState
    Download(query *proto.Query, content string) *proto.QState

type GBucket struct {
    ctx    *context.Context
    Client *firestore.Client

func New_Client(ctx *context.Context, client *firestore.Client) Bucket_Service {
    return &GBucket{ctx: ctx, Client: client}

func (c *GBucket) New_Bucket(o *proto.Object) *proto.IObject {

    // ensure data validation
    if strings.Contains(o.Name, " ") {
        return &proto.IObject{Iobject: &proto.Object{}, Istatus: proto.Object_Status_ERROR}

    if strings.Contains(o.Types, " ") {
        return &proto.IObject{Iobject: &proto.Object{}, Istatus: proto.Object_Status_ERROR}

    data := "app_data/" + o.Name + o.Types

    // read docker apps directory
    path, err := os.Stat("app_data/")
    if err != nil {
        log.Println(" Error stat :", err.Error())
        return &proto.IObject{Iobject: &proto.Object{}, Istatus: proto.Object_Status_ERROR}

    // if the path is not a directory then throw an exception
    if !path.IsDir() {
        log.Fatalln("[Error] Reading File", err.Error())
        return &proto.IObject{Iobject: &proto.Object{}, Istatus: proto.Object_Status_ERROR}

    client := skynet.New()

    // skynet param defined
    option := skynet.DefaultUploadOptions
    option.APIKey = APIKEY
    option.CustomUserAgent = USER_AGENT
    // option.EndpointPath = "/"

    log.Println("New File created on the disk ....")

    log.Println("Uploading ..... ")

    // upload file over skynet storage
    root_link, err := client.UploadFile(data, option)
    if err != nil {
        log.Println(" Error file upload: ", err.Error())
        return &proto.IObject{Iobject: &proto.Object{}, Istatus: proto.Object_Status_ERROR}

    log.Println("Your content address:", root_link)

    // store content address in a cache
    // SetContent(root_link)

    // decentralize file storage client access
    // store cache data in our database for different purpose
    status := fireclient.New(context.Background(), c.Client).Store(Key, root_link, Composite)

    log.Println("Store User File Description : ....", Key, Composite)

    // if the status is "2" then there may be some reason code reject cache data
    if status == 2 {
        return &proto.IObject{Iobject: &proto.Object{}, Istatus: proto.Object_Status_ERROR}

    return &proto.IObject{Iobject: o, Istatus: proto.Object_Status_OK}

// content address is an machine generated address for a particular content.
// This is similarly to public key but the key is 32bit long.
// "Set" will hold new link
// func SetContent(link string) { content_address = link }

// // content address have another operation "Get"
// func GetContent() string { return content_address }

// "preview" doesn't mean user will read the file content.
// preview is a snapshot of a document. User will view document properties.

func (c *GBucket) Preview(query *proto.Query, content string) *proto.QState {

    // var client_Bucket fireclient.DBStorage
    var sia_client = skynet.New()

    // the store transaction utx00000000 refer to the content.
    // the main reason for "preview" is to verified ownership.
    // If the ownership verification fails, then no such transaction exists & vice versa.
    metadata_option := skynet.DefaultMetadataOptions
    // metadata_option.APIKey = APIKEY
    metadata_option.CustomUserAgent = USER_AGENT

    err := sia_client.Metadata(content, metadata_option)
    if err != nil {
        log.Println(" Error getting metadata", err.Error())
        return &proto.QState{Qstatus: proto.QStatus_Err}
    return &proto.QState{Qstatus: proto.QStatus_Ok}

// "Download" function allow user to download document file on your local machine
func (c *GBucket) Download(query *proto.Query, content string) *proto.QState {

    // var client_Bucket fireclient.DBStorage
    var sia_client = skynet.New()
    download_option := skynet.DefaultDownloadOptions
    // download_option.APIKey = APIKEY
    download_option.CustomUserAgent = USER_AGENT

    // the verified transaction will be download on the local machine.
    // If the transaction is not verified, it will return an error and vice versa.
    err := sia_client.DownloadFile("app_data/"+query.ByName, content, download_option)
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf(" Error download file from %s: %v", query.ByName, err.Error())
        return &proto.QState{Qstatus: proto.QStatus_Err}

    log.Println("Downloading succeed .... ", content)
    return &proto.QState{Qstatus: proto.QStatus_Ok}

// replicate copy of bucket
func NewObject(i fireclient.DBStorage) { instance = i }

// return copy of bucket
func GetObject() fireclient.DBStorage { return instance }