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Test Coverage

// proto version3 
syntax = "proto3";

package collection;

option go_package = "";

// create protocol buffer structure
message Pictures {
    string Pic_id = 1;   
    string Pic_src = 2;
    string Pic_date= 3;
    string Pic_time = 4;
    string User_agent_id = 5;
    string Pic_tags = 6;
    map<string, string> CDR = 7;  // key : multi-format cid , value : link of storage

// create array of Pictures for multiple pictures
message Collection {
    repeated Pictures gallery = 1;

// compressed message require hash of avatar
message Compressed{
    string User_agent_id = 1;
    string Pic_id = 2;

// metadata file contain few pictures properties
message Metadata_File{
    string Pic_src = 1;
    string CDR =2;
    string User_agent_id = 3;

// content route required hash of avatar object and who will share it
message ContentRoute{
    string User_agent_id = 1;
    bool IsP2PAddress = 2;

//  stream services 
service StreamService {
    // store new picture as collection
    rpc NewPictures (Pictures) returns (Collection);

    // with search picture functionality ; user will allow to get avatar information
    rpc SearchPictures (Compressed) returns (ContentRoute);

    // avatar online allow user to reused avatar
    rpc GetMetadata (Compressed) returns (Metadata_File);