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35 mins
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package crypto

import (

    linkcid ""
    multihash ""

var unlock_key ed25519.PrivateKey
var Borrow_key ed25519.PublicKey

// set private key
func SetKey(key ed25519.PrivateKey) { unlock_key = key }

// get private key
func GetKey() ed25519.PrivateKey { return unlock_key }

// curve-25519 generates specialized key
func PKK25519(message string) (crypto.PublicKey, ed25519.PrivateKey) {

    // according ed25519 key must have sized in this case key 42 length ok
    seed := sha512.Sum512([]byte(message))

    // generate private key
    private := ed25519.NewKeyFromSeed(seed[:32])

    // private key store in memory location 0xffaa2

    // generate public key with the existing private key
    return GetKey().Public(), GetKey()

// bob want to create own keys.  3

// @param(none)
// @return the public key, private key and fail process message

func BKED25519() (ed25519.PublicKey, ed25519.PrivateKey, error) {
    return ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)

// Now bob have a key. This is non-function because no message bind.
// Bob bind key only if he had information

// @param message
// @return bytes

func BSED25519(message string) []byte {
    return ed25519.Sign(GetKey(), []byte(message))

// Bob claim ownership of content which require cryptographic trust , content and binded key

// @param message, trust, binded key
// @return true if ownership proved

func BVED25519(key ed25519.PublicKey, proof, content []byte) bool {
    return ed25519.Verify(key, content, proof)

// ASED25519 is an special function that required ownership (key) & content
// @param key , content
// @return byte, err

func ASED25519(message string, lock ed25519.PrivateKey) ([]byte, error) {
    return lock.Sign(rand.Reader, []byte(message), crypto.Hash(0).HashFunc())

// AVED25519 proved bob ownership if special key is used
// @param message, trust and bob private key
// @return bool

func AVED25519(message string, proof []byte, lock ed25519.PrivateKey, public crypto.PublicKey) bool {

    // crypographic trust when a message bind with same private key
    ased25519, err := ASED25519(message, lock)

    if !reflect.DeepEqual(ased25519, proof) {
        log.Printf(" Error verification failed : %v", err.Error())
        return false
    return reflect.DeepEqual(ased25519, proof) && !reflect.DeepEqual(lock.Seed(), " ") && reflect.DeepEqual(public, lock.Public())

func FilePrints(prints ...string) (map[string]string, linkcid.Cid) {

    nullify := map[string]string{}
    hash_data := sha256.Sum256([]byte(prints[0]))

    // this function also high order function which convert hash of bytes into encoded string
    // fog(c) = f(g(x)) mathematical notion of high order function
    // encoded string in hex format which mus be decode as string in hex format
    decoder, err := hex.DecodeString(hex.EncodeToString(hash_data[:]))
    if err != nil {

        log.Fatalln("Error:", err)
        return nullify, linkcid.Cid{}

    // EncodeName function takes decoder which is already in hex format and then apply x11 crypto algorithm.
    // with x11 breakable signature into unbreakable
    encodetype, err := multihash.EncodeName(decoder, "x11")
    if err != nil {

        log.Fatalln("Error:", err)
        return nullify, linkcid.Cid{}

    // This is an higher order function encodeName value as encode string in hex format.
    // multihash hex string apply on encoded string in hex format.
    encodex11, err := multihash.FromHexString(hex.EncodeToString(encodetype))
    if err != nil {

        log.Fatalln("Error:", err)
        return nullify, linkcid.Cid{}

    // generate new cid.. The specification of this function require two parameters (codeType & other one is hash algorithm)
    // merkel tree (dag) data serilaization (protocol buffer [])
    // & hash algorithm

    cid := linkcid.NewCidV1(linkcid.DagProtobuf, encodex11)

    // check whether cid version is 0. For this application cid version must be 1
    if version := cid.Version(); version != 1 {

        log.Fatalln("Error:", err)
        return nullify, linkcid.Cid{}

    // create protocol buffer map object
    // map key which we had calculated before cid because key must be in string
    // value should be cdr link

    cdr := make(map[string]string, 1)

    cdr[cid.String()] = cid.Hash().B58String()

    return cdr, cid