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package parse_image

import (

    fingerprints ""

var decodeRawImage image.Image

// PNG COLOR HASH Decode image and return the corresponding unique color hash

func PNG_Color_Hash(file *multipart.File) string {

    // decode picture and translate pxiels into vector for processing
    _upload_content, err := png.Decode(*file)
    if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
        log.Fatalln("Error decode :", err)
        return ""

    decodeRawImage = _upload_content

    // return image signature
    return image_signature(_upload_content)

// JPEG COLOR HASH Decode image and return the corresponding unique color hash
func JPEG_Color_Hash(file multipart.File) string {

    // decode picture and translate pxiels into vector for processing
    _upload_content, err := jpeg.Decode(file)
    if err != nil {
        return ""

    decodeRawImage = _upload_content

    // return image signature
    return image_signature(_upload_content)


// GIF COLOR HASH Decode image and return the corresponding unique color hash
func GIF_Color_Hash(file multipart.File) string {

    // decode picture and translate pxiels into vector for processing
    _upload_content, err := gif.Decode(file)
    if err != nil {
        return ""

    decodeRawImage = _upload_content
    // return image signature
    return image_signature(_upload_content)


// image signature translate pixels into scalar for futher processing
func image_signature(_upload_content image.Image) string {

    // image properties
    detector := &fingerprints.Image_Print{}
    scanner_prints := make([]string, _upload_content.Bounds().Max.X)

    // Get Pixels values in rgba and translate into unique colors hash
    for i := 0; i < _upload_content.Bounds().Max.X; i++ {

        red, green, blue, alpha := _upload_content.At(i, i).RGBA()
        scanner_prints[i] = detector.CalculateHashColor(red, green, blue, alpha, int64(i))

    // memory allocation reduction and return

    return strings.Join(scanner_prints, " ")[:]

// Metadata function return file description information
func Metadata(filename, key, ownership string, client *firestore.Client) int {

    if reflect.DeepEqual(ownership, "") {

        log.Fatalln("Empty ownership:", ownership)
        return fireclient.Err

    if strings.Contains(filename, ".png") {

        datasource := fireclient.NewClient(client, context.TODO(), ownership, key)

        return datasource.GenerateFingersprints(GetImageDecoder())

    } else if strings.Contains(filename, ".jpeg") {

        datasource := fireclient.NewClient(client, context.TODO(), ownership, key)

        return datasource.GenerateFingersprints(GetImageDecoder())

    } else if strings.Contains(filename, ".gif") {

        datasource := fireclient.NewClient(client, context.TODO(), ownership, key)

        return datasource.GenerateFingersprints(GetImageDecoder())

    } else {
        log.Fatalln("FORMAT NOT SUPORTED")
        return fireclient.Err


// Get Image Decode function is a special function that returns image pixels in vec form
func GetImageDecoder() image.Image {
    return decodeRawImage

// GetMetadata instance is an bridge object. If user provide certain parameters then it will return metadata of the shared data
func GetMetadata(key, ownership string, client *firestore.Client) (interface{}, int) {

    return fireclient.NewClient(client, context.TODO(), ownership, key).AnalyzeFingersprints(GetImageDecoder())

// Pixels Value hold RGBA value
type PixelsValue struct {
    R, G, B, A uint32