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Test Coverage
// package
package piplines

//  one-way call
// libaries
import (
    //firebase ""


    vault_wraper ""
    bio ""
    info ""

// inter-variables these variables are used to complete or required during the execution state
var (
    appName *firestore.Client
    cloud   users.DBFirestore
    //Firestore_Rf      string
    Edit bio.LevenTable
    Algo info.Levenshtein

// Constants
const (
    ConfigFilename string = "htickets-cb4d0-firebase-adminsdk-orfdf-b3528d7d65.json"
    ProjectID      string = "htickets-cb4d0"

// @return client cloud db
func SetDBClientRef() *firestore.Client {
    appName = Firestore_Reference()
    return appName

// @return client cloud db
func GetDBClientRef() *firestore.Client {
    if appName == (&firestore.Client{}) {
        return (&firestore.Client{})
    return appName

// @return credentials
func SetDBCollect() users.DBFirestore {
    cloud = users.NewCloudInstance()
    return cloud

func GetDBCollect() users.DBFirestore {
    var collect users.DBFirestore
    if reflect.DeepEqual(cloud, collect) {
        return collect
    return cloud

// @return string message
func GetKeyFile() string {
    if ConfigFilename == "" {
        return ""
    return ConfigFilename

func GetProjectID() string {
    if ProjectID == "" {
        return ""
    return ProjectID

// @return bio.LevenTable
func GetEditParameters() bio.LevenTable {
    var matx bio.LevenTable
    if reflect.DeepEqual(Edit, matx) {
        return matx
    return Edit

func SetEditParameters() bio.LevenTable {
    Edit = bio.NewMatch()
    return Edit

// Run algorithm parameters
// @param probablity, percentage (float) & infectitious name
func SetBioAlgoParameters(prob float32, pattern_name string, percent float32) {

    Algo = info.Levenshtein{Probablity: prob, Name: pattern_name, Percentage: percent}

// @return info.Levenshtein
func GetBioAlgoParameters() info.Levenshtein {

    if reflect.DeepEqual((info.Levenshtein{}), Algo) {
        return info.Levenshtein{}
    return Algo

// Extractor function extract pepper from salt
// @param input and pattern string message
// @return string message
func Extractor(in, pattern string) string {

    return strings.Trim(in, pattern)

// This struct will parse hcl content
type HCLDeclaration struct {
    Weatherapi  string `hcl:"Weatherapi"`
    Channel_key string `hcl:"Channel_key"`
    Channel_id  string `hcl:"Channel_id"`
    Secret      string `hcl:"Secret"`
    Cluster_ID  string `hcl:"Cluster_ID"`
    Token_Auth  string `hcl:"Token_Auth"`

// Global Variables
var v_wrapper vault_wraper.Vault_Services

// PutKv allow to store credentials in vault
// @param hcl parser object, vault secrets path & vault client
// @return error message
func PutKV(object *HCLDeclaration, path string, client *api.Client) error {

    if reflect.DeepEqual(object, &HCLDeclaration{}) {
        return errors.Unwrap(errors.New("object field must not be empty"))

    if reflect.DeepEqual(client, &api.Client{}) {
        return errors.Unwrap(errors.New("vault client is not running in background or vault credentials had not submit yet"))

    v_wrapper = vault_wraper.NewClient(client)

    _, err := v_wrapper.SaveKeygen(vault_wraper.Keygen{
        Vault_path: path,
        Vault_record: map[string]interface{}{
            "data": map[string]interface{}{
                "Weatherapi":  object.Weatherapi,
                "Channel_key": object.Channel_key,
                "Channel_id":  object.Channel_id,
                "Secret":      object.Secret,
                "Cluster_ID":  object.Cluster_ID,

    return err

// GetKv retreive vault secrets
// @param vault path
// @return interface (any) and eror message
func GetKV(path string) (interface{}, error) {

    keygen, err := v_wrapper.GetKeygen(vault_wraper.Keygen{
        Vault_path:   path,
        Vault_record: nil,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if reflect.DeepEqual(keygen.Data["data"], map[string]interface{}{}) {
        return map[string]interface{}{}, errors.Unwrap(errors.New("secrets vault is empty"))

    return keygen.Data["data"], nil

var app *uplink.Project

func SetAppLink(project *uplink.Project) { app = project }
func GetAppLink() *uplink.Project        { return app }