Ktctl Completion
Enables autocompletion of commands and arguments for the `ktctl` tool by `Tab` key. Contains 4 sub-commands:
- bash generates Bash's autocompletion configuration
- zsh generates Zsh autocompletion configuration
- fish generates Fish's autocompletion configuration
- powershell generates PowerShell autocompletion configuration
The detailed usage is as follows:
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MacOS system:
ktctl completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/ktctl
Linux system:
ktctl completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/ktctl
Effective for all newly opened windows after the command is executed.
#### **zsh**
MacOS system:
ktctl completion zsh > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_ktctl
Linux system:
ktctl completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_ktctl"
Effective for all newly opened windows after the command is executed.
#### **fish**
Effective only for the current shell window:
ktctl completion fish | source
Take effect for all new shell windows:
ktctl completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/
#### **powershell**
Effective only for the current command line window:
ktctl completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
If you want to be valid for all windows, you need to add the text content generated by the following command to the PowerShell Profile:
ktctl completion powershell
> For details on how to use PowerShell Profiles, see [PowerShell Documentation](
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The auto-completion function of `ktctl` includes "command completion" and "parameter completion", for example, as follows (where `<tab>` is pressing the TAB key on the keyboard):
- Command completion: enter `ktctl ex<tab>`, it will be automatically completed as `ktctl exchange`
- Parameter completion: enter `ktctl connect --m<tab>`, it will be automatically completed as `ktctl connect --mode`
When there are multiple matching completion results, you can switch between the results by pressing the Tab key continuously.