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package util

import (

    fs ""
    ps ""

// TimeDifference seconds between remote and local time
var TimeDifference int64 = 0

// GetDaemonRunning fetch daemon pid if exist
func GetDaemonRunning(componentName string) int {
    files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(KtPidDir)
    for _, f := range files {
        if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name(), componentName) && strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), ".pid") {
            from := len(componentName) + 1
            to := len(f.Name()) - len(".pid")
            pid, err := strconv.Atoi(f.Name()[from:to])
            if err == nil && IsProcessExist(pid) {
                return pid
    return -1

// IsProcessExist check whether specified process still running
func IsProcessExist(pid int) bool {
    proc, err := ps.FindProcess(pid)
    if proc == nil || err != nil {
        return false
    return strings.Contains(proc.Executable(), "ktctl")

// CreateDirIfNotExist create dir
func CreateDirIfNotExist(dir string) error {
    if _, err := os.Stat(dir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        err = os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

// WritePidFile write pid to file
func WritePidFile(componentName string, ch chan os.Signal) error {
    pidFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/", KtPidDir, componentName, os.Getpid())
    if err := ioutil.WriteFile(pidFile, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", os.Getpid())), 0644); err != nil {
        return err
    go watchPidFile(pidFile, ch)
    return nil

func watchPidFile(pidFile string, ch chan os.Signal) {
    watcher, err := fs.NewWatcher()
    if err != nil {
        log.Warn().Err(err).Msgf("Failed to create pid file watcher")
    defer watcher.Close()

    if err = watcher.Add(pidFile); err != nil {
        log.Warn().Err(err).Msgf("Unable to watch pid file")

    for event := range watcher.Events {
        log.Debug().Msgf("Received event %s", event)
        if event.Op & fs.Remove == fs.Remove || event.Op & fs.Rename == fs.Rename {
            log.Info().Msgf("Pid file was removed")
            ch <-os.Interrupt

// FixFileOwner set owner to original user when run with sudo
func FixFileOwner(path string) (err error) {
    var uid int
    var gid int
    sudoUid := os.Getenv("SUDO_UID")
    if sudoUid == "" {
        uid = os.Getuid()
    } else {
        if uid, err = strconv.Atoi(sudoUid); err != nil {
            return err
    sudoGid := os.Getenv("SUDO_GID")
    if sudoGid == "" {
        gid = os.Getuid()
    } else {
        if gid, err = strconv.Atoi(sudoGid); err != nil {
            return err
    return os.Chown(path, uid, gid)

// GetTime get time with rectification
func GetTime() int64 {
    return time.Now().Unix() + TimeDifference

// GetTimestamp get current timestamp
func GetTimestamp() string {
    return strconv.FormatInt(GetTime(), 10)

// ParseTimestamp parse timestamp to unix time
func ParseTimestamp(timestamp string) int64 {
    unixTime, err := strconv.ParseInt(timestamp, 10, 64)
    if err != nil {
        return -1
    return unixTime

// FormattedTime get timestamp to print
func FormattedTime() string {
    return time.Now().Format(common.YyyyMmDdHhMmSs)

// GetLocalUserName get current username
func GetLocalUserName() string {
    sudoUser := os.Getenv("SUDO_USER")
    if sudoUser != "" {
        return sudoUser
    u, err := user.Current()
    if err != nil {
        return ""
    return u.Username

// IsCmd check running in windows cmd shell
func IsCmd() bool {
    proc, _ := ps.FindProcess(os.Getppid())
    if proc != nil && !strings.Contains(proc.Executable(), "cmd.exe") {
        return false
    return true

// IsWindows check runtime is windows
func IsWindows() bool {
    return runtime.GOOS == "windows"

// IsMacos check runtime is macos
func IsMacos() bool {
    return runtime.GOOS == "darwin"

// IsLinux check runtime is linux
func IsLinux() bool {
    return runtime.GOOS == "linux"