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import java.util.concurrent.*
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory
import java.util.function.*
import java.util.function.Function

// Runnable

 * wrap input [Runnable] to [TtlRunnable].
 * @see TtlRunnable.get
inline fun Runnable.ttlWrap(
    releaseTtlValueReferenceAfterRun: Boolean = false,
    idempotent: Boolean = false
): TtlRunnable = TtlRunnable.get(this, releaseTtlValueReferenceAfterRun, idempotent) as TtlRunnable

 * unwrap [TtlRunnable] to the original/underneath one.
 * @see TtlRunnable.ttlUnwrap
inline fun Runnable.ttlUnwrap(): Runnable = TtlRunnable.unwrap(this) as Runnable

 * wrap input [Runnable] collection to [TtlRunnable] collection.
 * @see TtlRunnable.gets
inline fun Collection<Runnable>?.ttlWrap(
    releaseTtlValueReferenceAfterRun: Boolean = false,
    idempotent: Boolean = false
): List<TtlRunnable> = TtlRunnable.gets(this, releaseTtlValueReferenceAfterRun, idempotent)

 * wrap input nullable [Runnable] collection to [TtlRunnable] collection.
 * @see TtlRunnable.gets
inline fun Collection<Runnable?>?.ttlWrap(
    releaseTtlValueReferenceAfterRun: Boolean = false,
    idempotent: Boolean = false
): List<TtlRunnable?> = TtlRunnable.gets(this, releaseTtlValueReferenceAfterRun, idempotent)

 * unwrap [TtlRunnable] to the original/underneath one for collection.
 * @see TtlRunnable.unwraps
inline fun Collection<Runnable>?.ttlUnwrap(): List<Runnable> =

 * unwrap nullable [TtlRunnable] to the original/underneath one for collection.
 * @see TtlRunnable.unwraps
inline fun Collection<Runnable?>?.ttlUnwrap(): List<Runnable?> =

// Callable

 * wrap input [Callable] to [TtlCallable].
 * @see TtlCallable.get
inline fun <V> Callable<V>.ttlWrap(
    releaseTtlValueReferenceAfterCall: Boolean = false,
    idempotent: Boolean = false
): TtlCallable<V> = TtlCallable.get(this, releaseTtlValueReferenceAfterCall, idempotent) as TtlCallable<V>

 * unwrap [TtlCallable] to the original/underneath one.
 * @see TtlCallable.ttlUnwrap
inline fun <V> Callable<V>.ttlUnwrap(): Callable<V> = TtlCallable.unwrap(this) as Callable<V>

 * wrap input [Callable] collection to [TtlCallable] collection.
 * @see TtlCallable.gets
inline fun <V> Collection<Callable<V>>?.ttlWrap(
    releaseTtlValueReferenceAfterCall: Boolean = false,
    idempotent: Boolean = false
): List<TtlCallable<V>> = TtlCallable.gets(this, releaseTtlValueReferenceAfterCall, idempotent)

 * wrap nullable input [Callable] collection to [TtlCallable] collection.
 * @see TtlCallable.gets
inline fun <V> Collection<Callable<V>?>?.ttlWrap(
    releaseTtlValueReferenceAfterCall: Boolean = false,
    idempotent: Boolean = false
): List<TtlCallable<V>?> = TtlCallable.gets(this, releaseTtlValueReferenceAfterCall, idempotent)

 * unwrap [TtlCallable] to the original/underneath one for collection.
 * @see TtlCallable.unwraps
inline fun <V> Collection<Callable<V>>?.ttlUnwrap(): List<Callable<V>> =

 * unwrap nullable [TtlCallable] to the original/underneath one for collection.
 * @see TtlCallable.unwraps
inline fun <V> Collection<Callable<V>?>?.ttlUnwrap(): List<Callable<V>?> =

// java common functional interface

 * wrap [Supplier] to TTL wrapper.
 * @see TtlWrappers.wrapSupplier
inline fun <T> Supplier<T>.ttlWrap(): Supplier<T> = TtlWrappers.wrapSupplier(this) as Supplier<T>

 * wrap [Consumer] to TTL wrapper.
 * @see TtlWrappers.wrapConsumer
inline fun <T> Consumer<T>.ttlWrap(): Consumer<T> = TtlWrappers.wrapConsumer(this) as Consumer<T>

 * wrap [BiConsumer] to TTL wrapper.
 * @see TtlWrappers.wrapBiConsumer
inline fun <T, U> BiConsumer<T, U>.ttlWrap(): BiConsumer<T, U> = TtlWrappers.wrapBiConsumer(this) as BiConsumer<T, U>

 * wrap [Function] to TTL wrapper.
 * @see TtlWrappers.wrapFunction
inline fun <T, R> Function<T, R>.ttlWrap(): Function<T, R> =
    TtlWrappers.wrapFunction(this) as Function<T, R>

 * wrap [BiFunction] to TTL wrapper.
 * @see TtlWrappers.wrapFunction
inline fun <T, U, R> BiFunction<T, U, R>.ttlWrap(): BiFunction<T, U, R> =
    TtlWrappers.wrapBiFunction(this) as BiFunction<T, U, R>

// kotlin function types

 * wrap to TTL wrapper.
fun <R> (() -> R).ttlWrap(): () -> R {
    if (this is TtlEnhanced) return this

    val captured = Transmitter.capture()

    return object : () -> R, TtlWrapper<() -> R> {
        override fun unwrap(): () -> R = this@ttlWrap

        override fun invoke(): R = ttlRun(captured) { this@ttlWrap.invoke() }

 * wrap to TTL wrapper.
fun <P1, R> ((P1) -> R).ttlWrap(): (P1) -> R {
    if (this is TtlEnhanced) return this

    val captured = Transmitter.capture()

    return object : (P1) -> R, TtlWrapper<(P1) -> R> {
        override fun unwrap(): (P1) -> R = this@ttlWrap

        override fun invoke(arg: P1): R = ttlRun(captured) { this@ttlWrap.invoke(arg) }

 * wrap to TTL wrapper.
fun <P1, P2, R> ((P1, P2) -> R).ttlWrap(): (P1, P2) -> R {
    if (this is TtlEnhanced) return this

    val captured = Transmitter.capture()

    return object : (P1, P2) -> R, TtlWrapper<(P1, P2) -> R> {
        override fun unwrap(): (P1, P2) -> R = this@ttlWrap

        override fun invoke(arg1: P1, arg2: P2): R = ttlRun(captured) { this@ttlWrap.invoke(arg1, arg2) }

 * wrap to TTL wrapper.
fun <P1, P2, P3, R> ((P1, P2, P3) -> R).ttlWrap(): (P1, P2, P3) -> R {
    if (this is TtlEnhanced) return this

    val captured = Transmitter.capture()

    return object : (P1, P2, P3) -> R, TtlWrapper<(P1, P2, P3) -> R> {
        override fun unwrap(): (P1, P2, P3) -> R = this@ttlWrap

        override fun invoke(arg1: P1, arg2: P2, arg3: P3): R =
            ttlRun(captured) { this@ttlWrap.invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3) }

 * wrap to TTL wrapper.
fun <P1, P2, P3, P4, R> ((P1, P2, P3, P4) -> R).ttlWrap(): (P1, P2, P3, P4) -> R {
    if (this is TtlEnhanced) return this

    val captured = Transmitter.capture()

    return object : (P1, P2, P3, P4) -> R, TtlWrapper<(P1, P2, P3, P4) -> R> {
        override fun unwrap(): (P1, P2, P3, P4) -> R = this@ttlWrap

        override fun invoke(arg1: P1, arg2: P2, arg3: P3, arg4: P4): R =
            ttlRun(captured) { this@ttlWrap.invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) }

// Generic unwrap/check method

 * generic unwrap method, unwrap [TtlWrapper] to the original/underneath one.
 * if input parameter is not a [TtlWrapper] just return input.
 * @see TtlWrappers.unwrap
inline fun <T> T.ttlUnwrap(): T = TtlWrappers.unwrap(this) as T

 * check the input object is a `TtlWrapper` or not.
 * @see TtlWrappers.isWrapper
inline fun <T> T.isTtlWrapper(): Boolean = TtlWrappers.isWrapper(this)

// Executor

 * wrap input [Executor] to `TtlExecutor`.
 * @see TtlExecutors.getTtlExecutor
inline fun Executor.ttlWrap(): Executor =
    TtlExecutors.getTtlExecutor(this) as Executor

 * wrap input [ExecutorService] to `TtlExecutorService`.
 * @see TtlExecutors.getTtlExecutorService
inline fun ExecutorService.ttlWrap(): ExecutorService =
    TtlExecutors.getTtlExecutorService(this) as ExecutorService

 * wrap input [ScheduledExecutorService] to `TtlScheduledExecutorService`.
 * @see TtlExecutors.getTtlScheduledExecutorService
inline fun ScheduledExecutorService.ttlWrap(): ScheduledExecutorService =
    TtlExecutors.getTtlScheduledExecutorService(this) as ScheduledExecutorService

 * check the executor is a TTL executor wrapper or not.
inline fun Executor?.isTtlExecutor(): Boolean = TtlExecutors.isTtlExecutor(this)

 * unwrap `TtlExecutor` to the original/underneath one.
 * @see TtlExecutors.unwrapTtlExecutor
inline fun <E : Executor> E.ttlUnwrap(): E = TtlExecutors.unwrapTtlExecutor(this) as E

// Thread Factory

 * wrapper of [ThreadFactory], disable inheritable.
 * @see TtlExecutors.getDisableInheritableThreadFactory
inline fun ThreadFactory.ttlWrapToDisableInheritableThreadFactory(): ThreadFactory =
    TtlExecutors.getDisableInheritableThreadFactory(this) as ThreadFactory

 * wrapper of [Executors.defaultThreadFactory], disable inheritable.
 * @see TtlExecutors.getDefaultDisableInheritableThreadFactory
inline fun getDefaultDisableInheritableThreadFactory(): ThreadFactory =

 * check the [ThreadFactory] is `DisableInheritableThreadFactory` or not.
 * @see TtlExecutors.isDisableInheritableThreadFactory
inline fun ThreadFactory?.isDisableInheritableThreadFactory(): Boolean =

 * unwrap `DisableInheritableThreadFactory` to the original/underneath one.
 * @see TtlExecutors.unwrapDisableInheritableThreadFactory
inline fun ThreadFactory.ttlUnwrapDisableInheritableThreadFactory(): ThreadFactory =
    TtlExecutors.unwrapDisableInheritableThreadFactory(this) as ThreadFactory

 * wrapper of [ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory], disable inheritable.
 * @see TtlExecutors.getDisableInheritableForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory
inline fun ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.ttlWrapToDisableInheritableForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory(): ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory =
    TtlExecutors.getDisableInheritableForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory(this) as ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory

 * wrapper of [ForkJoinPool.defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory], disable inheritable.
 * @see TtlExecutors.getDefaultDisableInheritableForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory
inline fun getDefaultDisableInheritableForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory(): ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory =

 * check the [ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory] is `DisableInheritableForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory` or not.
 * @see TtlExecutors.isDisableInheritableForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory
inline fun ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory?.isDisableInheritableForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory(): Boolean =

 * unwrap `DisableInheritableForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory` to the original/underneath one.
 * @see TtlExecutors.unwrapDisableInheritableForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory
inline fun ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.ttlUnwrapDisableInheritableForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory(): ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory =
    TtlExecutors.unwrapDisableInheritableForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory(this) as ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory

// Comparator

 * wrapper of `Comparator<Runnable>` which unwrap [TtlRunnable] before compare,
 * aka `TtlRunnableUnwrapComparator`.
 * @see TtlExecutors.getTtlRunnableUnwrapComparator
inline fun Comparator<Runnable>.ttlWrapToTtlRunnableUnwrapComparator() =
    TtlExecutors.getTtlRunnableUnwrapComparator(this) as Comparator<Runnable>

 * `TtlRunnableUnwrapComparator` that compares {@link Comparable Comparable} objects.
 * @see TtlExecutors.getTtlRunnableUnwrapComparatorForComparableRunnable
inline fun getTtlRunnableUnwrapComparatorForComparableRunnable(): Comparator<Runnable> =

 * check the `Comparator<Runnable>` is a wrapper `TtlRunnableUnwrapComparator` or not.
 * @see TtlExecutors.isTtlRunnableUnwrapComparator
inline fun Comparator<Runnable>?.isTtlRunnableUnwrapComparator(): Boolean =

 * unwrap `TtlRunnableUnwrapComparator` to the original/underneath `Comparator<Runnable>`.
 * @see TtlExecutors.unwrapTtlRunnableUnwrapComparator
inline fun Comparator<Runnable>.ttlUnwrapTtlRunnableUnwrapComparator(): Comparator<Runnable> =
    TtlExecutors.unwrapTtlRunnableUnwrapComparator(this) as Comparator<Runnable>