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<%= title 'Data-Doc Example 1' %>

<% set_connection adapter: 'sqlite3', database: './examples/example1.db' 

   store 'features' do
     string 'description'
     string 'implemented'
   features description: 'Main document is Markdown for convenient content authoring.', implemented: 'Yes'
   features description: 'Builds up data in relational database, facilitating review and analysis.', implemented: 'Yes'
   features description: 'Generates HTML from Markdown.', implemented: 'Yes'
   features description: 'Provides fine-grained control over the HTML headers, including CSS, for the output.', implemented: 'Yes'
   features description: 'Simple DSL for capturing structured data.', implemented: 'Yes'
   features description: 'Simple DSL for querying data stores and laying out in tables.', implemented: 'Yes'
   features description: 'Command line interface', implemented: 'Yes'
   features description: 'Simple web-page interface using sinatra', implemented: 'No'

# Introduction

This is a simple example of input for the ruby gem *data_doc*.

# Description

Complex documents can be challenging to author, and time-consuming to achieve 
high levels of internal consistency. This gem offers a Domain Specific Language 
to embed structured data in a markdown document and then render it into 
configurable tables. 

*Note: Check security implications*

# Features

<%= present features.project('description').where(features[:implemented].eq('Yes')) do
      caption 'Features of data_doc'
    end %>

# Todo

<%= present features.project('description').where(features[:implemented].eq('No')) do
      caption 'Pending features of data_doc'
    end %>
    meta author: "Alister Lee"