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package com.enterprisepasswordsafe.database;

import com.enterprisepasswordsafe.database.derived.AbstractUserSummary;
import com.enterprisepasswordsafe.engine.accesscontrol.PasswordPermission;
import com.enterprisepasswordsafe.engine.nodes.GroupNodeDefaultPermission;
import com.enterprisepasswordsafe.engine.nodes.UserNodeDefaultPermission;

import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Map;

public class HierarchyNodePermissionDAO
    extends JDBCBase {

     * The SQL statement to get the nodes representing a specific access controlled object.

    private static final String GET_DEFAULT_PASSWORD_PERMISSIONS_FOR_NODE =
            "SELECT type, actor_id, permission"
                    + "  FROM hierarchy_password_defaults "
                    + " WHERE node_id = ? ";

     * The SQL statement to get the nodes representing a specific access controlled object.

    private static final String DELETE_PASSWORD_DEFAULTS_FOR_NODE =
            "DELETE FROM hierarchy_password_defaults WHERE node_id = ? ";

     * The SQL statement to get the nodes representing a specific access controlled object.

    private static final String SET_PASSWORD_DEFAULTS_FOR_NODE =
            "INSERT INTO hierarchy_password_defaults(node_id, type, actor_id, permission) "+
                    "                                VALUES  (      ?,    ?,        ?,          ?) ";

     * The SQL to get the user summary for a search

    private static final String GET_PERMISSION_SUMMARY_FOR_USER =
            "SELECT   hpd.permission FROM hierarchy_password_defaults hpd"
         + " WHERE hpd.actor_id = ? AND hpd.node_id = ? AND hpd.type = 'u'";

     * The SQL to get the user summary for a search

    private static final String GET_PERMISSION_SUMMARY_FOR_GROUP =
            "SELECT hpd.permission FROM hierarchy_password_defaults hpd"
            + " WHERE hpd.actor_id = ? AND hpd.node_id = ? AND hpd.type = 'g'";

    private final HierarchyNodeDAO hierarchyNodeDAO;

    public HierarchyNodePermissionDAO() {
        hierarchyNodeDAO = HierarchyNodeDAO.getInstance();

     * Gets the default password permissions for a hierarchy node.
     * @param nodeId The ID of the node
     * @param userPermMap The map of user permissions.
     * @param groupPermMap The map of group permissions.
     * @throws SQLException Thrown if there is a problem accessing the database.
     * @throws GeneralSecurityException Thrown if there is a problem accessing the data.

    public void getDefaultPermissionsForNode(final String nodeId,
                                             final Map<String, PasswordPermission> userPermMap,
                                             final Map<String, PasswordPermission> groupPermMap)
            throws SQLException, GeneralSecurityException {
        if( nodeId == null )

        try(PreparedStatement ps = BOMFactory.getCurrentConntection().prepareStatement(GET_DEFAULT_PASSWORD_PERMISSIONS_FOR_NODE)) {
            ps.setString(1, nodeId);
            try(ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
                while ( {
                    String type = rs.getString(1);
                    String actorId = rs.getString(2);
                    PasswordPermission permission = PasswordPermission.fromRepresentation(rs.getString(3));
                    if            ( type.equals("g") ) {
                        groupPermMap.put(actorId, permission);
                    } else if    ( type.equals("u") ) {
                        userPermMap.put(actorId, permission);
                    } else {
                        throw new GeneralSecurityException("Unknown password permission default "+type);

     * Get the default permissions for a user for a node.
     * @param user The user to get the permissions for.
     * @param nodeId The ID of the node to get the permissions for.
     * @return The default permission for the user.
     * @throws SQLException Thrown if there is a problem accessing the database.

    public UserNodeDefaultPermission getDefaultPermissionForUser(final AbstractUserSummary user, String nodeId)
            throws SQLException {
        synchronized( this ) {
            try(PreparedStatement ps = BOMFactory.getCurrentConntection().prepareStatement(GET_PERMISSION_SUMMARY_FOR_USER)) {
                ps.setString(1, user.getId());
                ps.setString(2, nodeId);
                try(ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
                    if( {
                        return new UserNodeDefaultPermission(user, rs.getString(1));

                    return new UserNodeDefaultPermission(user, "0");

     * Get the permission summary for a specific group
     * @param group The group to get the permission summary for
     * @return The permission summary.
     * @throws SQLException
     *             Thrown if there is a problem accessing the database.

    public GroupNodeDefaultPermission getDefaultPermissionForGroup(final Group group, String nodeId)
            throws SQLException {
        synchronized( this ) {
            try(PreparedStatement ps = BOMFactory.getCurrentConntection().prepareStatement(GET_PERMISSION_SUMMARY_FOR_GROUP)) {
                ps.setString(1, group.getId());
                ps.setString(2, nodeId);
                try(ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
                    return ? new GroupNodeDefaultPermission(group, rs.getString(1)) :
                                        new GroupNodeDefaultPermission(group, "0");

     * Gets the default password permissions for a hierarhcy node.
     * @param nodeId The ID of the node
     * @param userPermMap The map of user permissions.
     * @param groupPermMap The map of group permissions.
     * @throws SQLException Thrown if there is a problem accessing the database.
     * @throws GeneralSecurityException Thrown if there is a problem accessing the data.

    public void getDefaultPermissionsForNodeIncludingInherited(final String nodeId,
                                                               final Map<String,PasswordPermission> userPermMap,
                                                               final Map<String,PasswordPermission> groupPermMap)
            throws SQLException, GeneralSecurityException {
        if( nodeId == null )
        try(PreparedStatement ps = BOMFactory.getCurrentConntection().prepareStatement(GET_DEFAULT_PASSWORD_PERMISSIONS_FOR_NODE)) {
            String currentNodeId =  nodeId;
            while( currentNodeId != null ) {
                HierarchyNode currentNode =  hierarchyNodeDAO.getById(currentNodeId);
                ps.setString(1, currentNodeId);
                try(ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
                    while ( {
                        int idx = 1;
                        String type = rs.getString(idx++);
                        String actorId = rs.getString(idx++);
                        PasswordPermission permission = PasswordPermission.fromRepresentation(rs.getString(idx));
                        if            ( type.equals("g") ) {
                            PasswordPermission oldValue = groupPermMap.get(actorId);
                            if( oldValue == null && permission != PasswordPermission.NONE) {
                                groupPermMap.put(actorId, permission);
                        } else if    ( type.equals("u") ) {
                            PasswordPermission oldValue = userPermMap.get(actorId);
                            if( oldValue == null && permission != PasswordPermission.NONE) {
                                userPermMap.put(actorId, permission);
                        } else {
                            throw new GeneralSecurityException("Unknown password permission default "+type);

                currentNodeId = currentNode.getParentId();

     * Sets the default password permissions for a hierarchy node.
     * @param nodeId The ID of the node
     * @param userPermMap The map of user permissions.
     * @param groupPermMap The map of group permissions.
     * @throws SQLException Thrown if there is a problem accessing the database.

    public void setDefaultPermissionsForNode(final String nodeId,
                                             final Map<String,PasswordPermission> userPermMap,
                                             final Map<String,PasswordPermission> groupPermMap)
            throws SQLException {
        runResultlessParameterisedSQL(DELETE_PASSWORD_DEFAULTS_FOR_NODE, nodeId);

        try(PreparedStatement ps = BOMFactory.getCurrentConntection().prepareStatement(SET_PASSWORD_DEFAULTS_FOR_NODE)) {
            ps.setString(1, nodeId);
            ps.setString(2, "u");
            setDefaultPermissions(ps, userPermMap);
            ps.setString(2, "g");
            setDefaultPermissions(ps, groupPermMap);

     * Sets the default password permissions of a specific type for a hierarhcy node.
     * @param ps The prepared statement used to add the data.
     * @param map The map of permissions to add.
     * @throws SQLException Thrown if there is a problem accessing the database.

    private void setDefaultPermissions( PreparedStatement ps, Map<String,PasswordPermission> map)
            throws SQLException {
        int addCounter = 0;

        for(Map.Entry<String, PasswordPermission> thisEntry : map.entrySet()) {
            ps.setString(3, thisEntry.getKey());
            ps.setString(4, thisEntry.getValue().toString());

            if( addCounter == 100 ) {
                addCounter = 0;
        if( addCounter != 0 ) {

     * Gets the combined permissions for a node inheriting all the permissions from
     * super nodes.
     * @param nodeId The ID of the node
     * @throws SQLException Thrown if there is a problem accessing the database.
     * @throws GeneralSecurityException Thrown if there is a problem accessing the data.

    public void getCombinedDefaultPermissionsForNode(final String nodeId,
                                                     final Map<String, PasswordPermission> userPermMap,
                                                     final Map<String, PasswordPermission> groupPermMap)
            throws SQLException, GeneralSecurityException {
        if( nodeId != null ) {
            HierarchyNode thisNode = hierarchyNodeDAO.getById(nodeId);
            getCombinedDefaultPermissionsForNode(thisNode.getParentId(), userPermMap, groupPermMap);

        getDefaultPermissionsForNode(nodeId, userPermMap, groupPermMap);