Feature: The system has environmental variables set it depends on to do things
In order to insure that the systems services will run
The system should check if environmental variables are set
Scenario: The system needs local environmental variables in order to run
Given a system has an environmental variable set called ARC_APP_NAME
And a system has an environmental variable set called ARC_API_KEY
And a system has an environmental variable set called ARC_PIVOTAL_TOKEN
And a system has an environmental variable set called ARC_PIVOTAL_PROJECT
And a system has an environmental variable set called ARC_GITHUB_REPO
And a system has an environmental variable set called ARC_GITHUB_WIKI
And a system has an environmental variable set called ARC_TRAVIS_BADGE_URL
And a system has an environmental variable set called ARC_TRAVIS_BADGE_IMG_URL
And a system has an environmental variable set called ARC_CODECLIMATE_BADGE_URL
And a system has an environmental variable set called ARC_CODECLIMATE_BADGE_IMG_URL
And a system has an environmental variable set called ARC_CODECLIMATE_COVERAGE_BADGE_URL
And a system has an environmental variable set called ARC_CODECLIMATE_COVERAGE_BADGE_IMG_URL