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Test Coverage
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.

## [4.7.2]( (2024-03-07)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-react:** correct typo in jest config ([f5fd5aa](

## [4.7.1]( (2024-03-06)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-react:** ensure tsx files are transformed before testing ([105f56d](

### ⚙️ Continuous Integrations

* update github actions specification ([e1ff3d8](

# [4.7.0]( (2024-02-27)

### ✨ Features

* **preset-esm:** enable typescript incremental build ([7e1d9af](

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-esm:** explicit reference the base tsconfig file ([5a72ff8](
* **preset-esm:** replace fixed source path in ([36cc3e7](
* **preset-esm:** separate relative and internal import paths ([35331e3](
* **preset-rollup:** update rollup to v4 ([cb01f6b](
* **preset-strict:** remove header rule ([4a56d6c](

# [4.6.0]( (2024-01-22)

### ✨ Features

* **preset-esm:** update gitignore for better coverage ([cd691a6](
* **presetter:** use hardlink if possible ([2189d72](

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-esm:** include generated source and bin ([67ac8bc](
* **preset-esm:** leave comments on the compiled file for clarity ([756dd2c](
* **presetter:** ignore .presetter folder ([bca2083](

# [4.5.0]( (2024-01-04)

### ✨ Features

* **preset-esm:** add build steps for artifact creation ([ba270fe](
* **preset-esm:** add source map to .d.ts files ([ba20774](
* **preset-esm:** add support to typescript's project reference ([7610425](

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preser-esm:** ignore error from husky ([feff15f](
* **preset-esm:** add generated source to jest's resolve map ([4c0fb93](
* **preset-esm:** allow short circuit and ternary operations ([463ae6f](
* **preset-esm:** group types from node:<lib> ([cdb4806](
* **preset-esm:** update tsx to v4 ([f11cb3d](
* **presetter:** move generated config to .presetter ([063e53a](

## [4.4.2]( (2023-10-27)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-esm:** map # to source root ([f452aa8](
* **preset-esm:** prepend any NODE_OPTIONS to jest ([695e624](
* **presetter:** ignore any {unknown} variable in template script ([3a6f54a](

### ⚙️ Continuous Integrations

* release with provenance statements ([f85e58a](

## [4.4.1]( (2023-10-06)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-esm:** resolve paths from anywhere ([5cad767](

# [4.4.0]( (2023-10-03)

### ✨ Features

* **preset-esm:** add a shortcut path for generated content ([43cab95](
* **preset-esm:** gitignore any dynamically generated content ([b2bc235](

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-esm:** resolve path under root directoy ([7648af5](

## [4.3.1]( (2023-10-03)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-esm:** cover more import order cases ([9a5b574](
* **preset-esm:** update target for node 18 LTS ([d754890](, closes [/](

# [4.3.0]( (2023-09-20)

### ✨ Features

* **preset-esm:** upgrade [@typescript-eslint]( to v6 ([cd12de0](

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-esm:** correct type imports order ([6f8fa98](
* **preset-strict:** remove redundant thresholds ([45b0521](

### 💎 Styles

* remove redundant types ([07f8375](

# [4.2.0]( (2023-09-13)

### ✨ Features

* **preset-esm:** support official decorators ([1980d8d](

### 📦 Code Refactoring

* **preset-esm:** enable multiple husky setups ([99b4807](

## [4.1.2]( (2023-07-26)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **presetter:** ignore empty command ([77344b3](

## [4.1.1]( (2023-07-14)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **presetter:** capture all extra arguments after -- ([fe96954](

# [4.1.0]( (2023-07-13)

### ✨ Features

* **preset-esm:** make bootstrap part of the setup procedure ([313c0d1](

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-react:** remove monorepo incompatible jest configuration ([c554eb2](

## [4.0.1]( (2023-06-21)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-esm:** make staging file path after -- ([62ae558](

# [4.0.0]( (2023-06-18)

### ✨ Features

* convert the whole project into ESM ([381c84f](
* drop support for node 12, 14 ([ee5c261](
* **preset-essentials:** make build-in modules imported first ([aa2aedd](
* **preset-essentials:** update jest and ts-jest to v29 ([b0f215b](
* **presetter:** add a force flag to the CLI ([b065fa6](
* **presetter:** load presetterrc.json recursively ([c6b3eb2](
* **presetter:** load presetterrc.json recursively ([4725620](
* **presetter:** run tasks without a temporary package.json ([6c404b3](
* **types:** separate types from presetter ([4ff3626](

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-esm:** remove unnecessary jest configs ([c1b2ee5](
* **preset-esm:** run parent tasks only when they are available ([1f0b1db](
* **preset-essentials:** ensure the exact path is also searched ([ca08946](
* **preset-react:** remove react exclusion from rollup ([8f1d565](
* **preset-rollup:** inject NODE_ENV for build and develop stages ([b09ade5](
* **preset-rollup:** make the rollup preset compatible with ESM ([86154b8](
* **presetter:** add primitive types that allow undefined values ([915cf07](
* **presetter:** avoid infinite script running loop ([99d5a58](
* **presetter:** correct the wording for `use` ([ee32c69](
* **presetter:** import preset's entry file instead of directory ([de6b818](
* **presetter:** remove all insecure lodash usages ([92b6f5b](
* **presetter:** stop any generated text templates being merged ([449a41d](
* **presetter:** update [@npm]( packages ([2110af0](
* **presetter:** update existing symlinks upon bootstraping ([03b928f](
* **presetter:** update existing symlinks upon bootstraping ([ace88a8](
* update outdated packages ([bbaf33f](

### 🛠 Builds

* **presetter:** fix the coverage command to accept extra agruments ([5be8431](
* release with provenance statements ([f1a58fc](

### 📦 Code Refactoring

* **preset-rollup:** normalize config in functional way ([f6b3815](

### ♻️ Chores

* allow tests can be done individually ([b86f6ee](
* make essential presets available before presetter ([9feb4ac](
* setup jest for this monorepo ([26dbe54](
* use pnpm for workspace management ([358d0d7](

### 💎 Styles

* make any node build-in modules explicitly imported first ([90730f2](

### Breaking changes

* - by default, client project emit ESM and for clarity preset-essentials has been renamed to preset-esm
- ts-node is removed in favor of a more powerful and less buggy tsx
* Node 12 and 14 are no longer supported as they have approached EOF

## [3.5.5]( (2023-03-31)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-esm:** correct the configuration format for jest ([14abda7](

## [3.5.4]( (2023-03-30)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-esm:** make jest work under pure esm environment ([c443952](
* **preset-essentials:** check type in test files ([3bc1982](

## [3.5.3]( (2023-03-26)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **presetter:** make it compatible with other package managers ([4bc27a9](

### 🛠 Builds

* **preset-strict:** remove source files from the final build ([8e99425](

## [3.5.2]( (2023-03-26)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **presetter:** restore package.json upon SIGTERM ([33b8c51](

## [3.5.1]( (2023-03-18)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-essentials:** remove deprecated typescript configs ([0dc6cf7](

# [3.5.0]( (2022-09-23)

### ✨ Features

* **presetter:** take .presetterrc from any of the parent node ([723c139](

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-react:** increase the line limit of a react comonpent ([1ea89a2](

### 🛠 Builds

* move .presetterrc to the root ([0eb17a0](

### 📦 Code Refactoring

* **presetter:** remove dependency on fs-extra ([8810c56](
* **rollup:** remove unnecessary async waits ([9d9c4c3](

### ⚙️ Continuous Integrations

* update github actions files ([555c854](

## [3.4.1]( (2022-08-10)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-esm:** correct filenames in source maps ([7867971](
* **preset-essentials:** correct test files' path pattern ([1746203](
* **preset-react:** correct test files' path pattern ([a1c37ea](
* **preset-web:** remove graphql to avoid conflict between packages ([d12a3f8](
* **presetter:** make new keys merged in the end of an object ([9832af0](
* **presetter:** merge arrays only if the values are all primitive ([961f30c](
* update packages ([ec8307d](

### 📦 Code Refactoring

* **presetter:** move mergeTemplate to template.ts ([9e46132](

# [3.4.0]( (2022-08-02)

### ✨ Features

* **presetter:** add a template merge mode options ([df847a8](

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **presetter:** resolve presets as a tree not a list ([0db5ff3](
* **presetter:** skip installation within presetter package ([2a973af](

# [3.3.0]( (2022-07-12)

### ✨ Features

* **presetter:** support scripts to be applied at the end ([d3ec950](
* support dual commonjs/esm exports ([a8c3ca1](

### 📚 Documentation

* update dependencies badges ([94c084d](

# [3.2.0]( (2022-05-18)

### ✨ Features

* **preset-essentials:** remove babel in favorite of tsc ([dd62e01](

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-essentials:** add husky to the build toolset ([2a24fa9](
* **preset-essentials:** allow type indexes ([c735879](
* **preset-essentials:** mark # as an internal path prefix ([e0feb56](
* **preset-react:** allow react components to be bulkier ([091b305](
* **preset-react:** mark testing-library rules as provided ([3446e25](

### 📦 Code Refactoring

* use American English ([17315b7](

### ♻️ Chores

* update package dependencies ([4e50e0d](

## [3.1.1]( (2021-12-29)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-web:** update eslint-plugin-tailwindcss to v3 ([e9adbc0](

# [3.1.0]( (2021-12-28)

### ✨ Features

* **preset-essentials:** add dotenv to the build toolset ([2e5ceb3](
* **preset-react:** add testing library to the build toolset ([c7a9b78](
* **preset-react:** use react-jsx transform for React v17+ ([4d2b688](
* **preset-web:** add testing library to the build toolset ([1dae1c2](
* **presetter/package:** support private registry ([c4eed24](
* **presetter/preset:** support supplementary ignores from presets ([58cbd64](

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-react:** add back the missing DOM.Iterable to tsconfig.json ([533d24d](
* **preset-web:** update tailwindcss to v3 ([ce9f102](
* **preset/lint:** update eslint to v8 ([f8cfa4d](
* **preset:** lint code before committing ([e7219b2](

### 💎 Styles

* **preset-react:** remove the unnecessary quotation mark ([40caccf](
* **presetter:** reorder types definitions for clarity ([d7b54eb](

## [3.0.3]( (2021-11-03)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **presetter:** disable workspace for npm<7 environment ([fbdaabf](

## [3.0.2]( (2021-11-03)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **presetter:** declare the usage of read-pkg for npm<7 environment ([fcd8022](

## [3.0.1]( (2021-10-14)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset-essentials/lint:** run prettier at the end ([b8faeb5](
* **preset-essentials:** warn for unused variables instead ([3b9dca5](
* **preset-strict:** correct the template paths for bootstrapping ([f71bf8f](
* **preset-web:** correct the eslint supplementary config template ([1e11abf](
* **preset:** add back the missing gitignore entries ([70ac386](
* **presetter/preset:** don't read .presetterrc under `presetter use` ([8b49b8b](, closes [#8](
* **presetter/preset:** ensure outputs are stored under the target ([c638944](

### 📚 Documentation

* use full package name to improve clarity ([d9414bd](, closes [#8](

# [3.0.0]( (2021-10-04)

### ✨ Features

* **prefix/lint:** ensure that `import type` is always used ([1c2b76f](
* **preset-react:** provide a preset for a react project ([a9577e2](
* **preset-rollup:** provide a preset for code bundling via rollup ([b0704b0](
* **preset-strict:** extends preset-essentials for a stricter rules ([d7a73f8](
* **preset-web:** provide a preset for a web project ([4f6c033](
* **preset/build:** add babel node to the build toolset ([cc830bd](
* **preset/build:** add babel-plugin-module-resolver custom paths ([d9b5ff6](
* **preset/build:** add cross-env into the build toolset ([2f119c1](
* **preset/lint:** add rules for import/export statements ([17cbe1b](
* **preset/lint:** require file header with a summary ([ab793f4](
* **preset/lint:** update eslint-plugin-sonarjs to v0.10 ([b84f89d](
* **preset/lint:** update prettier to v2.4 ([70a3b61](
* **preset/lint:** use husky and lint-staged for quick precommit QA ([3c7e04f](
* **preset/test:** update jest to v27 ([85bde44](
* **preset:** allow users to add additional scripts ([8409840](
* **preset:** allow users to ignore certain template configs ([f0a7947](
* **preset:** export types and utilities ([0a2a7a3](
* **preset:** modularise preset helpers ([9b9bef6](
* **preset:** provide a .gitignore template again ([356fae1](
* **presetter/cli:** support multiple presets initialisation ([6e6fd71](
* **presetter/preset:** show progress for `presetter use` ([efe939b](
* **presetter:** add .presetterrc a .json extension by default ([61c0aad](
* **presetter:** add a loader for potentially dynamic content ([c17abc2](
* **presetter:** allow preset to further extends other presets ([6eacf2f](
* **presetter:** allow preset to supply supplementary config ([d4d85af](
* **presetter:** export types for other presets ([c6d326d](
* **presetter:** make target information available to preset ([090c341](
* **presetter:** provider helpers for parsing directives in config ([b3ee728](
* **presetter:** support dynamic symlinks creation ([158a8ad](
* **presetter:** use arborist for installing peer dependences ([50ec8ae](
* **preset:** use target's package name as part of the output path ([2eaea0a](
* simplify preset with common features moved to presetter ([044a132](

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset/build:** exclude node_modules at all levels ([af17788](
* **preset/build:** explicitly declare loose mode to ignore warnings ([b3fa0b4](
* **preset:** allow file path(s) to be specified to the lint script ([1dc69da](
* **preset:** ensure that an object in a list is correctly merged ([46555e4](
* **preset:** remove .gitignore as symlink is removed since git 2.32 ([3d4098b](
* **preset:** replace target value as long as the value is defined ([0fdb597](
* **presetter:** allow config files to be placed other than the root ([4153314](
* **presetter:** detect preset name reliably ([44d586b](
* **presetter:** ensure all packages are there before bootstrapping ([c6ad0f0](
* **presetter:** ensure that a list is attached uniquely ([7091053](
* **presetter:** make runner resolution reliable ([b7a529c](
* **presetter:** merge any new presets to the existing .presetterrc ([33b9d99](
* **presetter:** narrow types in directive's argument ([c6de804](
* **presetter:** use the latest .presetterrc after setting it up ([2820e21](
* **presetter:** warn for any invalid shell scripts ([6f083e7](

### 🛠 Builds

* fully replace lerna with npm workspace ([343ee59](
* use presetter-preset-strict wherever possible ([4ff72a1](

### 📦 Code Refactoring

* **preset/lint:** reorder rules with plugin first ([c4840b5](
* **preset:** abstract away pupa from resolving the template ([5b572e6](
* **preset:** allow flexible template loading ([356c857](
* **preset:** relax rules to make it just an essential set ([74b5bd8](
* **preset:** take the default out from the main function ([237a1e4](
* **presetter:** pass an empty config by default ([d6a5d71](
* rename presetter-preset to presetter-preset-essentials ([b799587](

### 📚 Documentation

* describe how a preset can be made ([4735d54](
* enrich README ([8509f41](
* update status on eslint-plugin-sonarjs ([0a43ed8](

### 🚨 Tests

* **preset:** make sure all templates are used ([50b6644](

### ⚙️ Continuous Integrations

* reduce the complexity of style and coverage checks ([2df3587](

### ♻️ Chores

* clean up unused configurations ([866c5ac](
* **presetter:** adopt .json extension for presetterrc ([b48edbd](

### 💎 Styles

* clean up the code with better naming and order ([bc17738](
* **preset:** remove unused function documentation ([87a54c4](
* **presetter/script:** fix a typo in the test ([ff3190d](
* **presetter:** reformat the messages for consistency ([7c0f876](

### Breaking changes

* Now, presets only need to report the absolute paths of their
template files. All configuration generation is now performed by presetter. Due
to this change, multiple presets is now supported in a mix and match fashion.
* **preset:** Previously buildJSONConfig and buildListConfig assume that
templates are bundled with presetter-preset if the base path is not specified.
Now, the base path must be explicitly specified so that they can be more readily
reused by other presets.
* **presetter:** Now, presets will take the end project name and config as
the agrument instead of just the config.

# [2.1.0]( (2021-07-04)

### ✨ Features

* **preset/script:** add a script for continuous build ([986556b](
* **preset:** always use the latest version of [@types]( ([eb3bd19](
* **preset:** update linting related packages ([14f5c38](
* **preset:** update ts-node to v10 ([3d67fac](

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset/build:** explicitly declare loose mode to ignore warnings ([e56308f](
* **presetter:** update fs-extra to v10 ([b5cacf4](
* **preset:** update fs-extra to v10 ([33ab272](
* **preset:** update js-yaml to v4 ([3ea456a](
* upgrade tsc-alias and others to fix the corrupted build ([ace317c](

### 🛠 Builds

* restrict update to package-lock on the root only ([c425f96](

### 📚 Documentation

* add back the missing commit types ([fa6643d](
* give a facelift to the packages' READMEs ([4d4de5f](
* remove $ from the install examples for easier copy ([884a084](
* remove duplicated log entries ([b137e22](
* update the development environment requirement ([a2b8c38](

### ♻️ Chores

* update dependencies' version specifiers ([8c018f1](
* update the minimum node requirement ([fe7ac60](

# [2.0.0]( (2021-06-23)

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* make git ignore artifacts again for git>=2.32 ([9f14500](

### 📦 Code Refactoring

* **presetter:** update yargs to v17 ([5e65a8c](

### ⚙️ Continuous Integrations

* extends tests to node 15 & 16 ([0942ae7](
* rename workflows for better clarity ([9f66fed](

### ♻️ Chores

* use npm workspace for development ([c5e2547](

### 💎 Styles

* **presetter:** reformat the code by prettier ([3ae4e23](

### Breaking changes

* **presetter:** drop support on node 10 due to yargs 17

# [1.3.0]( (2021-05-20)

### ✨ Features

* **preset:** always use the latest version of typescript ([96d9bc2](
* **preset:** upgrade ts-node-dev to v1 ([66eb2a0](

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* release via a NPM automation token ([55f8887](

# [1.2.0]( (2021-05-11)

### ✨ Features

* **preset/lint:** re-enable sonar with npm v7 support ([5e8a448](
* **preset/release:** update standard-version to v9 ([093bade](
* **preset/ts:** upgrade typescript to 4.x ([b7a5fac](

### ⚙️ Continuous Integrations

* correct the job name for code test ([8ea5115](

### ♻️ Chores

* update dependencies ([2c08593](
* update lerna to v4 ([fdbc03a](
* **preset:** update dependencies ([b05c3ee](
* **preset:** update package-lock.json to v2 ([777a83a](
* **presetter:** update dependencies ([04c115a](

# [1.1.0]( (2020-12-31)

### ✨ Features

* **preset/script:** update changelog preset from angular to metahub ([08aa456](
* **preset/test:** make jest to display heap usage after each test ([b884914](
* **preset/test:** update ts-jest to v27 ([66954a9](
* **preset/ts:** update ts-node to v9.x ([b449432](
* **preset/ts:** update typescript to v4.1 ([ad2ae23](
* **presetter:** remove node engine restriction to support node 15+ ([02042fd](
* **presetter:** support npm v7 ([3ff5d08](
* **presetter/preset:** set the default preset to presetter-preset ([13380ad](
* **presetter/preset:** support json configuration file extension ([f93f593](

### 🐛 Bug Fixes

* **preset:** disable sonar temporarily for npm v7 support ([933102b](
* **preset/script:** make sure prettier only takes those supported ([c516a29](
* **presetter:** convert potential numeric input into string ([5ec80ec](
* **presetter/preset:** correct test description ([aae6c5d](
* **presetter/preset:** replaced the depreciated prepublish script ([dd5ac38](

### 🛠 Builds

* **preset:** skip test on install ([1f2b12b](

### 📦 Code Refactoring

* **preset:** reduce the complexity of the preset configurator ([1b19fa4](
* **preset:** simplify default options ([5500585](
* **presetter:** apply a stricter type check ([6f581a0](
* **presetter:** simplify default options ([f8fad12](
* **presetter/task:** combine several typeguard helpers into one ([b83d7bf](

### 📚 Documentation

* **preset:** update the file structure ([5b6a7d8](
* **presetter:** update the example for life cycle scripts ([ef8439a](

### 🚨 Tests

* **presetter:** change example paths for testing under windows ([4c68423](

### ⚙️ Continuous Integrations

* split test and code style check ([46b6c6b](
* update setup-node to v2 ([834ab51](

### ♻️ Chores

* **preset:** add keywords to package.json ([408a9bc](
* **presetter:** add keywords to package.json ([12b07f2](
* **presetter:** update dependency ([8dd8813](
* clear up package dependency declaration ([df01ab5](
* make sure the root version get updated with lerna version ([b5695b0](
* replace the changelog preset to metahub ([8da3c08](

### 💎 Styles

* **preset/script:** remove unused scripts ([71c533d](
* **presetter:** cleanup the code ([ec581b4](
* **presetter:** enhance the readability of test description ([9457c93](

<a name="1.0.5"></a>
## [1.0.5]( (2020-10-22)

### :bug: Bug Fixes

* **preset/script:** allow prettier to pass when there is no match ([efa76a6](
* **preset/script:** make release and publish using the right scripts ([93d7995](

### :package: Code Refactoring

* **preset/script:** remove an extra space ([025835a](

### :sparkles: Features

* **preset/lint:** drop the doc requirement on the obvious ([df74c0f](

<a name="1.0.4"></a>
## [1.0.4]( (2020-10-04)

### :sparkles: Features

* **preset/babel:** enable babel to emit decorator metadata like tsc ([8f8f3e5](

<a name="1.0.3"></a>
## [1.0.3]( (2020-09-30)

### :sparkles: Features

* **preset:** update development tools ([7426120](
* **preset/script:** skip coverage and lint upon npm install ([02c809d](

<a name="1.0.2"></a>
## [1.0.2]( (2020-08-14)

### :bug: Bug Fixes

* **presetter:** preserve client's package.json order upon initialisation ([7ca037b](
* suggest to use prepublish instead of postinstall ([80740d5](

### :package: Code Refactoring

* **presetter:** remove an unused field ([002c070](
* **presetter:** remove unused imports ([303842c](

<a name="1.0.1"></a>
## [1.0.1]( (2020-07-16)

### :bug: Bug Fixes

* **presetter/cli:** make the CLI compatible on Linux ([3b2c4c0](

<a name="1.0.0"></a>
# 1.0.0 (2020-07-16)

### :computer: Continuous Integration

* add automated tests via github actions ([eff8d1f](
* release automatically via github actions ([2e7b47d](

### :construction_worker: Build

* adopt angular-emoji as the changelog template ([91a9bd3](
* **preset:** add build pipeline to the project ([cfa9d3a](
* **preset:** add prettier to the project ([ee8b850](
* **preset:** add typescript to the project ([7c24a75](
* **preset:** use npm for bootstrapping ([ecae2f3](
* **presetter/cli:** add npm scripts for running project tasks ([0890c29](

### :package: Code Refactoring

* add a json extension to all rc files ([18d7195](

### :sparkles: Features

* **cli:** link presetter CLI on the root ([7bad25f](
* **preset:** export contained configurations ([27a8c9f](
* **preset:** provide customisation on directories ([cbb7a34](
* **preset/build:** add babel for script building ([b3546ea](
* **preset/build:** add some build utilities ([867847c](
* **preset/build:** add tscpaths for translating relative path ([2dc3771](
* **preset/build:** adopt angular-emoji as the changelog preset ([67699ab](
* **preset/fmt:** add prettier for code formatting ([8fa3c2e](
* **preset/git:** add a .gitignore template that ignores build artifacts ([4f5b9d8](
* **preset/lint:** add eslint for code linting ([e82fb42](
* **preset/lint:** add leasot for identifying TODO items ([1c4571b](
* **preset/npm:** add a .npmignore template that only include lib ([fa671a4](
* **preset/release:** add standard-version for release management ([24e6cbb](
* **preset/script:** add a standard template for npm scripts ([a322087](
* **preset/script:** add shortcuts for coverage and watch ([67b0689](
* **preset/script:** add shortcuts for prerelease ([40668b5](
* **preset/test:** add jest for testing ([0a741e7](
* **preset/test:** add ts-node and tsconfig-path for development ([4878efe](
* **preset/ts:** add typescript and configuration files ([01719a6](
* **preset/util:** provide common helpers ([77bd428](
* **presetter/cli:** provide a command line interface for presetter ([7403064](
* **presetter/err:** provider helpers for handling errors ([1563650](
* **presetter/pkg:** provider helpers for handling packages ([32e48a8](
* **presetter/preset:** provide helpers for setting up a preset ([7545351](
* **presetter/run:** provide a task runner ([fca0c1d](
* **presetter/task:** provide helpers for task analysis ([9a5c1e2](