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namespace AlwaysOpen\AuditLog\Traits;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany;
use AlwaysOpen\AuditLog\Observers\AuditLogObserver;

trait AuditLoggable
     * Boots the trait and sets the observer.
    public static function bootAuditLoggable(): void

     * @return string
    public function getAuditLogModelName(): string
        return get_class($this) . config('model-auditlog.model_suffix');

     * Gets an instance of the audit log for this model.
     * @return mixed
    public function getAuditLogModelInstance()
        $class = $this->getAuditLogModelName();

        return new $class();

     * @return string
    public function getAuditLogTableName(): string
        return $this->getTable() . config('model-auditlog.table_suffix');

     * Get fields that should be ignored from the auditlog for this model.
     * @return array
    public function getAuditLogIgnoredFields(): array
        return [];

     * Get fields that should be used as keys on the auditlog for this model.
     * @return array
    public function getAuditLogForeignKeyColumns(): array
        return ['subject_id' => $this->getKeyName()];

     * Get the columns used in the foreign key on the audit log table.
     * @return array
    public function getAuditLogForeignKeyColumnKeys(): array
        return array_keys($this->getAuditLogForeignKeyColumns());

     * Get the columns used in the unique index on the model table.
     * @return array
    public function getAuditLogForeignKeyColumnValues(): array
        return array_values($this->getAuditLogForeignKeyColumns());

     * Get the audit logs for this model.
     * @return HasMany|null
    public function auditLogs(): ?HasMany
        return $this->hasMany($this->getAuditLogModelName(), 'subject_id');

    public function fieldAsOf($field, \DateTime $date) : mixed
        return $this->auditLogs()
                ->where('field_name', '=', $field)
                ->where('occurred_at', '<=', $date)
                ->orderBy('occurred_at', 'desc')
                ->orderBy($this->getAuditLogTableName() . '.id')
                ->field_value_new ?? null;

    public function asOf(\DateTime $date) : self
        $fields = $this->auditLogs()
            ->where('occurred_at', '<=', $date)

        $subject = $this->replicate();

        $fields->each(function ($row) use ($date, &$subject) {
            $subject->{$row->field_name} = $this->fieldAsOf($row->field_name, $date);

        return $subject;