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# React Credit Cards

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A slick credit card component for React.



### Install

npm install --save react-credit-cards

### Usage

import React from 'react';
import Cards from 'react-credit-cards';

export default class PaymentForm extends React.Component {
  state = {
    cvc: '',
    expiry: '',
    focus: '',
    name: '',
    number: '',

  handleInputFocus = (e) => {
    this.setState({ focus: });
  handleInputChange = (e) => {
    const { name, value } =;
    this.setState({ [name]: value });
  render() {
    return (
      <div id="PaymentForm">
            placeholder="Card Number"

Don't forget to import the `react-credit-cards/lib/styles.scss` if you are using SASS in your project.  
Or you can import the CSS:  
`import 'react-credit-cards/es/styles-compiled.css';`

### Features

- We support all credit card issuers available in [Payment]( plus Hipercard (a brazilian credit card).

## Props

- `name` {string}: Name on card. \*
- `number` {string|number}: Card number. \*
- `expiry` {string|number}: Card expiry date. `10/20` or `012017` \*
- `cvc` {string|number}: Card CVC/CVV. \*
- `focused` {string}: Focused card field. `name|number|expiry|cvc`
- `locale` {object}: Localization text (e.g. `{ valid: 'valid thru' }`).
- `placeholders` {object}: Placeholder text (e.g. `{ name: 'YOUR NAME HERE' }`).
- `preview` {bool}: To use the card to show scrambled data (e.g. `**** 4567`).
- `issuer` {string}: Set the issuer for the `preview` mode (e.g. `visa|mastercard|...`)
- `acceptedCards` {array}: If you want to limit the accepted cards. (e.g. `['visa', 'mastercard']`
- `callback` {func}: A callback function that will be called when the card number has changed with 2 paramaters: `type ({ issuer: 'visa', maxLength: 19 }), isValid ({boolean})`

\* _Required fields_

## SCSS options

**Credit Card sizing**

- `$rccs-card-ratio`: Card ratio. Defaults to `1.5858`
- `$rccs-size`: Card width. Defaults to `290px`

**Credit Card fonts**

- `$rccs-name-font-size`: Defaults to `17px`
- `$rccs-name-font-family`: Defaults to `Consolas, Courier, monospace`
- `$rccs-number-font-size`: Defaults to `17px`
- `$rccs-number-font-family`: Defaults to `Consolas, Courier, monospace`
- `$rccs-valid-font-size`: Defaults to `10px`
- `$rccs-expiry-font-size`: Defaults to `16px`
- `$rccs-expiry-font-family`: Defaults to `Consolas, Courier, monospace`
- `$rccs-cvc-font-size`: Defaults to `14px`
- `$rccs-cvc-font-family`: Defaults to `Consolas, Courier, monospace`
- `$rccs-cvc-color`: Defaults to `#222`

**Credit Card styling**

- `$rccs-shadow`: Defaults to `0 0 20px rgba(#000, 0.2)`
- `$rccs-light-text-color`: Card text color for dark cards. Defaults to `#fff`
- `$rccs-dark-text-color`: Card text color for light cards. Defaults to `#555`
- `$rccs-stripe-bg-color`: Stripe background color in the back. Defaults to `#2a1d16`
- `$rccs-signature-background`: Signature background in the back. Defaults to `repeating-linear-gradient(0.1deg, #fff 20%, #fff 40%, #fea 40%, #fea 44%, #fff 44%)`
- `$rccs-default-background`: Default card background. Defaults to `linear-gradient(25deg, #939393, #717171)`
- `$rccs-unknown-background`: Unknown card background. Defaults to `linear-gradient(25deg, #999, #999)`
- `$rccs-background-transition`: Card background transition. Defaults to `all 0.5s ease-out`
- `$rccs-animate-background`: Card background animation. Defaults to `true`

**Credit Card brands**

- `$rccs-amex-background`: Defaults to `linear-gradient(25deg, #308c67, #a3f2cf)`
- `$rccs-dankort-background`: Defaults to `linear-gradient(25deg, #ccc, #999)`
- `$rccs-dinersclub-background`: Defaults to `linear-gradient(25deg, #fff, #eee)`
- `$rccs-discover-background`: Defaults to `linear-gradient(25deg, #fff, #eee)`
- `$rccs-mastercard-background`: Defaults to `linear-gradient(25deg, #e8e9e5, #fbfbfb)`
- `$rccs-visa-background`: Defaults to `linear-gradient(25deg, #0f509e, #1399cd)`
- `$rccs-elo-background`: Defaults to `linear-gradient(25deg, #211c18, #aaa7a2)`
- `$rccs-hipercard-background`: Defaults to `linear-gradient(25deg, #8b181b, #de1f27)`

## Development

Here's how you can get started developing locally:

    $ git clone
    $ cd react-credit-cards
    $ npm install
    $ npm start

Now, if you go to `http://localhost:3000` in your browser, you should see the demo page.

## Contributing

Please read []( for details on our code of conduct, and the process of contributing to the project.

## Useful links

[EBANK's test numbers](  
[Adyen's test numbers](  
[Worldpay's test card numbers](  
[Brazilian cards patterns](


This project is licensed under the [MIT License](

###### Made with ❤️ at [AMARO](