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# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [Unreleased]
### Changed

## [1.3.47] - 2021-10-21
### Changed
- Bumped several gems

## [1.3.46] - 2021-08-27
### Changed
- Bumped rails 6.1.4 ->
- Bumped several gems

## [1.3.45] - 2021-07-28
### Changed
- Bumped brakeman gem to 5.1.1

## [1.3.44] - 2021-07-17
### Changed
- Bumped rails to 6.1.4
- Bumped several third-party gems

## [1.3.43] - 2021-06-09
### Changed
- Bumped several third-party gems

## [1.3.42] - 2021-05-25
### Changed
- Bump bundler to 2.2.17

## [1.3.41] - 2021-05-18
### Changed
- Bump puma gem to 5.3.1 to fix a severe vulnerability.

## [1.3.40] - 2021-05-06
### Changed
- Upgrade to Rails

## [1.3.39] - 2021-04-07
### Changed
- Upgrade to Rails

## [1.3.38] - 2021-02-19
### Changed
- Upgrade to Rails 6.1.3

## [1.3.37] - 2021-02-12
### Fixed
Fixed bug requiring file that crashed the app on startup.

## [1.3.36] - 2021-02-11
### Changed
- Upgrade to Rails (bugfix release)

## [1.3.35] - 2021-02-11
### Changed
- Upgrade to Rails 6.1.x
- Fixed bug in loading classes since upgrading to Rails 6.1

## [1.3.34] - 2021-01-31
### Changed
- Added installation instructions using docker-compose.

## [1.3.33] - 2021-01-31
### Changed
- Replaced references to github with references to gitlab. Update outdated twitter and email links. Removed references
to FeedBunch being a free to use SaaS.

## [1.3.32] - 2021-01-31
### Changed
- Added image that runs cron scripts. For not it only runs a script that deletes old files cached by rack-cache.

## [1.3.31] - 2021-01-31
### Changed
- Push "latest" tag to docker hub on each build.

## [1.3.30] - 2021-01-31
### Changed
- Fixed paths in Dockerfiles and docker-compose.yml

## [1.3.29] - 2021-01-31
### Changed
- Push images to docker hub from gitlab-ci.

## [1.3.28] - 2021-01-31
### Changed
- Added subproject to build images to run feedbunch in Docker.

## [1.3.27] - 2021-01-29
### Changed
- Run tests in Gitlab CI/CD instead of Semaphore CI.

## [1.3.26] - 2021-01-28
### Changed
- Cleaned activeadmin views.
- Fixed creating new users from activeadmin interface.
## [1.3.25] - 2021-01-26
### Changed
- Removed all functionality related to sharing in social networks. Integration with social networks is now considered
out of scope for this project.

## [1.3.24] - 2021-01-24
### Fixed
- Correct path to connect to remote browser.

## [1.3.23] - 2021-01-24
### Fixed
- When opening selenium connection to a remote browser, set the uri scheme after setting the uri host, otherwise
an error is raised.

## [1.3.22] - 2021-01-24
### Changed
- FeedBunch can use a remote browser instance that is listening for Selenium connections instead of a local
Chromium instance. A full browser is used for fetching certain feeds that cannot be fetched with a simple HTTP
client. This behavior is controlled by the HEADLESS_BROWSER_LOCATION env variable: if "local" (the default) a 
local Chromium instance is used, if "remote" a remote browser is used instead. If using a remote browser the
HEADLESS_BROWSER_HOST ("" by default) and HEADLESS_BROWSER_PORT (4444 by default) can be used to set
the host/port where the browser is listening for remote Selenium connections. 

## [1.3.21] - 2021-01-24
### Changed
- Removed monkeypatch that disable advisory locking in postgresql during migrations. This was necessary when
connecting to postgresql through pgbouncer, but it's no longer necessary in a dockerized environment.
- Removed travis-ci config file.
- Removed capistrano (and its config) from the app. Deployments will no longer be managed with capistrano 
but with docker commands instead.

## [1.3.20] - 2021-01-24
### Changed
- Removed all usage of NewRelic

## [1.3.19] - 2021-01-24
### Changed
- Removed distinction between "free" and "paid" users. Users have never had to pay.
### Fixed
- Rails env is not unconditionally set to production by the devise initializer anymore.

## [1.3.18] - 2021-01-22
### Changed 
- Removed the unused "staging" environment.
- Removed blacklisted hosts. The capability for FeedBunch to blacklist hosts, keeping users from 
subscribing to feeds in those hosts, is still implemented, but the list is empty in the default

## [1.3.17] - 2021-01-22
### Changed 
- Public signup of new users can be enabled or disabled with the SIGNUPS_ENABLED environment variable.
They are enabled by default.
- Removed the message about FeedBunch being an open beta.

## [1.3.16] - 2021-01-22
### Changed
- Email used to send admin emails (OPML import/export failure notifications, Devise emails...) is parametrizable
with the ADMIN_EMAIL env var. It takes the value by default.

## [1.3.15] - 2021-01-22
### Fixed
- Fixed a bug that crashed the app when displaying certain pages if the demo user was disabled.

## [1.3.14] - 2021-01-21
### Changed
- The DEMO_USER_ENABLED env variable controls whether the demo user is enabled or not. Enabled by default.
- The demo user is fully configured only if it's actually enabled.
- The ResetDemoUserWorker sidekiq worker is scheduled to run hourly only if the demo user is enabled. If
it's disabled it's never scheduled.

## [1.3.13] - 2021-01-21
### Fixed
- Fixed setting default scheme and host for links inside emails sent by the app with the EMAIL_LINKS_URL
env variable. 

## [1.3.12] - 2021-01-21
### Changed
- The EMAIL_LINKS_URL env variable can be used to control base URL in links inside emails sent by the app.
By default it takes the value "".

## [1.3.11] - 2021-01-17
### Fixed
- Disable sending a confirmation email when a user is created non-interactively with script/create_user.rb
The right way to do it is the .skip_confirmation! method, not trying to disable ActiveMailer email delivery.

## [1.3.10] - 2021-01-17
### Changed
- Add script in script/create_user.rb to create users non-interactively. Can be used e.g. to populate the first 
admin user in a new installation.

## [1.3.9] - 2021-01-14
### Fixed
- Allow Sidekiq server to connect to a Redis instance in a different host/port than localhost/6379. The
problem was that two invocations to Sidekiq.configure_server were made (once to set Redis host and port, and
a second time to configure Cron jobs), and it seems Sidekiqs resets all server config to its default values
every time configure_server is invoked, discarding the changes in the first invokation.

## [1.3.8] - 2021-01-06
### Changed
- Removed facebook app ID from configuration, it's not been used for years.
- Make uploads behavior parametrizable through env variables; either store uploads locally, or use
an AWS S3 bucket.

## [1.3.7] - 2021-01-04
### Changed
- The port and authentication method of the external SMTP server used to send emails is parametrizable
with the ```smtp_port``` and  ```smtp_authentication``` values in ```secrets.yml```.

## [1.3.6] - 2020-11-24
### Changed
- The FEEDBUNCH_LOG_LEVEL env variable can be used to control the log level in production. By default
it takes the value "warn".

## [1.3.5] - 2020-11-18
### Changed
- Use FORCE_SECURE env variable instead of FORCE_SSL. It not only controls forcing SSL, but also forcing
the use of secure cookies and HSTS.

## [1.3.4] - 2020-11-15
### Changed
- The FORCE_SSL env variable can be used to control the force_ssl rails flag, forcing connections, 
cookies etc to use secure connections only. This behavior is enabled by default.

## [1.3.3] - 2020-11-12
### Changed
- If the PORT env variable is set, FeedBunch binds to that TCP port in all network interfaces. 
If it's not set, FeedBunch binds to a local unix socket and will need a webserver frontend (e.g. nginx) to 
accept requests.

## [1.3.2] - 2020-11-10
### Changed
- Allow the log file where Puma writes to be configured via the STDOUT_FILE and STDERR_FILE env variables. 
The default is the same path as before.

## [1.3.1] - 2020-11-10
### Changed
- Allow the release path used by Puma to be configured via the APP_DIR env variable. 
The default is the same path as before.

## [1.3.0] - 2020-10-08
### Changed
- Updated ruby version to 2.7.2
- Updated rails to

## [1.2.1] - 2020-06-09
### Changed
- Updated rails to 6.0.3

## [1.2.0] - 2020-04-15
### Changed
- Updated ruby version to 2.7.1
- Updated rails to

## [1.1.4] - 2020-01-26
### Fixed
- Intermittent error (undefined method 'headers' for Array) when subscribing to a feed.

## [1.1.3] - 2020-01-23
### Fixed
- Error when fetching special feeds (String was used instead of the actual class).

## [1.1.2] - 2020-01-12
### Changed
- Upgraded to Rails
- Removed warnings during app initialization related to Zeitwerk.

## [1.1.1] - 2020-01-06
### Changed
- Updated config files to align with Rails 6 defaults.

## [1.1.0] - 2020-01-06
### Changed
- Updated Rails to 6.0.0.

## [1.0.3] - 2020-01-02
### Changed
- Use built-in redis cache store, instead of redis-rails gem.

## [1.0.2] - 2020-01-02
### Changed
- Use rbenv instead of rvm to manage project rubies.
- Updated Rails to

## [1.0.1] - 2019-12-31
### Changed
- Updated gem dependencies.
- Ruby version updated to 2.7.

### Fixed
- Fixed errors caused by behavior changes in Feedjira 3.1.0.
- Removed deprecation warnings after update to Ruby 2.7.
- Removed deprecation warnings from Capistrano.

## [1.0] - 2019-11-12
First stable version.

Project is hosted in [gitlab](, 
with a [github]( repo as a read-only mirror.